FORM EXFHEA: Application for full exemption from the Probationary Requirements for Learning and Teaching on the basis of FHEA recognition

To be completed by the probationer:

Last Name: / First name:
Position: / Staff number:
Email: / Tel:
Probation start date: / Probation End date:

I confirm that I have already achieved FHEA recognition and have attached a copy of my certificate from the HEA as evidence of this.

My certificate number is:

Please email the completed form with an electronic copy of your HEA certificate to:

Date received:
FHEA certificate provided:
Outcome notified to applicant (copied toHoD and Faculty HR)

Gaining Full Exemption from the Probationary Requirements for Professional Development in Learning and Teaching

Probationary requirements

All University of Sheffield staff on academic probation are required to gain Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) as a condition of their probation in accordance with the decision made by the University’s Learning and Teaching Committee on 20 November 2013 and recorded in the minutes:

8.2 / It was recommended that where new staff join the University with teaching experience they should be able to meet their probationary requirement by applying for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) through the Personal Recognition Scheme rather than undertaking the Certificate in Learning and Teaching (CiLT). Those who hold an equivalent teaching qualification or fellowship of the HEA would be exempt from the probationary requirement as they are currently.

Any probationer who is already a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) or holds an equivalent qualification to CiLT from another University can apply to be exempt from the probationary requirement.

How to apply for full exemption.

Probationers with Fellowship of the HEA (FHEA) should complete and email
FORM EXFHEA with an electronic copy of their certificate from the HEA to .

The documents will be signed off by a member of the Professional Development Team for Learning and Teaching (in LeTS) and HR will be informed of the exemption.

Probationers with a qualificationwhich may to be equivalent to CiLT should complete FORM EXCERT which includes a supporting statement written by the applicant against each of the CiLT Module 1 and 2 Learning Outcomes. The completed form and required items of evidence (specified on the form) should be forwarded in hardcopy to:
April Dawson, LeTS, New Spring House, 231 Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2GW.

The application will be assessed by a member of the CiLT Team and the CiLT Course Director. Some applicants may be required to undertake the equivalent of a CiLT Module 2 Viva to enable them to provide sufficient evidence of equivalency to support their application. The application will then be sent to the School of Education for final assessment. The School of Education will return the application to LeTs who will inform the candidate of the decision and notify HR.

Application forms and guidance are available at:

Enquiries about the process can be made by contacting the Dr Karen Ford APL and Exemptions Adviser from the Professional Development Team in LeTs
email or telephone 0114 22(20423)