Alpine Shire Youth Council

Representative Nominations

The Alpine Shire Council is seeking nominations from interested young people aged between 12 and 24, to represent young people on the Youth Council.

The objectives of the Youth Council are to ensure that the views of youth are canvassed and conveyed to Council and to promote and encourage the involvement of youth in the planning, development and the implementation of a high quality, affordable and flexible youth program.

All nominations are to be submitted on this form and delivered to the Alpine Shire Council Office in Bright, emailed to or posted to:

Youth Development Officer

Ebony Buckley

Alpine Shire Council

PO Box 139

Bright VIC 3741.

For more information contact Youth Development Officer Ebony Buckley on (03) 5755 0506 or .

Alpine Shire Youth Council

Representative Nomination Form 2015





Date of birth: Age:

Why do you wish to become a Youth Councillor? (goals, knowledge, skills, etc.) You may attach separate piece of paper to answer these questions if you need more room.

What characteristics and interests do you possess that you feel would make you a good Youth Councillor?

What issues and concerns affecting young people would you be interested in investigating as a Youth Councillor?

What do you see as the roles and responsibilities of a Youth Councillor?

Please attach any supporting information relevant to your nomination.

What’s involved?

The Youth Council meets at least once a month, with sub groups of the Youth Council (e.g. the events planning team) meeting more frequently if required.

Each meeting begins with a casual dinner / snacks, before moving onto official business! Ongoing issues are discussed, new issues are raised, and decisions are made. Some tasks will be delegated to Youth Council members, who will be expected to complete these tasks outside of the meeting.

Successful Youth Council candidates hold their position for two years. There is no obligation to remain a Youth Councillor for the duration of your term, and you may resign at any point.

There is an expectation that you will contribute to Youth Council to the best of your ability. The position can at times be time-consuming, but there is plenty of support available. We also understand that Youth Councillors have other commitments such as work, study, and sport.

Is this for me?

Youth Council has evolved in the past few years, and we understand that different things appeal to different people. The new structure of Youth Council enables people to focus on areas that they are interested in. If any of the following appeal to you, consider joining Youth Council!

- Decision making - Council/ political systems

- Giving youth a voice - Discussion/ debate

- Events management - Teamwork

- Policy - Networking/ meeting new people

Further opportunities

We are always looking to extend Youth Councillors and help them develop their skills. There are a range of opportunities available to Youth Councillors:

- Youth Mayor

- Deputy Youth Mayor

- Specific training and qualifications

Can I still be involved without joining Youth Council?

The notion of joining Youth Council can be quite daunting, but we’re always looking for another pair of hands – especially when it comes to events management! If you would like to help us out, give Ebony a call to discuss all the opportunities.

For further information, contact Ebony Buckley, Alpine Shire Council Youth Development Officer via email at or phone (03) 5755 0506.