Course Syllabus

Mr. Milton

7th Grade History

Course Description

Welcome to 7th grade World History! We will be examining the events, people, and places that have shaped our great world. We will cover a wide variety of material throughout the course of the year and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.

Classroom Expectations

-I expect you to be in your desk ready to start class when the bell rings. (always have your materials on your desk when class starts)

-I expect you to come prepared to learn.

-You can expect me to always put forward my best effort, I expect the same from you.

-I expect you to treat other students the same way that you would want to be treated.

-I expect you to follow all school rules Be Safe, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action.


Your work is your responsibility. There will be a variety of assignments done during this year (book work, in class assignments, CIA’s, projects, group projects, reenactments, opportunities to destroy your enemies, etc.) YOU MUST have a binder of some kind to organize assignments (we will have binder checks)! Late assignments will be accepted and they must be turned into the front of the room onto Mr. Milton’s stand (must be turned in within a reasonable amount of time, 1 unit of study). There will be a deduction for late assignments.


The tests will be at the end of the chapter and will be announced. CIA’s are a research project that will coincide with most units and the students will have at least 2 weeks, sometimes more time to complete them.

*It is recommended that students go through their notes at least once a week and fill in the left hand side of their notes if not done in class, highlight their notes, or read through their notes.

Grading Policy

90% or higher is an A

80% -89% is a B

70%-79% is a C

60%-69% is a D

59% lower failing

90% of the grade will be calculated from summative assignments

10% of the grade will be calculated from formative assignments

What to bring to class

Three ring binder with dividers (one divider for history)

Writing materials – pen, pencils, highlighters

Lined Paper (for notes or writing assignments)

Student Planner

BOOKS – You will have your own 7th Grade History Book and it will stay in class (taking it home to study is fine but it must come back then next day) never take a book for another student unless it is cleared with me first.

I hope that you enjoy all your classes this year, especially World History!

Please sign the end of the syllabus showing you understand the expectations and procedures of our class and then have your student keep the syllabus in their binder.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______