Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of The R.M. of Piney held on

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Vassar, Manitoba.

Present: Reeve: Duane Boutang

Councillors: Earl Sawka (Ward 1)

Donald Winnicky (Ward 2)

Sian Barrow (Ward 3)

Mike Patrick (Ward 4)

Recording Secretary: Martin Van Osch, Chief Administrative Officer

The Reeve took the chair at 7:00 P.M. and called the meeting to order.

1. Minutes Approval

Resolution No. 105

Moved by Councillor Mike PatrickSeconded By Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 8, 2011 are hereby adopted. Carried.

2. Approve Agenda

Resolution No. 106

Moved by CouncillorEarl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

Be It Resolved ThatCouncil approve the amended agenda.Carried.

3. Delegations


4. Cheques

Resolution No. 107

Moved by Councillor Mike PatrickSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

Whereas the accounts of The R.M. of Piney for the period ending March 22, 2011 have been found to be in order;

Therefore Be It Resolved That general cheques nos.973 – 1018amounting to $31,738.76 be approved for payment. Carried.

5. Council Indemnities


6. By-Laws/Policy

  1. By-Law #67/2011 Capital Reserve By-LawResolution 108-109
  2. By-Law #68/2011 Protective Services Reserve By-LawResolution 110-111
  3. By-Law #69/2011 Waste Disposal Services Reserve By-LawResolution 112-113
  4. By-Law #70/2011 Recreation Services Reserve By-LawResolution 114-115
  5. Residential Offer to Purchase Real Estate PolicyResolution 118
  6. Road and Route Priority Policy Resolution 116
  7. By-Law #71/2011 Operating Budget By-LawNoted
  8. Landfill Tipping Fee PolicyResolution 117
  9. Gravel Hauling and Loading Tender FormResolution 119

Resolution No. 108

Moved by Councillor Donald WinnickySeconded by Councillor Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives second reading to By-Law #67/2011 “Being a

by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a capital reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”. Carried.

Resolution No. 109

Moved by Councillor Sian BarrowSeconded by Councillor Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives third reading to By-Law 67/2011 “Being a

by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a capital reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”.


Councillor E. SawkaX

Councillor D. WinnickyX

Councillor S. BarrowX

Councillor M. PatrickX

Reeve D. BoutangX


Resolution No. 110

Moved by Councillor Earl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives second reading to By-Law #68/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a protective services reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”. Carried.

Resolution No. 111

Moved by Councillor Earl Mike PatrcikSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives third reading to By-Law #68/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a protective services reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”.


Councillor E. SawkaX

Councillor D. WinnickyX

Councillor S. BarrowX

Councillor M. PatrickX

Reeve D. BoutangX


Resolution No. 112

Moved by Councillor Sian BarrowSeconded by Councillor Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives second reading to By-Law #69/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a waste disposal reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”.


Resolution No. 113

Moved by Councillor Donald WinnickySeconded by Councillor Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives third reading to By-Law #69/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a waste disposal reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality”.


Councillor E. SawkaX

Councillor D. WinnickyX

Councillor S. BarrowX

Councillor M. PatrickX

Reeve D. BoutangX


Resolution No. 114

Moved by Councillor Mike PatrickSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives second reading to By-Law #70/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a recreation services reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality.


Resolution No. 115

Moved by Councillor Donald WinnickySeconded by Councillor Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney gives third reading to By-Law #70/2011 “Being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Piney to establish a recreation services reserve fund for the purpose of holding funds allocated for capital purchases related to the municipality.


Councillor E. SawkaX

Councillor D. WinnickyX

Councillor S. BarrowX

Councillor M. PatrickX

Reeve D. BoutangX


Resolution No. 116

Moved by Councillor Sian BarrowSeconded by Councillor Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney adopt the Road and Route Priority Policy as presented. Carried.

Resolution No. 117

Moved by CouncillorDonald WinnickySeconded by Councillor Earl Sawka

Be It Resolved Thatthe R.M. of Piney adopt the Landfill Tipping Fee Policy as presented. Tabled.

Resolution No. 118

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Councillor Mike Patrick

Be It Resolved Thatthe R.M. of Piney adopt the new Residential/Recreational Offer to Purchase Real Estate Policy;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT this policy shall apply to all new purchases within the municipality. Carried.

Resolution No. 119

Moved by CouncillorEarl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney approve the Gravel Hauling and Loading Tender From for the following locations:

  1. Pit LS 8 + 9 Section 22-1-12EPM
  2. Pit LS 7 + 10 Section 10-5-9EPM


7. Expense Account

Resolution No. 120

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer’s expense account for the period of February 16, 2011 to March 16, 2011 be paid as presented. Carried.

8. Unfinished Business

a)MTCML Trade ShowEarl, Duane

b)Good Roads Annual BanquetSian, Earl, Duane

9. General Business

a)Piney Hotel, the future of the buildingNoted

b)Designate 2010 as the Tax Sale yearResolution 121

c)Real Estate ProposalResolution 122

d)Recycling Newsletter Send

e)Financial Plan Public Hearing April 11, 2011 at 6:30 pmResolution 123

f)Jepp Funding

g)Committee AppointmentsResolution 124

h)Kozody Green Space Request

Resolution No. 121

Moved by CouncillorDonald WinnickySeconded by Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney designate 2010 as the tax sale year.


Resolution No. 122

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney proceed to contract negotiations with John Friesen from 1 Call Real Estate to provide Real Estate Services on the sale of land owned by the Rural Municipality of Piney. Carried.

Resolution No. 123

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney will hold a Public Hearing on April 11, 2011 at 6:30 pm to present the 2011 Financial Plan. Carried.

Resolution No. 124

Moved by CouncillorDonald WinnickySeconded by Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint the following individuals to the respective committees listed:

Triple R Community Futures

  • Delegate Member: Sian Barrow
  • Alternate Member: Mike Patrick

Eastborderland Community Housing Working Group

  • Delegate Member: Duane Boutang
  • Alternate Member: Mike Patrick

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the term of appointment be until December 31, 2011.


10. Correspondence

a)Crossing Request; NW 4-1-10EPMResolution 125

b)80th Annual MMAA Conference in Brandon May 1 to 4, 2011Resolution 126

c)MMSM Funding Agreement and 2011 PaymentsResolution 127

d)KAT Construction & Rental Invoice January 15, 2011Noted

e)AMM Education; High Integrity Politics for Effective

Council Relations Resolution 128

f) South Junction Community Club Canada Day CelebrationsResolution 129

g) South Junction Community Club Family Slow Pitch Tournament

July 23rd, 2011.

h) Middlebro Recreation Committee Request for Support LetterResolution 131

i) Recreation Opportunities Program Submission Requirements Noted

j) RossL.GraySchool Leap into Learning Program SupportResolution 132

k) Vic Toews Dinner CancellationNoted

Resolution No. 125

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney has no objection to Hans Kolano installing a crossing on Road 56e under the supervision of the Public Works Supervisor, at 100% his cost requiring a minimum 24” culvert, top width 30 feet across. Carried.

Resolution No. 126

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney authorize Martin Van Osch to attend the 80th Annual MMAA Conference being held in Brandon Manitoba on May 1 to 4, 2011;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney absorb all out of pocket expenses to attend. Carried.

Resolution No. 127

Moved by CouncillorDonald WinnickySeconded by Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Pineyenter into a Municipal Funding Agreement with

Multi material Stewardship Manitoba and further the Reeve and C.A.O. are authorized to sign the said agreement. Carried.

Resolution No. 128

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney authorize Duane Boutang to attend the High Integrity Politics for Effective Council Relations being held in Brandon Manitoba on April 12, 2011;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney absorb all out of pocket expenses to attend. Defeated.

Resolution No. 129

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Mike Patrick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney will donate $300.00 to the South Junction Community Club Canada Day Celebrations. Carried.

Resolution No. 130

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney supports the South Junction Community Club and their efforts to secure a MLCC License for their annual Family Slow Pitch Tournament. Carried.

Resolution No. 131

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Sian Barrow

WHEREAS the Middlebro Recreation Committee has been a long standing nonprofit community organization within the municipality;

AND WHEREAS the Middlbro Recreation Committee provides broad benefit to the residents, youth and visitors of the Municipality;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Piney support the Middlebro Recreation Committee’s efforts to secure a Hometown Manitoba Grant;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Piney supports the project in concept. Carried.

Resolution No. 132

Moved by CouncillorMike PatrickSeconded by Donald Winnicky

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Piney will donate $100.00 to the RossL.GraySchool for their Leap into Learning program. Carried.

11.Correspondence for Information only:

a)Manitoba Conservation, Permit #lm-0801Noted

b)RM of La Broquerie Notice of Public HearingNoted

c)Fire ReportsNoted

  1. Piney FD

d)MPI Fire Fighting Rate IncreaseNoted

e)AMM Resolution ResponsesNoted

f).EBCH Meeting MinutesNoted

g)Seine-Rat River Conservation District Meeting MinutesNoted

h)First Sports Program ApplicationsNoted

i)Hudson Bay Route Association MembershipNoted

12.Committee Reports

a)Minutes of the Transportation & Drainage Committee Mar 8/11 Resolution 133

b)Minutes of the Stuartburn/Piney Joint Meeting Mar 9/11Resolution 134

Resolution No. 133

Moved by Councillor Earl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

BE IT RESOLVED THAT minutes of the Transportation & Drainage Committee Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2011 are hereby adopted. Carried.

Resolution No. 134

Moved by Councillor Mike PatrickSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT minutes of the Stuartburn/Piney Joint Meeting of March 9, 2011 are hereby adopted. Carried

13.General Discussion


14.In Camera Disussion:

Resolution No. 135

Moved by CouncillorEarl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the R.M. of Piney meet in Camera as a Committee of the Whole to discuss item No(s). 14(a) of the agenda, time 10:23 P.M. and further all matters are held in confidence as per section 18.9 of Procedure By-Law No. 64/2011.


Resolution No. 136

Moved by CouncillorSian BarrowSeconded by Councillor Earl Sawka

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council return from the in Camera session and the meeting resume, time 10:26 PM. Carried

15. Next Meeting

Resolution No. 137

Moved by Councillor Mike PatrickSeconded by Councillor Sian Barrow

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the R.M. of Piney next Regular Meeting be held on Monday, April 11, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the council Chamber, Vassar, Manitoba Carried.

16. Adjournment

Resolution No. 138

Moved by CouncillorEarl SawkaSeconded by Councillor Donald Winnicky

Be It Resolved thatthis Regular Meeting be adjourned, time 10:30P.M. Carried.


Head of Council


Chief Administrative Officer

(Subject to errors and omissions)