Revised: August 2014

BVCTC Assessment of the General Education Portfolio Date: ______

Performance Assessment Scorecard

Student Name: ______Division: ______Program: ______

Capstone Course:______Capstone Instructor: ______Advisor: ______

(5-25 pts possible) / 5 points / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 points /
Conceptual Framework of Portfolio Process
Is each outcome addressed with an artifact and reflection paper?
Score: ____ / ü  All learning outcomes represented
ü  All tabs contain a legitimate artifact and reasonable length reflection / ü  All learning outcomes represented
ü  Most tabs contain a legitimate artifact and/or reasonable length reflection. / ü  All learning outcomes represented
ü  Tabs contain artifact and reflection, but appear to lack quality / ü  All learning outcomes represented
ü  Tabs contain artifact and reflection, but appear to show minimal effort / ü  One or more of the general education student learning outcomes is missing
ü  One or more of the outcomes is missing its artifact and/or reflection
Choice of Artifact
Does the artifact clearly reflect the gen ed outcome?
Score: ____ / ü  All artifacts directly relate to specified learning outcome / ü  Most artifacts directly relate to specified learning outcome / ü  Some artifacts directly relate to specified learning outcome / ü  Artifacts do not directly relate to specified learning outcome / ü  One or more artifact missing
Reflection Papers Make Connection
Does the reflection paper address the artifact and the outcome?
Score: ____ / ü  Complete entries address each area of prescribed format
ü  Reflection papers completely demonstrate connection / ü  Brief entries address each area of prescribed format
ü  Reflection papers somewhat make connection / ü  Brief entries address most areas of prescribed format
ü  Reflection papers have limited connection / ü  Incomplete entries and/or does not use prescribed format
ü  Reflection papers do not have connection / ü  One or more reflection paper missing
Learning Process
Does the student explain what was involved in producing the artifact? Is there a discussion regarding the future value of this learning process?
Score: ____ / ü  Reflection papers thoroughly describe assignment and steps to producing
ü  Demonstrate understanding of value of lessons and future importance / ü  Reflection papers describe, without detail, assignment and steps to producing
ü  Moving toward understanding value of lesson and future importance / ü  Reflection papers partially describe the assignment and steps to producing
ü  Show limited understanding of value of lesson and future importance / ü  Reflection papers partially describe the assignment and steps to producing
ü  Show no understanding of value of lesson and future importance / ü  One or more reflection paper fails to describe the assignment and steps to producing
ü  Shows no understanding of the value of lesson and future importance
Is the portfolio complete and presented in an organized and professional manner?
Score: ____ / ü  Portfolio is easily navigated and movement among sections is planned and logical
ü  Table of contents is present and clearly labeled
ü  Reflections contain correct grammar and spelling.
ü  Portfolio professional and demonstrates creativity and originality. / ü  Portfolio is easily navigated and movement among sections is not difficult
ü  Content is labeled
ü  Some reflections may contain a grammar and/or spelling error
ü  Portfolio is professional, yet lacks creativity and originality / ü  Portfolio can be navigated
ü  Sections may require reviewer to open in order to determine content
ü  Reflections contain grammar and/or spelling errors
ü  Minimal attention to professional appearance / ü  Portfolio is difficult to navigate
ü  Content not labeled and reviewer will have difficulty identifying all of the required components
ü  Reflections have excessive grammar and spelling errors
ü  Lack of attention to professional appearance / ü  Portfolio not organized, incomplete, and confusing to the reviewer
ü  Portfolio is presented in decidedly unprofessional manner
