Tech Team Wrestling Club Handbook

Welcome to Tech Team!

Welcome! We are excited to have you as a member and hope that you have a lot of fun as well as a terrific year! All youth, male and female, from Preschool through Grade 8 are encouraged to join. Wrestling is a sport in which both genders can participate and have great success alongside of each other!

This handbook is designed to help explain our program, especially to our newer members. Please hold on to this for any future references during our current wrestling season. Please remember that the Board of Directors reserves the right to modify and of the handbook and rules and anytime.

If you have any questions, the coaches or parent volunteers will be happy to visit with you. We would love to have you as a parent volunteer, any assistance is appreciated! Please ask how you can help contribute.

Tech Team strives to provide the best wresting instruction in the region. We expect our wrestlers to show up for practice and give their best efforts both physically and mentally. We hope this is the start of a successful career for all.

About Tech Team

Tech Team Wrestling Club began its journey in 2003 with original founders Ryan Kringlie and Steve Walton coaching and training 12 youth the first year. Since then Tech Team has grown to become one of the larger wrestling clubs in North Dakota. Tech Team has produced multiple Champions in the Youth and High School level at the State (including numerous Triple Crown winners), Regional, and National levels. Tech Team also has many alumni that have gone on to become All-Americans at the High School and College levels. Some of these All Americans are Brandon Metz, Cameron Sykora, Jordan Shearer, Jesse Shearer, Jared Franek, and Scott Schiller…just to name a few. Tech Team is dedicated to our wrestlers, families, and community, and to the sport of wrestling. Tech Team Wrestling continues to hold true to the original motto:


Together we will

Endure to become

Champions and Heroes

Introduction to Our Coaches

Head Coach: Greg Alexander

We have many other TECH TEAM parents who volunteer their time to help coach. We will also have guest coaches from time to time to help in our practices.

All coaches must complete 6 hour clinic facilitated by a USAW approved instructor,undergo a background check, and must have a USA Bronze Wrestling Certification.

Only approved coaches are allowed in the wrestling room during practices.

Board of Directors

Contact information for the board members is listed below. Feel free to contact any of the board members with any concerns you may have.

Ryan Kringlie

Jonathon Magnell

Nick Thorton

Lyn Narum

Eric Spray

Jason Gisselbeck

Parent Committee

The Parent Committee helps to coordinate and organize fundraising, tournaments, team functions, and anything else that we do throughout the year. We are always looking for volunteers that would like to help. If you are interested in volunteering or even have a concern or suggestion, please feel free to contact the following at any time.

Jennifer Thorton 701-371-6643

Rozlyn Johnson 218-329-7204

What is Wrestling?

There are various styles of wrestling. What we do in organized youth and High School wrestling in the USA is called American Folkstyle Wrestling. The styles that are taught all around the world (and what is seen on the Olympics) is called Freestyle and Greco Roman. There are organized programs in the US that are strictly these types of wrestling from the youth level all the way up to the Olympic teams and beyond. We do introduce Freestyle and Greco in the month of April following the Folkstyle season.

Wrestling is a fun sport and like all other athletic programs, families can participate in various ways: from supporting the kids and their clubs to becoming a qualified referee.

Benefits of Wrestling

Wrestling is a sport that offers the following benefits:

*Greater physiological development *Balance

*Flexibility *Coordination and reaction time

*Body awareness *Speed

*Strength and leverage *Reduced body fat

Wrestling is a sport of Individual Participation functioning within the framework of a Team Concept. This aspect contributes to the development of lifelong patterns of responsible behavior and respect for others regardless of social or racial origin. A young person involved in wrestling can be expected to display an increase in self-confidence and appreciation of their self-worth, and develop analytical and adaptive skills.

Equipment/Clothing and other Requirements

*Singlet (Tech Team does have these available for purchase)

*Clean tennis shoes or wrestling shoes




*Knee pads (optional)

*Warm-up outfit (any type is ok) to use during running workout or after wrestling to prevent getting chilled.

*All wrestlers must have a USA Wrestling card and a copy given to Tech Team.


Tech Team will have fundraisers during the year. These fundraisers provide money to be used for dual tournaments, singlets for dual teams, awards, t-shirts, and numerous other things. It is a REQUIREMENT of all Tech Team members to participate in thefundraisers or in the buy-out. Theminimum dollar figure needed by each member will be decided upon by the Board of Directors.


Scholarships are available for youth to participate in Tech Team Wrestling. Registration fees, bus fees, accommodations on overnight trips, and equipment maybe covered by a scholarship. The mission of the Scholarship Program is to help youth participate and reduce barriers to become involved in organized activities for youth that would otherwise not be able to participate due to financial hardships.


Practices are usually held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, unless otherwise notified. Group 1 (1st or 2nd year wrestlers) will practice on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30. Group 2(advanced wrestlers) will practice on Monday from 6:00-8:00 and on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:45 to 8:15. All practices will be held at the Tech Team Training Facility. Wrestlers should wear clothing with no zippers, buttons, or any sharp objects on them and have either clean tennis shoes or wrestling shoes that have not been worn outside! Head gear is recommended but not required at practice.

If for some reason your child is injured, we do ask that they still come to practice to learn what is being instructed.

Note: Parents are not allowed in the wrestling room while practice is being conducted.

After practice please make sure your child disinfects and bathes at home to help combat the spread of any skin diseases. We will have disinfecting solution for them to use when done at practice. It is also important to monitor your child’s skin at all time to make sure they have not developed an issue.

There is a flyer located on the IMPORTANT INFO bulletin board as a reference.

If you are unsure it is an issue, please ask a coach or take them to the doctor as soon as possible!


If your child decides they want to wrestle in a tournament, they will be wrestling with an opponent that is matched by grade level and weight or their age and weight. Wrestlers are usually matched with opponents within 5 pounds of their weight. If the tournament pairs wrestlers by age it is by their birth date not by grade level. Remember ALL TOURNEMENTS ARE OPTIONAL!

Our coaches and wrestlers typically will attend tournaments every weekend throughout the season. Wrestling clubs though out the area sponsor these tournaments. We will keep an updated list of which tournaments coaches will be going to on the Bulletin Board as well as on the Tech Team website.

Before each tournament bathe and cut fingernails. Remember to bring you wrestler’s USA card (some tournaments will require this), a singlet, wrestling shoes, and headgear (some tournaments also require the wrestlers to wear them).

Most tournaments start at 10:00 am with weigh-ins starting between 7:30-8:30 am. After registering and weigh-in, make sure to eat some breakfast and warm-up. One of the coaches will also have the team warm up together. Parents should try and sit together as much as possible to help support the wrestlers and get to know each other.

We do encourage the wrestlers to wear a Tech Team singlet (we have them for purchase) as it does make it easier for the coaches to quickly identify which mats our wrestlers are assigned to during a tournament.

Tech Team will host a tournament each year. This is often a good tournament for the younger, inexperienced wrestler. It is also a fundraiser for our club and at least one parent is required to help in some way.

For the Parent----A Winning Attitude

Keep winning in perspective. Be fair at all times. Stand up for you wrestler when necessary, they expect this, but do so quietly and respectfully in a private discussion with a coach or a mat official.

Winning is important. If we are not trying to win, the we are not really competing: But keep it in perspective. Winning and losing are a part of life and important lessons can be learned. If you want your child to win at all costs, you’re in trouble. If you ever get to the point where you don’t care about losing, you’re also in trouble!

One lesson in life is to learn to live with both winning and losing, and if we as parents cannot control ourselves and be good sportsmen, then how will we ever teach our children? The sport of wrestling is one of the best places to learn these valuable life time lessons.

For the Wrestler---What is Winning?

In our wonderful competitive world of amateur wrestling, What is Winning? It is important that all the competitors know the answer.

Is winning a gold medal real winning?

Yes. If a gold medal is won at the Olympic games that is winning. But that cannot happen to everyone and winning any other kind of gold medal just means that, at the time, you were the best there, which is nice, but not necessarily winning.

Is beating the other person really winning?

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps they were not as strong as you, not trained as well as you, or as good at wrestling as you---so this cannot be winning.


Real winning is improving…learning…trying. Winning is the first time you are able to do a good Butcher in competition. It is finishing the match strong and well. It is performing better than you have ever performed before.

Winning is working hard…listening and paying attention…applying what you hear from your coach. It is doing better every time and striving with all your might!

Winning is never giving into a feeling of being tired and giving up…WINNING can happen to everyone!

Code of Conducts---Parents

Parents should:

  • Make sure all fees are paid on time and all necessary forms are turned in promptly.
  • Equip their wrestlers properly so they can participate in all practices and matches.
  • Keep informed of all information pertinent to their wrestler’s practices and tournament schedules.
  • Be responsible and make sure their wrestler is at practice and to tournaments on time.
  • Bring any issues up to the coach as soon as possible away from others.
  • Go over the Wrestlers Code of Conduct and ensure their wrestler understands what is expected of them.
  • Try, as much as possible, to be available to assist in the wrestling program and any team functions as requested.
  • Be encouraging, not critical, of their wrestler, coach, and team mates.
  • Try to promote the emotional and physical well-being of the wrestler ahead of their own personal desire to win.
  • Encourage Good Sportsmanship through our actions, by demonstrating positive support for all wrestlers.
  • Respect the property and equipment used at any sports facility, both at Tech Team and away.
  • Support and encourage the wrestlers to always give their best effort.
  • Provide support for coaches and officials working with wrestlers to provide a positive experience for all.
  • Demand you wrestler treats all wrestlers, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with respect regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or ability.
  • Treat all wrestlers, coaches, officials, other parents, and spectators with respect and dignity in language, attitude, behavior, and mannerisms.
  • Inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of the wrestler of others.
  • Remember your child is wrestles for he/she’s enjoyment not yours.

Consequences for parents

  1. Verbal warning and/or written warning
  2. Tournament suspension.
  3. Removal from Tech Team Wrestling Club.

Wrestlers Code of Conduct

Wrestlers will:

  • HAVE FUN!!!!
  • Always give their best effort—whether it be at practice or in a match.
  • Be on time and attend every practice possible, with the required gear.
  • Maintain a CAN-DO Attitude.
  • Always take responsibility for their actions.
  • Remember it is NEVER a referee’s fault!
  • Remember it is not your coach’s fault.
  • Remember it is not your parent’s fault.
  • Show respect for coaches, referees, parents, and other wrestlers.
  • PAY ATTENTION! We have to make the most of our practice time.
  • Not talk while the coach is talking.
  • Not engage in horseplay at practice or at tournaments---that is how people get hurt.
  • Respect the property and equipment used at any sports facility, at Tech Team and away.
  • Not do any TV moves…they are dangerous and will not be tolerated.
  • Not talk bad about any other wrestler or their families…WE ARE A TEAM!
  • Not do any form of hazing or initiation of other wrestlers, regardless of how insignificant it may seem.
  • Use proper language…NO obscene language or gestures!
  • Not do the following: Pinching, scratching, biting, punching, tripping, chinning in the back, or pushing off….it will not be allowed!
  • Control your temper.
  • Always show good sportsmanship.
  • Not be a bully to any other wrestler or their family members.
  • Cheer on their fellow team mates while at tournaments.
  • HAVE FUN!!!!

Consequences for Wrestlers

  1. Verbal and/or written warning.
  2. Excused from practices for 2 weeks. Hand in Tech Team Singlet.
  3. Removal from Tech Team Wrestling Program.

Code of Conduct---Coaches

Coaches will:

  • Properly plan the activities for practice, matches, and tournaments.
  • Provide proper instruction.
  • Provide a safe physical environment.
  • Provide adequate and proper equipment.
  • Match wrestling partners the best they can.
  • Evaluate wrestlers for injury or incapacity.
  • Supervise activity closely.
  • Warn everyone of inherent risks.
  • Require each wrestler to give their best effort.
  • Treat each wrestler, their family, and other coaches with respect.
  • Provide appropriate emergency assistance when needed.
  • Show good sportsmanship always.

Consequences for Coaches

  1. Verbal and/or written warning.
  2. Tournament suspension.
  3. Removal of coaching duties.