Should Caesar Be Saved?

Webquest/Speech Assignment Rubric

·  This assignment is to be completed within 7 class meetings. Students will devote the first 3 meetings reading the articles and formulating their notes. During the next 3 meetings, students will work with their partner to formally write their speech. The final class meeting will be devoted to delivering the speech. Students are allowed to work on the assignment outside the class if needed.

·  This assignment will count twice: Take your score out of 75 points and multiply it by 2 to get your final score.

Webquest Notes - 15 Points Total

Organization: 5 points

5 / 3 / 0
Notes are organized in a list, chart/table, or web that is clear and easy to follow. All notes are legible. / Organizational format somewhat difficult to follow. Some notes are illegible. / Notes are in no organizational format.

Quality: 10 points

10 / 5 / 0
Student(s) take extensive notes that are well-detailed and cover a variety of areas as suggested in the process. / Notes are not as detailed or focus on few areas. / Students took very little to no notes at all. The notes taken were not relevant to the speech.

Speech (Written): 25 Points Total

Format/Organization/Substance: 20 Points

20 / 10 / 0
The speech has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. There position is stated clearly within the introduction, there is a strong interest catcher, at least 5 thoroughly supported pieces of evidence, and a strong conclusion. / The speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion. The position is unclear. The speech lacks interest catchers and has less than 5 pieces of evidence or the evidence used does not directly support the argument made, leaving the reader confused. / The speech does not have an introduction, body, or conclusion. The speech has a very weak or no interest catcher. The evidence used does not support the argument or no evidence is used to support the argument at all. The reader is lost.

Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: 5 Points

5 / 3 / 0
No errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. / Between 2 and 5 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. / More than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Speech (Verbal Delivery): 25 Points Total

Delivery: 5 Points

10 / 5 / 0
The speakers spoke clearly, audibly, and kept a good pace. / The speakers were difficult to hear and spoke quickly. / The speakers were unable to be heard and the audience could not keep up with the pace.

Audience Engagement: 5 Points

10 / 5 / 0
The speakers gained and maintained the attention of the audience. / The speakers gained attention, but were unable to maintain the attention of the audience at points throughout the speech. / The speakers did not gain the attention of the audience.

Visual/Props: 5 Points

5 / 0
Students used a visual or prop during the speech. / Students did not use a visual or prop during the speech

Miscellaneous: 10 Points Total

On Task: 5 Points

5 / 3 / 0
The group stayed on task and used the provided class time effectively. / The group stayed on task and used the class time effectively most of the time. / The group did not stay on task or use the class time effectively.

Group work: 5 points

5 / 3 / 0
The student worked cooperatively with his or her partner and the work was divided equally. / The student had some conflicts with his or her partner or the work was not divided evenly. / The student did not work cooperatively with his or her partner.

Total Webquest Notes: _____ Points

Total Speech (Written): _____ Points

Total Speech( Verbal Delivery: _____ Points

Total Miscellaneous: _____ Points

Total Score: _____/75

FINAL SCORE: _____/150