ADM 221: Career Development Skills / Learning Unit 1: Handout

Resume Preparation Worksheet

Using Microsoft Word, enter your responses in the empty columns provided in the tables below. When completed, save your worksheet, and submit it. Gathering this information will help you as you prepare to create your resume, and as you prepare for interviewing. This document will be part of your portfolio.

Personal Identification Section

Social Security Number (don’t need to include)
Present Address
Time at present address
Previous Address
Time at previous address
Permanent Address
Telephone (home) include area code
Telephone (cell) include area code
Telephone (work) include area code
Age: Under 18 / yes—if yes, valid work permit? yes
no no
U.S. Citizen? If no, identify visa number, type
Indicate which proofs of identity you would use when starting employment (i.e. Passport, Social Security Card, driver’s license, etc.). Usually two are required.
Your email address (must be professional when used on resume… wouldn’t be an appropriate choice. You may need a new address for job seeking purposes).

Work Experience Section

Paid Employment (beginning with the most recent job and working backward)

Most Recent / Job 2 / Job 3
Employer Name and Address
Starting Position Job Title/Salary
Ending Position Job Title/Salary
Supervisor Name and Title
Positive Reason for Leaving
Supervisory Duties
Merit Raises or promotions
Commendations, Awards
Types of Data/Information Used on the Job
People-oriented duties/responsibilities
Types of things used on the job
Creative Ideas
Other duties and special responsibilities

Work Experience Section

Volunteer Employment (beginning with the most recent job and working backward)

Most Recent / Job 2 / Job 3
Employer Name and Address
Starting Position Job Title
Ending Position Job Title
Supervisor Name and Title
Positive Reason for Leaving
Supervisory Duties
Merit Raises or promotions
Commendations, Awards
Types of Data/Information Used on the Job
People-oriented duties/responsibilities
Types of things used on the job
Creative Ideas
Other duties and special responsibilities

Work Experience Section

Military Employment

Service Branch, Dates
Highest Rank Held
Service Number
Type of Work Performed
Armed Forces Code
Honorable Discharge / Yes No
Vietnam Era Veteran / Yes No
Registered with Selective Service / Yes No
Commendations or Awards
Reason for Leaving Military
Types of Data/Information used on the job
People-oriented duties/responsibilities
Types of things used on the job
Creative Ideas
Other Duties and Special Responsibilities

Education and Training Section

High School / College / Other/GED
Beg/End Dates of Schooling
Full- or Part-Time
Field of Study/Special Courses
# Hours Completed
Grade Point Average

Job-Related Personal Information Section

Position Desired
Second Choice
Salary Desired (usually Open or Negotiable)
Date Available
Preferred Hours: List days of week, hours each day
Willing to work holidays?
Willing to work overtime?
Willing to relocate?
Certifications, Registrations, Licenses
Driver’s License #/State/Expires
Professional Organizations
Successes and Achievements
In case of emergency:
Transferable Skills (this means skills that can be used in any occupation – at a fast food restaurant or in an office – for example – quick learner, follow directions, responsible employee, etc.)
Self-Management Skills (skill words that indicate how well you can get along with people, i.e. cooperative, dependable, honest, competent, etc.)

Personal References– A minimum of 3, maximum of 6. Think of individuals from past employment, schooling, character references (minister, neighbor). No relatives allowed! You’ll need to ask these individuals if you may use them on a resume. Students in technical programs at Indian Hills Community College should include at least one instructor from your program who can tell a potential employer about your specific career skills attained while in college.

Reference 1 / Reference 2 / Reference 3
City, State, Zip
Telephone (home, work) & email address
Time Known
Reference 4 / Reference 5 / Reference 6
City, State, Zip
Telephone (home, work) & email address
Time Known

© Shirley Reid and Indian Hills Community College

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