Planning Commission
June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017
The Hyde Park City Planning Commission meeting began at 7:00 P.M. and was conducted by Chairman Mark Lynne.
Chairman Mark Lynne, David Zook, and Connor Balls
Council member Brad Robinson, City Recorder Donja Wright, Jay Jenks, Phillip Cowley
David made a motion to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held May 17, 2017 as is. Connor seconded the motion. Mark Lynne, David Zook, and Connor Balls voted in favor.
Ben & Angie Balls 116 North 820 East 171 Home
Cory & Deanna Goettsche 17 South 760 East Home
Craig & Michelle Turner 370 East 50 North Home Addition
Matt Clark 825 South 50 East Home
Northern Meadows Dev . 17 Leisure Loop Home
Timothy Knight 237 South 100 West Addition of Solar to existing home
Council member Brad Robinson reported on City Council meeting held May 24, 2017:
1. Citizen Input from Stephanie Allred regarding 50 East that enough money on legal has been spent
2. Ethan Poppleton seeking Council’s view on Multi Family Housing Projects
3. North Park Police Budget Review – No significant changes
4. Public Hearing to receive input on the Hyde Park City Budget – There was no input
5. Trails meeting progress with North Logan and County. North Logan working to connect trails.
6. Storm Drain plan
7. Waiting for safe route to new elementary school for sidewalks.
8. 50 East – Continuing conversations with North Logan
9. Bridge is in on 100 North.
10. 3100 North – Little piece of ground that still needs to be deeded to the City.
Brad informed the Commission that Mayor Christensen requested that he bring a few items to the Commission for consideration; 1) Include somewhere in the City Ordinances that if a water line has to be upsized for a development, the developer will need to pay for that. David discussed revising the water plan to note the lines that are to be upsized, do an impact fee analysis, and adjust impact fees to compensate for the anticipated lines. David said the water plans may already show this and an impact fee study may have already been done. 2) UDOT is considering a potential traffic light on 3100 north and main. They are doing a study to determine if it is warranted. 3) The Mayor would like the Commission to look at the land that was part of the land swap with the county, North Logan and Hyde Park. The Council would like the land zoned commercial and requested that the commission look into the process for making that happen. Mark requested that this get added to the next agenda.
The Public Hearing was opened and closed due to no public comment. Mark Lynne talked about it being a continuation of the Larsen Miller Development. Mark made a motion to approve the Proventus Commercial preliminary plat. David seconded the motion. David Zook, Connor Balls and, Mark Lynne voted in favor. Jay Jenks requested that this be put on the next agenda to review the final plat.
CITIZEN INPUT (not on agenda)
Mark Lynne turned the time over to Phil Cowley for citizen input – Phil informed the Commission that he lives at 726 East Canyon Road. In an effort to keep the construction vehicles and other vehicles safe there have been some signs placed by his house (sharp Curve and stop). Some of them have been moved. Chief Hawkes recommended the possibility of changing the speed limit to 15 miles per hour. That way it would be easier to patrol and ticket. Once 200 South goes through or the street is widened, this will no longer be an issue. Brad said the Chief is willing to come and talk to the Council about some suggestions. This will be added to the City Council agenda.
HYDE PARK CITY MASTER ROAD PLAN (Legislative) The Commission had a discussion about different routes for the roads on the west side of the highway. 300 West may get in the way for preferred industrial development. Mark said the LUA discussed possibly doing away with 300 west on the north side and having 400 West and 200 West go through. David recommended staying with what the road master plan indicates until somebody provides a proposal for an alternative.
HYDE PARK CITY MASTER TRAILS PLAN (Legislative) The County website is not showing the changes that were suggested at the last meeting. Mark recommended holding off until the next meeting to discuss the trail master plan with all the updates.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Melinda Lee, Secretary