Teaching Commitment
- Trainees are expected to lead learning for 40% - 60% of the teaching time available. The remaining time will be divided between observations of other teachers, and non-contact time.
- Non-contact time is to be used for assignment writing, written evaluations, seminar meetings, professional study, planning, preparation and assessment.
- It is recommended that the teaching commitment, observation of others and non-contact time will develop as follows:
Week / Teaching commitment / Observing others / Non-contact time
1 / 40% /
- Teach phonics groups
- Plan and support opportunities for mark making throughout the provision
- Plan another aspect of Continuous Provision
- Observe 3 children & adapt LE to support
2 / 40% /
- Teach phonics groups
- Plan teaching inputs for groups in early maths and plan aspects of continuous provision to support this learning
- Observe 3 children & adapt LE to support
3 / 60% /
- Teach phonics groups & extend phonics into guided reading
- Plan and support opportunities for mark making throughout the provision
- Plan teaching inputs for groups in early maths and plan aspects of continuous provision to support this learning
- Observe 3 children & adapt LE to support
4 / 60% /
- Teach phonics groups & extend phonics into guided reading
- Plan and support opportunities for mark making throughout the provision
- Plan teaching inputs for groups in early maths and plan aspects of continuous provision to support this learning
- Observe 3 children & adapt LE to support
In the week prior to the Teaching Practice, the class teacher will have a 2 hour planning meeting with the trainee. A further 2 hour session will be allocated for the class teacher to coach the trainee in specific aspects of their practice, addressing their individual needs.
Weekly seminar meetings with the School-based tutor will focus on areas for development identified in lesson observations, individual issues and professional development needs identified by the trainee or school staff and responses to School-based Tasks, including Course Assignments. The trainee’s Weekly Evaluation Form is central to the process of identifying and addressing individual needs, and targets and agreed actions to support their progress within the Teacher Standards will be recorded on the Teaching Practice Seminar Meeting Record.
The specific level of support required withplanning will be determined by the school-based tutor and class teacher. Their professional judgement will be based on the prior experience and confidence of each trainee. The following describes minimum requirements:
- Class teacherto discuss school medium term planning with the trainee
- Class teacherto discuss relevant pupil data with the trainee
- Trainee to contribute increasingly to joint planning with the class teacher(s)
- Trainee to draft detailed plans on SCITT proforma and discuss with their class teacher
- School-based tutor to check the content and format of initial SCITT lesson plans and discuss each aspect
- School-based tutor to arrange appropriate access and guidance from subject leaders
If the trainee is absent, the School-based tutor should contact the SCITT Office. The trainee should complete and have signed an absence form (found on Merlin) and then send or e-mail this to the SCITT office.
Professional Responsibilities
- Trainees are expected to maintain the ethos of the school, following relevant polices and routines.
- Trainees are expected to attend all appropriate staff meetings and school based INSET.
- Teaching practice files need to be kept up to date.
- Traineeswill have a minimum of fourassessed sessions:
-two by the School-based Tutor (1 jointly with DPSCITT staff)
-one by the Maths subject leader
-one by the English subject leader.*
Joint observations are encouraged whenever possible, and where further assessed sessions are required, thesewill be paired ones in which either the School-based Tutor, the Headteacher or DPSCITT staff will be involved.
- School-based Tutors are responsible for the teaching practice arrangements, and should notify the Headteacher and Senior Tutor of any concerns at the earliest opportunity.
- Teaching practice seminar records are to be used at weekly seminar meetings.
Content of Teaching Practice File:
- Class information – lists, timetables, groups, Pupil Premium children etc
- Long and medium term planning
- Weekly planning
- Session planning and evaluations
- Assessments of children (Trainee & TA)
- Notes on lessons observed by the trainee
Content of School A Assessment File:
- The school’s assessment and marking policies
- Available data on individual pupils
- Class/individual targets
- Reading records following school systems
- Portfolio of evidence from Maths group tasks
Criteria for Achieving the Teaching Practice
To achieve the first teaching practice, trainees need to have four ‘satisfactory’ session observations (ie. lessons in which none of the ‘Red’ statements are highlighted and less than 8 of the criteria on the lesson observation form are judged to be ‘inadequate’) and a satisfactory phonics observation.The assessed sessions will be timed to enable additional lesson observations to be completed before the end of the practice, should this be necessary. Where lessons are judged to be ‘inadequate’ or ‘red inadequate’ statements are highlighted, the Policy for Trainees Causing Concern will be implemented.
Observed sessions will be tracked on the Trainee’s Teaching Experience Record