Changeyour family through prayer

Praying teens

[VOLUME 1/2010]


Praying teens

Table of Contents



1. What to pray for myself?

2. Difficult parents and frustrated teens!

3. Open the Window to the nations

4. Gain your balance in groups

5. How to pray when my friends face Anorexia

6. Revive your quiet time – seriously!

7. Dating, in or out?

8. Internet 'red-bots' – pray and watch out

9. Want your parents to change?

10. Prayer is too difficult – help!

11. How to keep a Prayer Journal



The purpose of this booklet is to provide some guidelines in leading groups of young people or individuals in prayer on different issues of concern to their peer group.

This booklet is a compilation of articles that were published the past 5 years in the Jericho Walls Prayer Guide. Its aim is to serve as a guideline and to set the Christian on a road of praying Scripture for and over different issues such as their interpersonal relationships, families, our country, its people and everything to do with South Africa. When we learn the language of the Bible, we can pray with much more confidence, since we know that the words we use are from Scripture and God promises that His words will never return void.

We trust that this booklet will inspire you to teach others to also pray from the Word of God.

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

P.O. Box 3683, Tygervalley, 7536

Tel.: 021-919 7988




1. What to pray for myself?

  1. Wisdom. Lord Jesus, give me the wish to read the Bible, and give me the Holy Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I will understand the Word better (Eph.1:17).
  2. Fisher. Lord Jesus, make me a fisher of people (Matt.4:19) and a disciple-maker.
  3. No fear.Lord Jesus, help me not to fear people and give me boldness to be Your witness wherever I go (Acts 20:24).
  4. Revelation. Lord Jesus, I pray for my generation of young people who are searching, who experience much hurt and rejection (Isa.42:3). I pray that You will make Yourself known to them as their Saviour and Mender (Matt.11:27).
  5. Purity. Lord Jesus, sexual intimacy is portrayed by the media in so many wrong ways, and is portrayed in so many forms in films and advertisements. Help me to recognise and understand Your purpose with sex and to live a sexually pure life. Set me free from every wrong and unbiblical idea of sex and from addiction to pornography (1Thess.4:3). Help me to seek help if I struggle to get victory in this area of my life.
  6. Victory. Lord Jesus, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and give me the spiritual power to live in victory over sin, be Your witness and do the work You give me to do (Eph.3:18-19).
  7. Discernment. Lord Jesus, help me to see the things in my life that are not in line with the Scriptures. Also show me what to do to put this right, and exactly how You want me to live (Rev.2:5).
  8. Helping others. Lord Jesus, help me to see the need of other people around me. I don’t want to live a selfish life. I ask that the Holy Spirit will show me what I must do about the needs of people around me (Jas.1:27).
  9. Future plans. Lord Jesus, my whole life lies ahead of me. I want to make the best of it. You know the best path for me, because You made me and I know You have a plan with my life. I open myself up to You Lord, that You can show me the way, and I choose to follow that path (Jer.29:11).
  10. Future wife. Lord Jesus, I ask that You will bring me the marriage partner you made me at the right time. Protect him/her from impurity and hurt and everything negative and destructive, so that when we get married, we will find joy in each other and that our marriage will be a testimony to others (Heb.13:4).

2. Difficult parents and frustrated teens!

We honestly believe that obeying God is a good thing. He is the highest authority, is He not? It is just wise to consider and do what He wants. That is called submitting to the authority of God. The difficult truth though, is that God really wants us to submit to all authorities. Romans 13:1-2 explains that anyone who is in authority is only there because God allows them to have these positions. God can use good and bad people to carry out what He wants to do. He is in complete control and when we obey and submit to what He asks, we will be in His perfect will.

Walk the talk

Now for the difficult part so fasten your seatbelts! Why do we feel our parents are difficult? Is it because they want us to do the wrong things? Or could it be that what they ask us is the right thing to do, but we really do not feel like doing what they want right at that moment, or at all, ever, for that matter? It is possible that God wants us to take a fresh look at the way we treat our parents. It is not by mistake that you and I are specifically their children. He chose each person before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love (Eph.1:4).

He also predestined who would be your parents, in what country you would be born, where you would live, every detail, and that even before the beginning of the world! How about that! This also means that these facts are not really going to change in this life, whether in your opinion, you have good or bad parents. It is always easy to criticize what others do. Let us face 'ourselves' for a moment. Do you know that it is possible to obey your parents by your behaviour, by what is seen on the outside, but not really have your heart submitted to them on the inside? This also goes for behaviour towards teachers and other people that are over us in positions of authority.

Let's say your mother asks you to go and do your homework right away, but in your mind you are thinking: "No way. Why now? Why can't I do it after my favourite television programme?" Disrespectful thoughts are the sign of a rebellious heart. Now, what to do with this frustration?

  1. Face it. It's not always your parents, sometimes it's you. Be brave and admit that you are also wrong at times.
  2. Try to go somewhere to be alone. Don't take it out on your parent, teacher or any other figure in authority. As soon as you become aware of these emotions in your heart, try to be alone with Jesus as soon as possible, so you can sort it out.
  3. Confess it. Just be honest with God about your attitude. It may feel awkward at first, but the relief from tension and anger when these emotions are released will really be worth your while – just to be the real you with God.
  4. Ask for forgiveness. Just do it. It's the right thing to do. Jesus died for you and He will forgive you.
  5. Pray for breakthrough. Ask the Father, in the Name of Jesus, that through the working of His Holy Spirit, He will help you to be more respectful next time.
  6. Make a list. Not finished yet! Take a little more time and ask the Lord to help you think of anyone else in a position of authority that you had a similar reaction to.
  7. Finish it off, once and for all. Pray about each situation He brings to your mind. Ask for His forgiveness and also ask Him to help you honour His Name by living a holy life.
  8. What to pray? Here's a sample prayer to help: Father, forgive me for my sin of rebellion toward (name of person). I pray for (him/her), that You will bless (him/her) and I thank You for (him/her), because this pleases You (1Tim.2:1-4). Help me to honour and submit to this person according to Your Word. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.
  9. One last thing. If possible, consider speaking to some of the people on your list. Ask them to forgive you. Tell them that you have asked God to help you to submit to their authority and respect them.
  10. Give thanks. Give thanks to the Lord for every time that He helps you to respect or honour someone in a position of authority. Also consider telling your parents (or someone you regard as a parent figure in your life) that you appreciate them and the way they care for you. If they are open to it, ask if you can say a prayer for them, right there and then, thanking God for their lives.
  11. Do something to pray for the leaders of the nation.In America, every year, young people gather for a few days, a few weeks, some for over a year – to stand in silent prayer in front of the Supreme Court in their country. What are they praying for? Mainly that Americans would give their hearts to Jesus Christ and in turn, that more righteous leaders would arise. One young lady said, "We have already seen two righteous judges put into the Court and that's the first time it's happened in 11 years! So prayer, even in its 'weakest form', silently in front of the Supreme Court, does work." (Website: Won't you consider sparing the time next month, and together with a couple of friends, also pray for the government of our country as the Holy Spirit leads you? You can read the following Scripture from different Bibles, meditate on it and then start praying for people in government by name.
  12. Applying Word power: 1Tim.2:1-6: I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

3. Open theWindow to the nations

There are 65 countries that stretch from North Africa, across the Middle East, Central Asia, China and India up to Japan known as the 10/40 Window. About 80% of all the poorest people live here, 90% of all the people not yet reached with the gospel live there and all the main non-Christian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) of the world are found here. In these 65 nations there are very few missionaries and they are working in very difficult circumstances and suffer much persecution. In some places there is only one missionary to bring the gospel to 200,000 people.

Think about it: having a ‘church’ with 200,000 members, but they do not know Jesus; some hate you as missionary and do not want to hear about Jesus and the majority of these people have not even heard the name of Jesus once in their lives! There are millions of children who live in the 10/40 Window and like their parents, most of them don’t know Jesus. Many missionaries are needed in the 10/40 Window to tell people about Jesus. One of the most important things you can do is to intercede for the people who live there.

Let’s open the window…

How? We have to open the window by persevering prayer and intercession.

What are we asking from God?We need to send more missionaries, Bibles, Christian books, tapes, the JESUS Film, produce more radio programs and pray that Jesus will reveal Himself through dreams and visions to these people. Perhaps God is calling you to go to the 10/40 Window as a missionary! Pray that everyone living there will want to know more about Jesus, have hearts ready to accept Him and find other Christians to help them grow in their relationship with God.

Why? Most of these people are without Jesus, without hope, they will not go to heaven. Millions of poor people live in horrible and inhuman situations and know much suffering. And their religion doesn’t bring them any real hope either.

For whom?Pray for the people in the 10/40 Window, their leaders and especially the women and children who suffer much. Pray for theChristians in the Window who are kicked out of their families or lose their friends and jobs because they believe in Jesus. Some of their lives are in danger. The governments don’t give freedom and they make life very difficult for Christians. Pray for the local churches which in most cases, survive amidst very difficult circumstances.

Who else? Pray for the missionaries. That they will remain safe and healthy, have no problems with the government, have good relationships with the people and get opportunities to share the message of Jesus.

4. Gain your balance in groups

Young people are extremely vulnerable to peer pressure to get involved in seemingly innocent "testing out" of things like alcohol, drugs, pornography, chat rooms and much more. All these things seem very cool until a friend dies of an overdose or is raped or falls pregnant. Will you as a teenager not consider praying for other teenagers for protection from these things?

  1. Religion: The majority of teenagers and young adults in most parts of the world are religious, according to a massive 21-country study. Worldwide, almost 44% of young adults say they are deeply religious (not only Christian). Only 13% say they are not interested in God or faith in general. (Christian Post, 15 July '08).

Lord, I pray that You will touch the hearts and minds of young people across the globe to turn their hearts towards You and be radical followers and doers of Your Word.

  1. Obesity: Teenagers who eat breakfast consume more daily calories but weigh less than those who skip the first meal of the day. Kids who skip breakfast tend to gain more weight, and would therefore be at a higher risk for obesity. Obesity leads to many other illnesses.

Lord, I pray for young people to become established in healthy habits like eating correctly, exercising and socialising sensibly. Help us to realise our bodies are a temple of Your Holy Spirit and that we were bought at a price. Help us to glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits which belong to You alone (1Cor.6:19).

  1. Pornography:About 81% of South African children between the ages of 13 and 17 have seen pornographic images on their friends' cell phones. Sixty-seven percent have been exposed to pornography through movies and, by the time they reach 18 years of age, 64% would have seen images of pornography on the Internet. About 45% of the respondents admitted to watching pornographic films regularly. More boys (84%) than girls (54%) have watched at least one pornographic film.

Lord, we pray for our peers to watch out for the trap of watching pornography and becoming addicted to it. Help them understand that it is truly dangerous and harmful to the mind and spirit in the long run. As young people we submit to You. Strengthen us to resist the devil in Your Name. Teach us how to draw near to You, urge our generation to cleanse their hands and purify their hearts (James 4:7-8).

  1. Drugs:Large amounts of alcohol inhibit self-consciousness and self-control and very often lead to and encourage irresponsible behaviour. While under the influence, teenagers are more likely to try drugs and have sex. It also increases exposure to being robbed, attacked and raped.

Lord, I pray for protection over teenagers who fall prey to peer pressure and lose their dignity. Help them realise the dangers and to say no to drugs and sex. Protect them from falling victim to robbery, physical abuse and violence or rape.

  1. Alcohol: Binge drinking (having more than 5 drinks in a few hours) is becoming a great problem among teenagers. It causes alcohol poisoning and high blood pressure. It may cause heart failure, a stroke or suffocation if a person should pass out. Hospitals report that it is especially over the December holidays that teenagers who were left to care for themselves were treated for injuries, or in extreme cases, because their parents or guardians were too drunk themselves to do so.

Lord, I pray for parents and guardians who do not conduct themselves according to Your will. Please show them the truth of Jesus Christ. I cry out for teenagers who follow their example, or who drink for fun and become alcoholics. Please help them acknowledge their addiction and that they need help. Let them realise they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Your own special people, that they may proclaim Your praises who called them out of darkness into Your marvellous light (1Pet.2:9).