Date:June 19, 2007
Time:10:00 a.m. to11:40 a.m.
Location:4040 Esplanade Way, Room 225F
Members in attendance:
Brian Andrew / Convergys / Mark Helms / DCACathy Christensen / Attorney General / Sharon Larson / DMS
Elaine Cooper / DOACS / Linda Lieblong / FSU
David DiSalvo / DMS / Paul Nichols / LEG
David Faulkenberry / DMS / Delcynth Schloss / SCS
Diane Gomez / DCF
Non-Members in attendance:
Cathy Jones / Auditor GeneralEric Steinkuehler / EOG
Members not in attendance:
John Bennett / DFS / Gail Thompson / DOCRene Knight / HSMV / David Tepper / DOS
Bob Nave / Convergys
Louise Mondragon / AWI
Welcome and Introductions: David Faulkenberry
David opened the meeting and reviewed the following announcement for those who missed the March meeting:
- LeeAnn Korst is the Chief of Staff at Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV) and he has taken her place asDeputy Secretary over the Division of State Group Insurance, the Division of Retirement, and the Division of Human Resource Management.
Follow-up from Previous Meeting: David Faulkenberry
Open Enrollment: Dick Barnum, Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI)
- The Legislative Session saw no changes regarding covered health benefits.
- The procurement process is still ongoing for life insurance. It is possible that employee contributions may decrease and the enrollment process may include variable rates based upon a use/nonuse of tobacco products criterion. It is also possible that a positive enrollment may be required for life insurance. DSGI will communicate the results of the procurement process in a few weeks.
- The health insurance employee premium contribution requirement did not increase; however, the employer contribution will increase effective June 1, 2008, for July 2008 coverage. This affects pre-65 retirees’ premiums because their rates include both the required employee and employer premium contribution amounts.
- Rate renewal for HMOs is ongoing.
- PPO Plan Medicare-eligible retirees will experience a rate increase for Medicare I, II, or III coverage effective June 1, 2008 for July 2008 coverage.
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance that is associated with auto insurance is sunsetting on October 1 unless the Legislature takes action. The medical costs covered by PIP will be moved onto health insurance, which may impact Medicare-eligible retirees with HMOs since they pay the rates negotiated and contracted with the individual HMOs. We will know more information before Open Enrollment.
- Health Savings Account employer contributions remain unchanged from the current amount.
- The TriCare supplemental offering may experience changes because of mandates from the federal level. We should know the impact in about two weeks.
- Dental and vision plans are currently in the procurement process. Both will require a positive enrollment to keep coverage, with a default to no coverage. Both will change from the current two or three-tier coverage levels to a four-tier arrangement. The four tiers are Employee only; Employee + Spouse; Employee + Child or Children; and Employee + Spouse + Child or Children.
David Faulkenberry asked how we can ensure the message about Open Enrollment and positive enrollment gets to employees and retirees. Following are suggestions:
- Determine how many will need to positively enroll. (For dental: 87,000. For vision: 35,000.)
- Delay tobacco free for one-year to assist with customer service and in consideration of the other changes for this year’s Open Enrollment.
- Post notices, send e-mails, and establish a point of contact for every office/bureau in each agency. Utilize electronic bulletin boards.
- Get a list of individuals who need to positively enroll but have not done so by a certain date (TBD) so that HR offices can contact them directly. (Keep in mind that 35% of the Open Enrollment calls to the ServiceCenter are made in the last week, so the list will be long.)
- Continue to use the People First e-newsletter and correspondence.
- Put articles in newspapers.
- Put announcements on the local news and a public service announcement on the radio.
- Market the benefits fairs more aggressively.
- Hold public meetings at the library or other public venue.
Of other concern for this Open Enrollment period:
- Convergys may need to hire more benefits specialists than usual because of the positive enrollment.
- Some agencies/universities hold paper enrollment forms until the last day of Open Enrollment. The ServiceCenter must process these forms and have confirmation statements ready to be mailed in a short period of time, which is more likely to cause errors.
- TriCare: approximately 900 people are enrolled in the TriCare plan. Employees will view changes that the federal government will enact negatively.
- Agencies may need to assist with delivering the message to employees.
- We may hold a meeting for agencies with affected employees to discuss the coverage changes.
- How are universities affected during Open Enrollment? Universities have been receiving correspondence from DMS, but would also like to receive the e-newsletters. For the universities that only do paper enrollment for their new faculty members, Open Enrollment will flow smoothly. For the universities that continue to complete the enrollment process for their employees, the positive enrollment for dental and vision will be difficult. DMS should set up a conference call with those universities to discuss the ramifications of this process.
Brian Andrew recommended the following be communicated to employees:
- This year employees need to take action regarding their enrollment, as opposed to previous years when we emphasized no action was needed.
- Check passwords early to alleviate password calls to the ServiceCenter after Open Enrollment begins.
- Check and update their addresses.
- Act now, instead of waiting until the end of the enrollment period.
- Call the ServiceCenter during weeks two and three, when call volumes are lower.
- Login to People First, utilize the self-service features 24/7, and eliminate errors.
SAP/Benefits Screens Redesign Update: David DiSalvo
The People First system will go down on Friday, July 27, at 6:00 p.m. and will come back up on Wednesday, August 1, at 8:00 a.m. for SAP updates and to put the new benefits screens into production. These dates were planned based on the payroll calendar and to release the benefits screens before Open Enrollment.
The new benefits screens are currently undergoing user acceptance testing (UAT). About fifty representatives from agencies and universities are attending UAT this week. We will offer train-the-trainer training for benefits managers and agency trainers in late July so that they can train employees on the new screens. We will also send out several correspondence items, update the messages on the login screen, produce training videos, and send the People First e-newsletter.
A question was raised about how to handle the job applicant file that is sent within three days of a requisition closing. Should the closing dates be moved up a few days prior to the system shut down so that the files will be available? The answer is yes; it would be helpful to move the dates up and/or spread them out over the week so that they don’t all hit at once. In addition, the staffing specialists will have a script that they will begin using in July as they speak with hiring managers to request that dates are set with the system shut down in mind. It may also be possible to add a notice on the staffing tab.
POSE Survey Update: Brian Andrew
The number of respondents for the POSE survey is too low to generate statistically sound data. It seems as though many employees elect to take the survey, but forget to stay on the phone once their session with the specialist is concluded. Convergys proposes adding a closing reminder to the specialists’ script that would say something similar to, “Reminder: if you chose to participate in the survey, please stay on the line for a moment.” Every specialist would say it at the conclusion of each call. The Change Review Board approved this new step.
Automated Password Reset: Brian Andrew
Convergys has received a business requirements document from DMS to make the password reset an online, automated feature. The new password will be comprised of eight-characters: a combination of alpha, numeric, and special characters. It will not be upper and lower case sensitive (that will come with a later SAP upgrade), but employees will be able to establish a challenge question and answer online and then change the password themselves. The IVR will continue to use a numeric password with the last four digits of the Social Security number and possibly the birth month and day for added security. The date for this release may be as early as November or December, but more likely will be the first quarter of 2008. Utilizing this new feature will lower the call volumes at the ServiceCenter as well as provide employees with 24/7 access to the system.
Employee—Value Proposition: David Faulkenberry
DMS Secretary South’s vision of the State of Florida workforce: the State must critically look at how we recruit and retain employees. We need to package our State benefits—salary, retirement, leave, insurance—and communicate them to current and prospective employees to remain competitive with other sectors.
We are working with a designer to develop a website and printed materials that will explain generic State benefits in a holistic package. This company will also design Open Enrollment materials that will compare plans. Long-term, we may have interactive CDs to share.
Plan It Forward Workgroup: Sharon Larson
Last Wednesday (June 13), the Plan It Forward Workgroup met for the first time at Secretary South’s request to review how we deliver our HR services and to design a world-class, HR delivery model for the State personnel system, including technology.
We invited all personnel officers, who were tasked with looking at core human resource functions. Members of the workgroup are considering the following questions: 1. What are the key tasks? 2. Who should handle them? 3. Is anything not being accomplished that should be?
The group will meet two times per week and will utilize subject matter experts as needed.
Open: All
Thanks to Convergys for the shorter, monthly dependent documentation lists; however, it appears that names of employees who have submitted documentation, who no longer have insurance, or who no longer work at the agency are not being removed. Brian Andrew will follow-up on this item with his team.
The ServiceCenter monthly reports may be unavailable for a short time in the near future because Convergys is changing its internal call and case tracking system. This will be communicated when we know specific dates and impacts.
- Brian Andrew
- Post notice on Staffing tab regarding requisition files near shut down date
- Accuracy of dependent documentation lists
- David DiSalvo
- Conference call with universities regarding Open Enrollment/paper forms
- Suzetta Furlong
- E-newsletters to universities