January (for Manhattan) – 2007

/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
31 Leave-Taking of the Nativity & St. Melania
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
G. Vespers (St. George Wichita), 5:00pm / Jan. 1 Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy(St. George Wichita), 10:00am / 2 Pre-Feast of Theophany & Our Venerable Father Seraphim of Sarov
Bible Study, 9:30am
Daily Vespers & Canon of Preparation for Theophany, 6:30pm / 3 Pre-Feast of Theophany & the Holy Prophet Malachi
Daily Vespers & Canon of Preparation for Theophany, 6:30pm
No Fasting! / 4Pre-Feast of Theophany & the Synaxis of the Holy 70 Apostles
Daily Vespers & Canon of Preparation for Theophany, 6:30pm / 5 Vigil of Theophany
Strict Fast Day!
Royal Hours, 9:00am
Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil & Great Sanctification of Water, 6:00pm / 6 Feast of Theophany (the Feast of Lights, Epiphany)
Great Vespers & Confessions, 5:30pm
7The Synaxis of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner & Baptist John
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’, 6-8pm / 8Post-Feast of Theophany & our Venerable Mother Domnica / 9Post-Feast of Theophany &Holy Martyr Polyeuctus
Bible Study, 9:30am / 10Post-Feast of Theophany &Our Father among the Saints Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (Brother of St. Basil the Great)
Great Vespers, 6:30pmStrict Fast Day! / 11Post-Feast of Theophany & Our Venerable Father Theodosius the Kenobiarch / 12 Post-Feast of Theophany & Holy Virgin-Martyr & Deaconess Tatiana of Rome
Strict Fast Day! / 13Post-Feast of Theophany & Holy Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus & Our Father among the Saints Hilary, Bishop of Poitier

Great Vespers & Confessions, 5:30pm

14 Leave-Taking of Theophany & Our Father among the Saints Sabbas, Archbishop of Serbia
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’, 6-8pm / 15 Our Venerable Fathers Paul of Thebes & John the Hut-Dweller /

16Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter

Bible Study, 9:30am / 17 Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Anthony the Great of Egypt
Great Vespers, 6:30pmAbstinence! / 18Our Fathers among the Saints Athanasius & Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria / 19 Our Venerable Fathers Macarius the Great of Egypt & Macarious of Alexandria & Our Father among the Saints Mark Eugenicus, Bishop of Ephesus
Strict Fast Day! / 20Our Venerable & God-Bearing Euthymius the Great
Great Vespers & Confessions, 5:30pm
21 The 15th Sun. of St, Luke & Our Venerable Father Maximus the Confessor
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Parish Council
Inquirers’, 6-8pm / 22Holy Apostle among the 70 Timothy & Holy Anastasius the Persian / 23 Holy Sacred-Martyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra
Bible Study, 9:30am / 24Our Venerable Mothers Xenia of Rome & Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Fool for Christ’s Sake

Great Vespers, 6:30pm

Strict Fast Day!

/ 25 Our Father among the Saints Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople / 26Our Venerable Father Xenophon & His Companions
Strict Fast Day! / 27 Transfer of the Holy Relics of Our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom
Great Vespers & Confession, 5:30pm
28Sun.of the Publican & the Pharisee (Beginning of the Triodion) & Our Venerable Fathers Ephraim & Isaac the Syrians
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class, 6:00-8:00pm / 29 Transfer of the Holy Relics of the Sacred-Martyr Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch / 30The 3 Holy Hierarchs: Our Fathers among the Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian & John Chrysostom / 31 The Holy & Wonder-Working Unmercenaries Cyrus & John
Daily Vesper, 6:30pm
No Fasting! / Feb. 1Pre-Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple & Our Venerable Mother Brigid of Kildare

Vesperal Divine Liturgy (ff. by Lesser Sanctification of Water), 6:00pm

/ 2The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple
No Fasting! / 3 Post-Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple & Synaxis of the Righteous God-Receiver Symeon & Anna the Prophetess.
Great Vespers & Confessions, 5:30pm

Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry & dairy; fish, wine & oil.

Strict Fast Day: 1 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.

/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
31 Leave-Taking of the Nativity & St. Melania the Younger of Rome
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Great Vespers (St. George, Wichita), 5:00pm / Jan. 1 Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy(St. George Wichita), 10:00am / 2 Pre-Feast of Theophany & Our Venerable Father Seraphim of Sarov / 3 Pre-Feast of Theophany & the Holy Prophet Malachi
No Fasting! / 4Pre-Feast of Theophany & the Synaxis of the Holy 70 Apostles / 5 Vigil of Theophany
Royal Hours, 9:00am
Strict Fast Day! / 6 Feast of Theophany (the Feast of Lights, Epiphany)
Orthros, 9:00am
Divine Liturgy (Great Sanctification of Waters), 10:00am
7The Synaxis of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner & Baptist John
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8:00 pm / 8Post-Feast of Theophany & our Venerable Mother Domnica / 9Post-Feast of Theophany &Holy Martyr Polyeuctus / 10 Post-Feast of Theophany &Our Father among the Saints Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (Brother of St. Basil the Great)
Strict Fast Day! / 11 Post-Feast of Theophany & Our Venerable Father Theodosius the Cenobiarch / 12 Post-Feast of Theophany & Holy Virgin-Martyr & Deaconess Tatiana of Rome
Strict Fast Day! / 13 Post-Feast of Theophany & Holy Martyrs Hermylus & Stratonicus & Our Father among the Saints Hilary, Bishop of Poitier
Divine Liturgy, 9:30pm
14Leave-Taking of Theophany & Our Father among the Saints Sabbas, Archbishop of Serbia
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8:00 pm / 15Our Venerable Fathers Paul of Thebes & John the Hut-Dweller /

16Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter

/ 17Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Anthony the Great of Egypt
Strict Fast Day! / 18 Our Fathers among the Saints Athanasius & Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria / 19Our Venerable Fathers Macarius the Great of Egypt & Macarious of Alexandria & Our Father among the Saints Mark Eugenicus, Bishop of Ephesus
Daily Vespers (ff. by Inquirers’ Class), 6:00pm
Strict Fast Day! / 20 Our Venerable & God-Bearing Euthymius the Great
Orthros, 9:00am
Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
21The 15th Sun. of St, Luke Our Venerable Father Maximus the Confessor
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am / 22 Holy Apostle among the 70 Timothy & Holy Anastasius the Persian / 23Holy Sacred-Martyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra / 24Our Venerable Mothers Xenia of Rome & Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Fool for Christ’s Sake

Strict Fast Day!

/ 25Our Father among the Saints Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople / 26Our Venerable Father Xenophon & His Companions

Inquirers’ Class, 6:00pm

Strict Fast Day! / 27Transfer of the Holy Relics of Our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom
Divine Liturgy, 9:30pm
28 Sun. of the Publican & the Pharisee (Beginning of the Triodion) & Our Venerable Fathers Ephraim & Isaac the Syrians
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am / 29Transfer of the Holy Relics of the Sacred-Martyr Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch / 30 The 3 Holy Hierarchs: Our Fathers among the Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian & John Chrysostom / 31The Holy & Wonder-Working Unmercenaries Cyrus & John
No Fasting! / Feb. 1Pre-Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple & Our Venerable Mother Brigid of Kildare

Great Vespers, 6:00pm

/ 2 The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple

Inquirers’ Class, 6:00pm

No Fasting! / 3Post-Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple & Synaxis of the Righteous God-Receiver Symeon & Anna the Prophetess.
Divine Liturgy, 9:30pm

Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry & dairy; fish, wine & oil.

Strict Fast Day: 1 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.