Supplementary Material (Online only)

Appendix 1: List of studies

Reference / Organism / Habitat / Landscape explicit? / Landscape model / Metacommunity model /
Doi et al. 2010 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[1] / Mass effect
Doi et al. 2010 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Species sorting
Carranza et al. 2010 / Gastropod / Aquatic / Yes / Gradient[2] / Species sorting
Carranza et al. 2010 / Gastropod / Aquatic / Yes / Gradient / Mass effect
Matthiessen et al. 2010 / Microalgae / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[3] / Species sorting
Okuda et al. 2010 / Microalgae / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[4] / Species sorting
Okuda et al. 2010 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Okuda et al. 2010 / Mollusk / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Species sorting
Westley et al. 2010 / Fish / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[5] / Species sorting
Westley et al. 2010 / Fish / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Brown and Swan 2010 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Gradient[6] / Species sorting
Brown and Swan 2010 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Gradient / Mass effect
de Macedo-Soares et al. 2010 / Fish / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[7] / Mass effect
de Macedo-Soares et al. 2010 / Fish / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic / Species sorting
Presley and Willig 2010 / Bat / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[8] / Patch dynamics
Heino et al. 2010 / Diatom / Aquatic / No / Gradient[9] / Species sorting
Driscoll et al. 2010 / Beetle / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[10] / Species sorting
Vanschoenwinkel et al 2009 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Binary[11] / Patch dynamics
Nabout et al. 2009 / Phytoplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[12] / Mass effect
Perry et al. 2009 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[13] / Mass effect
Convertino et al. 2009 / NA / Aquatic / Yes / Homogeneous / Neutral
Zealand and Jeffries 2009 / Snail / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[14] / Mass effect
Hendricks et al. 2009 / Beetles / Terrestrial / Yes / Mosaic / Mass effect
Hendricks et al. 2009 / Beetles / Terrestrial / Yes / Mosaic[15] / Species sorting
Pandit et al. 2009 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[16] / Species sorting
Pandit et al. 2009 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Patch dynamics
Werner et al. 2009 / Amphibian / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[17] / Species sorting
Binckley and Restarits 2009 / Beetles / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[18] / Species sorting
Lindo and Winchester 2009 / Mite / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[19] / Species sorting
Soininen and Weckstrom 2009 / Diatom / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[20] / Species sorting
Soininen and Weckstrom 2009 / Diatom / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Neutral
Debout et al. 2009 / Ant / Terrestrial / No / Gradient[21] / Species sorting
Jones and McMahon 2009 / Bacteria / Aquatic / No / Gradient[22] / Species sorting
Svenning et al. 2009 / Plant / Terrestrial / Yes / Mosaic[23] / Species sorting
Vanromelingen et al. 2008 / Phytoplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[24] / Species sorting
Loebel et al. 2009 / Bryophyte / Terrestrial / Yes / Binary[25] / Patch dynamics
Nig et al. 2009 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[26] / Species sorting
McCauley et al. 2008 / Odonates / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[27] / Species sorting
Heino et al. 2008 / Insect / Aquatic / No / Gradient[28] / Species sorting
Azeria and Kolasa 2008 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Binary[29] / Patch dynamics
Guelat et al. 2008 / Shrew / Terrestrial / Yes / Mosaic[30] / Mass effect
Questad et al. 2008 / Grassland / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[31] / Species sorting
Meynard and Quinn 2008 / Bird / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[32] / Species sorting
Muneepeerakul et al. 2008 / Fish / Aquatic / Yes / Gradient[33] / Neutral
Spiesman and Cumming 2008 / Ant / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[34] / Species sorting
Brooks et al. 2008 / Beetles / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[35] / Species sorting
Van der Gucht et al. 2007 / Bacteria / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[36] / Species sorting
Vanschoenwinkel et al. 2008 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[37] / Species sorting
Vanschoenwinkel et al. 2008 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Stevens et al. 2007 / Bat / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[38] / Mass effect
Langenheder and Ragnassson 2007 / Bacteria / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[39] / Species sorting
Vanschoenwinkel et al. 2007 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[40] / Species sorting
Vanschoenwinkel et al. 2007 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Van de Meutter et al. 2007 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[41] / Mass effect
Huguney et al 2007 / Daphnia / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[42] / Mass effect
Crump et al. 2007 / Bacterioplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[43] / Mass effect
Ritcher-Boix et al. 2007 / Amphibian / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[44] / Species sorting
Ritcher-Boix et al. 2007 / amphibian / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic / Mass effect
Bloch et al. 2007 / Gastropod / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[45] / Species sorting
Ellis et al. 2006 / Mosqueto / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[46] / Species sorting
Ellis et al. 2006 / Mosqueto / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic / Patch dynamics
McCauly 2006 / Odonates / Terrestrial / No / Binary[47] / Patch dynamics
Parris 2006 / Amphibian / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[48] / Species sorting
Parris 2006 / Amphibian / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Cadotte 2006 / Microbe / Microcosm / No / Binary[49] / Patch dynamics
Heino 2005 / ChiroNomid midges / Aquatic / No / Gradient[50] / Species sorting
Heino 2005 / ChiroNomid midges / Aquatic / No / Gradient / Mass effect
Urban 2004 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[51] / Mass effect
Cottenie et al. 2003 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[52] / Species sorting
Cottenie et al. 2003 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient / Mass effect
Cottenie and De Meester 2003 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[53] / Species sorting
Cottenie et al. 2001 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[54] / Species sorting
Burns and Neufeld 2009 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Binary[55] / Patch dynamics
Cottenie and Meester2004 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[56] / Species sorting
Grace and Guntenspergen 1999 / Plant / Aquatic / No / Gradient[57] / Species sorting
Grace and Guntenspergen 1999 / Plant / Aquatic / No / Gradient / Mass effect
Heino et al. 2003 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[58] / Species sorting
Hannay et al. 2001 / Plant / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[59] / Species sorting
Hannay et al. 2001 / Plant / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Patch dynamics
Hannay et al. 2001 / Plant / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Keller and Conlon 1994 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[60] / Species sorting
Parris 2004 / Amphibian / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[61] / Species sorting
Townsend et al. 2003 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Gradient[62] / Species sorting
Worthern et al. 1998 / Flies / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[63] / Species sorting
Marsh-Mathews and Mathews 2000 / Fish / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[64] / Species sorting
Hahs et al. 1999 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[65] / Species sorting
O’Brien et al. 2004 / Fish / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[66] / Species sorting
Krauss et al. 2003 / Butterflies / Terrestrial / No / Gradient[67] / Patch dynamics
Plourde et al. 2002 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[68] / Species sorting
Plourde et al. 2002 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Summerville and Crist 2004 / Butterflies / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[69] / Patch dynamics
Zimmer et al. 2000 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[70] / Species sorting
Ellingsen 2001 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[71] / Patch dynamics
Ellingsen 2002 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[72] / Species sorting
Ellingsen 2002 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Lougheed and Chow-Fraser 1998 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[73] / Species sorting
Muylaert et al. 2000 / Phytoplankton / Aquatic / No / Gradient[74] / Species sorting
Fleishman et al. 2002 / Butterflies / Terrestrial / No / Gradient[75] / Species sorting
Fleishman et al. 2002 / Butterflies / Terrestrial / No / Gradient / Mass effect
Harrison et al. 2003 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[76] / Species sorting
Harrison et al. 2003 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic / Mass effect
Ebert et al. 2001 / Zooplankton / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[77] / Species sorting
Krauss et al. 2004 / Plant / Terrestrial / Yes / Mosaic[78] / Species sorting
Arrington et al. 2006 / Fish / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[79] / Species sorting
Arrington et al. 2006 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic / Patch dynamics
Brunke and Gonser 1999 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / Yes / Gradient[80] / Species sorting
Englund 1991 / Moss / Aquatic / No / Binary[81] / Mass effect
Gjerlov et al. 2003 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[82] / Mass effect
Kobayashi and Kagaya 2004 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / Yes / Mosaic[83] / Species sorting
Matthaei et al. 2000 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Homogeneous[84] / Mass effect
Palmar et al. 1991 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Mosaic[85] / Species sorting
Silver et al. 2004 / ChiroNomid midges / Aquatic / Yes / Gradient[86] / Mass effect
Suren and Duncan 1999 / Bryophyte / Aquatic / No / Gradient[87] / Species sorting
Tronstad et al. 2007 / Invertebrate / Aquatic / No / Homogeneous[88] / Mass effect
Whittaker 1952 / Insect / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[89] / Species sorting
Whittaker 1956 / Plant / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[90] / Species sorting
Whittaker 1960 / Plant / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[91] / Species sorting
Whittaker 1965 / Plant / Terrestrial / Yes / Gradient[92] / Species sorting
Patterson 1987 / Bird / Terrestrial / No / Binary[93] / Patch dynamics
Patterson and Atmar 1986 / Mammals / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[94] / Patch dynamics
Brady et al. 1991 / Spider / Terrestrial / No / Mosaic[95] / Species sorting
Gilpin and Diamond 1982 / Fauna / Terrestrial / No / Binary[96] / Patch dynamics
Gilbert and Lechowicz 2004 / Plant / Terrestrial / No / Gradient[97] / Species sorting



“Of the 18 ponds, 9 were downstream of another pond, to which they were connected by small artificial channels. The other 9 ponds were upstream of the 9 connected ponds. The 9 connected ponds were not connected to each other.”

[2]“The Uruguayan shelf is dominated by a homogeneous soft sediment body, with an increase in mean grain size towards the continental shelf and slope, and presents little rocky substrata…..The study area is also characterized by a singular oceanographic system composed by water masses with contrasting thermohaline characteristics, i.e. tropical waters (TW), subtropical waters (STW), subantarctic waters (SAW) and coastal waters (CW).., thus defining large-scale gradients in sea water temperature and salinity”


“By varying the strength of print on the foils, six levels of shading were created resulting in different light intensities (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 µmol,m-2s-2) among the patches of metacommunities..”


“Intertidal benthic communities are affected by vertical envi- ronmental gradients (e.g., due to desiccation stress), and the abundance of each species varies greatly with tide levels ranging from several tens of centimeters to several meters (Bertness et al., 2006). Therefore, we divided each plot vertically into four quad- rats measuring 50 cm wide by 25 cm high and surveyed the community in each quadrat.:.” levels: shore, plot, quadrats


“The two lakes, Black Lake and Chignik Lake, are dramatically different in abiotic and biotic characteristics”


“The basis of the MBSS design is lattice or multi-stratification sampling that ensures all 1st through 3rd order (now 1st through 4th order), non-tidal streams in the sampling frame have a non-zero and known probability of being sampled” “

[7] “In Rio de Janeiro State, a 14 860-ha mosaic consisting of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems was established in 1998 as the sole Conservation Unit in Brazil protecting a ‘restinga’ ecosystem”


“They differ greatly in physical characteristics and span a gamut from small (1 km2), low (5 m above sea level) cays, with little more than sand and sparse scrub vegetation, to large (114,524.0 sq km2), high (3175.0 m) islands that are physiographically diverse, with many different habitat types..”


“sampling of first to sixth order stream..”

[10] “The patches range in size from a few hectares up to several square kilometres. The rainforest varies in plant species composition, and forest patches can occur in a range of post-fire successional stages “.


“The study site consists of a cluster of 36 temporary rock pools”


“The Araguaia River system (Amazon River Basin) rises in the highlands of Central Brazil, discharges into the Tocantins River, and has numerous floodplain lakes along its course. Twenty-one of these lakes were investigated in this study (Fig. 1). Most of the study area is covered by savanna”


“Sites were located in (1) a tall shrubland on deep acid sands of a low dune (Crest), (2) a low shrubland on shallow acid sands overlying clays of an inter-dune (Swale), and (3) a low shrubland on shallow sands overlying lateritic gravels (Laterite), to provide three high-diversity data sets spanning a range of substrates”


“Ponds were chosen to include both obvious clusters and more isolated sites and also ponds with different origins and current management, in particular four types: nature reserve ponds, subsidence ponds, old field ponds and coastal dune ponds”


“We therefore included landscapes that differed profoundly in habitat composition of semi-natural patches (see Billeter et al., 2008, for maps of some representative landscapes used in this study). The absence of a significant correlation between landscape coverage of the two main habitat types, i.e. woody and herbaceous habitats, across the 24 landscapes reduced possible confounding effects of the relationship between habitat composition and species diversity”