Annual General Meeting

27th November 2014at 7.30 p.m.

Venue: Kidlington Cricket Club


Vice Presidents, Executive Committee members and representatives from all 52clubs. It was noted that representatives from Witney Swifts and Ducklington left the meeting prior to its conclusion.

1. President’s Welcome:

The President welcomed everyone to the 2014 Annual General Meeting and reported that sadly, the following members had died since the last AGM, these were: Les Hole of Freeland who was tragically killed before last Christmas, Tony Pullinger, former OCA {President & Life Vice President, until his death in June and a wonderful supporter of the OCA for numerous years. Bob Ridgeway, a fine batsman for Great Horwood from the first year they joined the OCA and Frank Eley, former OCA Secretary for many years, Life Vice President until his death in October. Tetsworth’s total force regarding OCA matters (i.e. Secretarial, Groundsman, and one of their two umpires). Frank, with considerable support from his wife Pam has been the driving force at Tetsworth for numerous years and we hope that Pam is able to continue cricket at Tetsworth as a legacy to Frank’s work.

He asked the meeting to stand for a minutes silence in memory of these supporters of the association.

The membership for 2015 is therefore 52 clubs comprising of 92 teams in 10 Divisions with five cup competitions, plus the invitational Tony Pullinger 20-20 cup competition.

The President offered special thanks to Kidlington C.C., particularly Chris Probert for the use of their fine facilities this evening and over the past twelve months, including staging the semi-finals and final of the Tony Pullinger 20-20 Cup Competition.

The meeting were reminded that only one delegate from each club may speak or participate in voting and the proposals set out cannot be amended during the course of the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence:

Mr. Michael Belcher, Mr. Steve Oliver (OCA Treasurer) and Mr. Nick Wilks (OCA Executive)

3. Minutes of the previous AGM – 28th November 2013

The minutes that had been circulated via e-mail to all clubs (and put on the website) were agreed as a correct record of the meeting and duly signed by the President.

4. Matters arising from these minutes:

There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.

5. President’s Report:

A copy of the report is attached.

6. Chairman’s Report:

A copy of the report is attached.

7. Treasurer’s report and adoption of Accounts:

All clubs had received a copy of the accounts and the Treasurer’s report in their envelopes. In the Treasurer’s absence, Nick Treweeke (President) went through the details of the accounts and as there were no questions, he asked for the accounts to be adopted. Proposed by Barry Souch of Hook Norton and seconded by Tim Hamp of Oxenford. The result of the vote was unanimous. A copy of the accounts and the Treasurers report is attached to these minutes.

8. Resolutions to change the Constitution and Rules of the Association:

Witney Swifts (seconded by Hanborough) and Radley (seconded by Wootton & Boars Hill) and the Executive had proposed nine rule/constitutionalchanges.

These proposals are listed under the reports section at the end of these minutes,but listed below are the results of the vote by the member clubs which were as follows:

Constitution Articles:


Match Rules:

33. Carried:35 – 10 with 1 abstention.


10. Carried:48 – 1




29.Not carried:20 – 27 against.

16f, 16g and 19.Not carried:7 – 41 against **

** It was suggested that we run this side by side to the current rule and monitor the results?

Although 52 clubs attended, the maximum number of votes at any one time was 49, so perhaps the system of voting needs to be investigated. Due to no close results, there were no problems encountered during voting.

9. Election of Officers and the Executive Committee:

9.1 President:

Mr. Nick Treweeke

Result: Unanimous

9.2 Life Vice Presidents x 12

Mr. W J Allen, Mr. N R Beech, Mr. M.A.Belcher, Mr. P T Boyd Maunsell, Mr. G Clack, Mr. D Faulkner, Mr B. Hancock, Mr. N T Harris, Mr. J A Hunt and Mr.M Maguire

9.3 Vice Presidents x 14

Mr P R Biggs, Mrs Blanchard-Ward, Mr R Burrough, Mrs J Crump, Mr. K. Hamp, Mr. S Howard, Mr R Ledger, Mr F E Leese, Mr R Moss, Mrs J Phipps, Mr A Richardson, Mrs Carol Shepheard, Mr P White and Mr C. Wrench.

The above were proposed on block by the Executive.

Result: Unanimous

9.4 Executive Committee:

Office:Current: Proposed: Club Allegiance:

Chairman:Mr B H Standish Mr B H StandishNo allegiance

Vice Chairman:Vacant: Mr P. BaringE & W Hendred

General Secretary &

Minutes Secretary:Mr. C. Olliffe Mr C OlliffeCharlbury

Treasurer: Mr S Oliver Mr S OliverNo allegiance

Fixtures Secretary:Mr D. Quinn Mr D. QuinnWolvercote

Registration Secretary:Mr. P. WhitlockMr. P. WhitlockChesterton

Cups Secretary:Mr P Baring Mr P BaringE & W Hendred

Umpires Secretary:Mr. David QuinnMr. David Quinn Wolvercote

Disciplinary Chairman:Vacant:Mr. N. WilksStonesfield

Grounds Committee: Mr I MulfordMr I MulfordE & W Hendred

-do- -do-Mr S MorseMr S MorseChesterton

Facilities Secretary:Mr. N. WilksMr. N. WilksStonesfield

Results Secretary:Mr A. WormanMr. A. WormanBritwell Salome

Media Sec’:Mr D. QuinnVacant:

Webmaster:Mr A WormanMr A WormanBritwell Salome

Clubs Liaison Officer:Mr. P. DuesterMr. P. DuesterChadlington

Forum & Social media:Mr. C. MercerMr. C. MercerWantage

Other Executive Members:

Mr C ProbertMr C ProbertKidlington

Mr J. LoweMr J LoweNo allegiance

Mr.P. HoskinsVacant


Result of Vote: Unanimous.

Offers to join the Executive Committee had been received after the Annual General Meeting from Mr.Marcus Charman of Wootton & Boars Hill). The Executive will consider co-opting other personsat their meeting in January 2015

Auditors: Independent. – External inspection and verification.

10. Any other business:

Covers or sheets for the 2015 season – a show of hands was requested to judge support that ALL CLUBS should provide covers (either roll-on or a simple sheet) for their grounds and the indication from member clubs was that this should be introduced as from the 2015 season. This can be put through under Bye-Laws and does not need to be put to a vote.

Meeting closed at 9.32.p.m. Circulated to Executive 30.11.2014

Reports of the following :

President’s Report – Chairman’s report – Treasurer’sReport and Accounts plus Proposed Constitution & Rule Changes:

Details of the resolutions changed in the constitution and rules of the Association can be read from the 2015OCA handbook and will be highlighted in BOLD PRINT.

President’s Report:

President’s report to the AGM – 27th November 2014

Congratulations to all league and cup winners in 2014, in particular, Cowley International with their 1st XI winning Division 1, the Airey Cup and the Tony Pullinger 20-20 Cup competition, and the 2nd XI winning Division 8. Hanborough 1st XI winning Division 4 and the 2nd XI winning the Osberton Radiators Cup. Finally, I would like to pick out Wootton & Boars Hill for the 2nd XI completing a league and cup double, with the 1st XI remaining unbeaten in the league Division 4 but having to settle for runners-up spot.

I suppose with all the competitive cricket being played there are going to be spasmodic outbursts of bad behaviour and unfortunately this year, two players have received bans of 28 and 36 matches for grotesque behaviour, which the disciplinary panel rightly decided needed severe penalties.

With regard to discipline I would like to thank David Burns for all his work as co-ordinator of the Disciplinary Committee, he will be a big loss to the Executive. Hopefully, next seasons Disciplinary Committee will continue to follow David’s lead and crackdown on the few unruly players who seem to want to spoil the enjoyment for the majority.

I wish to thank all members of the Umpires panel for their officiating in 2014 and hope the interest remains strong for 2015. The OCA is extremely fortunate to have such good support from their umpires.

I also wish to thank all members of the Executive for their efforts in the last twelve months, as they give up a serious amount of time and incur personal cost to run the association smoothly.

I feel I should draw attention to two happenings in the last fortnight. Firstly, I understand a court case has commenced where a player is claiming an injury was caused by negligent umpiring – I don’t know the facts but advise that the association does insure its umpires against public liability claims and limited personal accident. Secondly, the tragic death today of Phil Hughes highlights there is a risk in batting and fielding, and I strongly suggest all clubs should investigate personal accident cover for their players before next May (2015).

I will conclude by welcoming the re-emergence of Chalgrove CC to Division 10 in 2015, resulting in 10 Divisions of, hopefully, 92 teams from 52 clubs. We still have five cup competitions, plus the invitational Tony Pullinger 20-20 cup, and the two sides automatically at Finals Day being Cowley International (Division 1) and Great Horwood as Runners-Up to Cowley International in the Airey Cup.

Nick Treweeke

Nick Treweeke

OCA President27th November 2014.

Chairman’s Report:

Chairman’s report to the AGM – 27th November 2014

Another year passes. We remain in an era of change which has required me to stand for a further last year as Chairman despite the need for me to be out of the country for a proportion of the year. Let us hope that we can resolve the situation soon.

I would like to express my thanks to David Burns for his hard work as Vice-Chairman and Disciplinary Co-ordinator. I hope circumstances will allow him to return to the committee soon.

The Executive has benefited this year from the input of new members. I am pleased that Nick Wilks has undertaken our review into facilities and I would like to thank Peter Whitlock for his hard work in coming to terms with the registration role. Thanks are also due to David Quinn who has worked hard this year in fulfilling three executive roles. We still hope that an entry level course can be arranged so that all Umpires who work in a club rota can be identified and given training.

The website continues to be one of our major strengths. Once more we must thank Andy Worman for all of his work on our behalf. He would still be greatly relieved however if greater inputting accuracy could be achieved as there are still too many corrections each week. Thanksare also due to Colin Mercer who has extended the role of social media which is another developmentarea.

It remains a disappointment to me that we have not completed the team by ensuring that dedicated scorers are available. There were more Champions last season who named a scorer for the medal we provide at the Presentation Dinner. I hope that Clubs can continue to remedy this situation in 2015 and the Executive will continue to review the current situation.

I am also grateful to other Executive members who continue to enable us to be involved with the game we love. I would, however, continue to stress that the Executive volunteer their time for the Association. Please see Colin or myself if you would like to contribute andwork with them for the general good and help and support them to build a strong base for cricket in Oxfordshire.

Brian Standish

Brian Standish

OCA Chairman27th November 2014.

Treasurers Report:

Treasurer’s Report to the AGM November 2014

I am sure it has already been mentioned but I would like to welcome you all this evening and once again I offer my apologies for not being present.

Firstly, I would like to get a bit of a moan out of the way. One of my duties as Honorary Treasurer is to make sure that all trophies presented by the Association during the course of the year are clean and available on the date they are due to be presented, whether that is a cup final or once again at the presentation dinner. Even though it has been stated in the handbook ever since I have been treasurer that all cups should be returned to ME by the 1st July and ALL trophies returned to me by the 1st October, this year has been particularly difficult with a lot of clubs unaware of their obligation. Although I have been prepared to drive around the county to collect trophies, still one had not been returned by the time of the presentation dinner. This has resulted in the club concerned replacing the trophy on a like for like basis with them responsible for all costs. Please, please, please make sure that if your club is in possession of ANY trophy that you are aware of when it needs to be returned. Those clubs with trophies are obligated to sign an acceptance form which covers them for insurance purposes in the event of loss or damage. Rant over.

Hopefully by now you will have all seen a copy of the accounts for the 2013-2014season. As is customary with my reports I would like to thank a few people before I discuss the accounts in more detail.

  • I would firstly like to thank my fellow members on the committee. Once again, due to work commitments, I have not been able to devote the time I would like to the Association. During the year, they have again made my job that little bit easier. I would personally like to thank Colin for again making the presentation dinner a resounding success and to Nick with his help in preparing these accounts I have always been good at Maths, but accounts seem to obey their own rules.
  • I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the Association over the year. There are many companies and individuals who offset the cost of the handbook by taking up advertising space. Gordon Clack has once again not only paid for an advert but also provided cricket balls for all cup finals played during the season.

And so to the accounts themselves.

In preparing this report I have looked back at what I have written in previous years and I always seem to talk about fines, whether it is praising member clubs for following the rules and paying few fines or castigating them for paying so many. This year is again a case of the latter. In the 2012-2013 season, I had hope we had turned a corner having collected just £978. Unfortunately, my hope was sadly misplaced. This season, you, as member clubs have added over £1961 to the Associations coffers. If clubs have this sort of money to waste, perhaps it is time I raised subscriptions….. The upside of the large amount from fines is that the Association has been able to help more clubs improve their facilities by awarding grants. This year has seen over £1500 given to clubs for new covers, ground equipment etc. If you are prepared to continue incurring fines, I am prepared to accept the money. Some fines are levied to help with administrative issues but the majority are because clubs do not do what they are asked. Enter your results on the website, name your umpires, advise your ground availability, fill in ground assessments. These are simple things that can save you a lot of money.

For the 2013-2014 season, the Association made a loss of £1788. A large part of this, £668 was due to costs involved with the operation and maintenance of the website. This is an important part of the Association and worth every penny.

The Annual presentation dinner again recorded a loss, this year of £545. Although well attended, the revenue from the dinner is not sufficient to cover all costs with the speaker alone costing between £1000-2000. To attend the dinner costs just £25 which, I think, is good value. We must try and encourage as many people as possible to attend the event as it is important that we all have the opportunity to congratulate those successful clubs.

Once again, the Association has held Grounds man’s courses, which have cost money. When held in the future, clubs will be encouraged to send attendees and so reduce this expense.

And that is about it really…. Many of the outgoings of the Association have stayed much the same. Those items that have shown an increase have done so by current inflation rates, and, as mentioned in previous years, will continue to do so.

Thank you for your patience.

For a further year, I have no plans to raise subscription costs for the 2016 season. The fining system will be monitored and tailored to target persistent offenders.

If there any issues relating to any aspect of the accounts, please let me know and I will try and answer them.

Lastly, I would just like to wish you all the very best Christmas and New Year you can have and that 2015 brings with it the success you deserve on the cricket field. It just remains for me to formerly propose that the accounts for 2013-2014 season be accepted.

Steve Oliver

(Honorary Treasurer)

Proposed Constitution and Rule changes:

Proposal for Constitution and Match Rule Changes for AGM 27th November 2014