HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
Papers 3, 4 and 5
Year of attempt: 1st Quarter of 2013
1.Personal Particulars
(Chinese) (if any)
Date of Birth:
HKID/Passport No.: Gender:
Name of Office:
Office Address:
Office Tel.: Office Fax:
Email Address: (please quote frequently-used account)
Home Address:
Correspondence to be sent to (please tick appropriate box):Office Address □Home Address □
Home Tel. & Fax: Mobile / Pager:
HKIA Graduate/Associate Member*Yes □GM/AM No.: No □
* Please complete and submit the CPD Declaration Form 2012(enclosed in P.15 of this form)if you have not already done so.
I am submitting my application under the following category (Please tick one box):
A:Graduate of Accredited or Recognised Schools□D. Resitting Candidate□
B:Graduate from Other Schools□Candidate No. in 2012: ______
C:Non-local Professional in Architecture□
2. / Current Adviser / 3. / **Current Office SupervisorName: / Name:
HKIA Membership No.: / HKIA Membership No.:
**If you are currently between jobs, please name your last Office Supervisor and state the date up towhich you workunder his/hersupervision.
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
- Practical Experience:
(in chronological order starting from the latest attainment)
If there is insufficient space, please give details on a separate sheet to be attached to the application form.
4.1 / Employer:(Name of Firm) / Category of Exp. A / B / C
Post Title:
Duration: / dd mm yy to dd mm yy ( months)
Direct Office Supervisor: / HKIA Membership No.:
Adviser: / HKIA Membership No.:
4.2 / Employer:
(Name of Firm) / Category of Exp. A / B / C
Post Title:
Duration: / dd mm yy to dd mm yy ( months)
Direct Office Supervisor: / HKIA Membership No.:
Adviser: / HKIA Membership No.:
4.3 / Employer:
(Name of Firm) / Category of Exp. A / B / C
Post Title:
Duration: / dd mm yy to dd mm yy ( months)
Direct Office Supervisor: / HKIA Membership No.:
Adviser: / HKIA Membership No.:
4.4 / Employer:
(Name of Firm) / Category of Exp. A / B / C
Post Title:
Duration: / dd mm yy to dd mm yy ( months)
Direct Office Supervisor: / HKIA Membership No.:
Adviser: / HKIA Membership No.:
*Candidates taking the Professional Assessment for the first time are required to seek confirmation on present & past periods of employment (P. 12-13) to demonstrate you have satisfied the minimum 12 months practical experience requirement for Papers 3, 4 and 5. The confirmation letters should reach the HKIA before 31 December 2012. Re-sitting candidates are not required.
- Academic / Professional Qualifications:
(in chronological order starting from the latest attainment)
Academic / Professional Qualification / YearAttained / Conferred byUniversity / Professional Body / Registration Body
*Confirmation of academic qualification (P.8-9) is required for all candidates except elected HKIA Graduate Members who hold a professional degree in architecture (e.g. M Arch or DipArch or B Arch) at the time of application for graduate membership and HKU & CUHK graduates. The confirmation letters should reach the HKIA before 31 December 2012. Re-sitting candidates are not required.
*Confirmation of professional qualification (P.10-11) is required only if you are taking the Professional Assessment as a non-local Professional (Section 4 of Professional Assessment Handbook refers.) The confirmation letters should reach the HKIA before 31 December 2012.
6.Declaration by Candidate
6.1I (name in full) being an applicant for admission to be a candidate for the Professional Assessment held by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects in the 1st Quarter of 2013 do hereby DECLARE that the above is a TRUE STATEMENT OF ALL MY PARTICULARS. I also hereby authorize The Hong Kong Institute of Architects to make any reasonable enquiries into the information given above.
6.2I understand that I will have to obtain a minimum of 12 months practical experience before 31 December 2012. Otherwise, I will not be allowed to take the PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5in March 2013.
6.3Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance:
My personal particulars can be released to third parties for confirmation of my qualification and experience.
Yes□No□(Please tick as appropriate)
6.4I am aware that I shall be subject to penalty as deemed appropriate by the Institute should I submit information fraudulently or dishonestly. I am also aware that fraud and forgery of documents constitute criminal offence under Hong Kong laws.
6.5I have read the registration requirements, procedures & deadlines as well as the Professional Assessment rules detailed in the Professional Assessment Handbook and relevant circulars. I shall abide by the rules therein.
Signature of CandidateDate
Note:Acceptance of the Application Form at the HKIA does not automatically allow you to sit the Professional Assessment. The information submitted in this Form shall be subject to verification. An Admission Form will be issued to you when your eligibility is confirmed.
Name of Candidate :Candidate Number :
Thank you for your application to sit the Professional Assessment 2013– 1st Quarter.
Required documents and items: Submitted Outstanding
1.Identification document & copy (Note1) ☐ ☐
2.Professional Assessment fee ☐ ☐
3.Photo(s)______(Note 2) ☐ ☐
4.Address labels______☐ ☐
5.Original certificate(s) (for checking only) (Note 3) ☐ ☐
6.Confirmation of Academic Qualification ☐ ☐
7.Confirmation of Professional Qualification ☐ ☐
8.Confirmation of Practical Experience ☐ ☐
9.Others: ☐ ☐
7. Acknowledgement of Application (To be filled in by HKIA)
□Substantiating documents & items complete. We shall contact you should further supporting documents be required for assessment of your eligibility.
The item(s)indicated in the table above pertaining to your application for professional assessment is/are outstanding. Please submit them to the Institute before 31 December 2012. According to Chapter 5 of the HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Handbook, your application will be rejected if they were not submitted on or before the said date. Thank you.
Note 1: One copy of your identity card or relevant pages of your Passport is required. Should your name on any required documents differ from that stated on your Identity Card or Passport, declaration or relevant document of proof is required. Official translations for any documents not in English or Chinese are required.
Note 2: Two passport-sized photographs with your name clearly printed on the reverse (These are in addition to the photograph adhered onto the box for photo on Page 1 of this form)
Note 3 : One set of copies and the originals of the educational and professional certificates in support of your application will be returned to you immediately after checking. Official translations for any documents not in English or Chinese are required.
Application Received : / Eligibility for PA2013– 1st attemptForm-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
I am sitting for the following papers (please tick as appropriate): / Candidate No.:
Paper 3 / Building Structures / □$800Paper 4 / Building Services & Environmental Controls / □$800
Paper 5 / Building Materials & Technology / □$800
Registration Fee
Graduate / Associate Members (please quote membership no.)Non-Members / Membership No.:
□$500 ______
Total Amount:
□By Cheque / I enclose a cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Architects”Cheque No.: Bank:
□By Credit Card / □Visa□Master
Card No.: □□□□-□□□□-□□□□-□□□□
Expiry Date:
Cardholder’s Name:
Amount: HK$ Date:
Cardholder’s signature:
For office use only: / Authorization Code: / Date:
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
(Candidates are requested to submit self-adhesive labels with their application form.)
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Name ______Name ______
Address ______Address ______
Candidate No.: ______
Dear Sir
Confirmation of Academic Qualification
The following graduate of your University is applying to sit for the HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment in PA2013 – 1st Quarter:
Name:Date of Birth:
Student number:
Qualification attained:
Mode of study: / Full time / Part time / (Please delete as appropriate)
Date of commencement: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date of completion: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date of conferral: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
We shall be grateful if you will kindly confirm the above information by completing and returning the enclosed “Reply Slip” original to the HKIAbefore31 December 2012 to facilitate the above candidate’s application for sitting the professional assessment.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Rita Cheung (Mrs.)
Candidate No.: ______
To:Mrs Rita Cheung
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
19/F One Hysan Avenue
CausewayBay, Hong Kong
(Fax: (852) 2519 6011 or 2519 3364).
Confirmation of Academic Qualification
We hereby confirm the following information of the following graduate of this University:
Name:Date of Birth:
Student number:
Qualification attained:
Mode of study: / Full time / Part time / (Please delete as appropriate)
Date of commencement: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date of completion: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date of conferral: / (dd/mm/yyyy)
The above degree is accredited / recognized by: (Please as appropriate)
□Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA)
□Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA)
□National Architectural Accrediting Board, Inc (NAAB)
□National Board of Architectural Accreditation (NBAA)
Remarks (if any):
SignatureName of University
Name and Title of SignatoryPlease affix official chop
Candidate No.: ______
Dear Sir
Confirmation of Professional Qualification
The following member of your Institute/Board is applying to sit for the HKIA/ARB Professional Assessmentin PA2013 – 1st Quarter:
Class of Membership :
Member Since :
Membership Number :
We shall be grateful if you will kindly confirm the above information by completing and returning the enclosed “Reply Slip” original to the HKIAbefore31 December 2012 to facilitate the above candidate’s application for sitting the professional assessment.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Rita Cheung (Mrs.)
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
Candidate No.: ______
To:Mrs Rita Cheung
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
19/F One Hysan Avenue
CausewayBay, Hong Kong
(Fax: (852) 2519 6011 or 2519 3364).
Confirmation of Professional Qualification
We hereby confirm the following information of the following member of our Institute/Board:
Class of membership:
Member since:
Membership number:
Remarks (if any):
SignatureName of Institute/Board
Name and Title of SignatoryPlease affix official chop
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
Candidate No.: ______
Dear Sir
Confirmation of Practical Experience
Mr. /Ms , is applying to sit for the HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Papers 3, 4 and 5 in the 1st Quarter of 2013.
I wish to seek your kind confirmation of the employment record of this candidate. The employment details provided by the candidate are attached. Grateful if you would confirm the authenticity of the contents by signing and affixing your company chop on the attached sheet, and returningthe original to the HKIA before 31 December 2012 to facilitate the above candidate’s application for sitting the professional assessment.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Rita Cheung (Mrs.)
Candidate No. ______
To:Mrs Rita Cheung
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
19/F One Hysan Avenue
CausewayBay, Hong Kong
(Fax: (852) 2519 6011 or 2519 3364).
Confirmation of Practical Experience of
Points to note for the candidate:
Note A / Please fill in your experience in chronological order, starting with latest experience, and include all duration of experience up to 31 December 2012Note B / If your direct Office Supervisor is not an HKIA Member, please give particulars.
Note C / Please refer to paragraphs 2.3.3, of HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Handbook on Category A / B / C experience.
(Name of Firm) / Post Title / Direct Office Supervisor
(HKIA Member) / Adviser / Experience
on local projects
[Please state YES / NO] / Duration
(total no. of months) / Category
A / B / C -
1. / (months)
. . - . .
2. / (months)
. . - . .
Name and Title of SignatoryPlease affix official chop
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
(From 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2012)
Activities / HoursYou may login to your HKIA online personal account for the excess hours that can be carried to 2012. (Please refer to Guidance Note 2 as shown at the back of this page)
- Seminars and Study Tours
□ / A1 / Attending courses, seminars, conferences and workshops etc organized by HKIA, other tertiary institutes or professional institutes.
□ / A2 / Study tours or visits to buildings, construction sites or related exhibitions
- Professional Activities / Contributions
□ / B1 / Researching for and writing articles for publication
□ / B2 / Giving presentations, speeches and seminars
□ / B3 / Voluntary works for HKIA or the community
□ / B4 / Participating in HKIA official activities of Council, Boards or Committees of HKIA
- On-the-Job Development
□ / C1 / Conducting or attending in-house seminars, workshops or study tours
□ / C2 / Job related specialized studies or researches
□ / C3 / Staff training or supervise candidates for HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment
- Personal Enhancement and Others
□ / D1 / Self-guided study or researches through structured reading, use of audio, video or internet resources
□ / D2 / Construction Industry Safety Training
□ / D3 / Postgraduate diploma or degree courses
□ / D4 / E-learning packages
□ / D5 / Any other relevant activities contributing to personal skills or professional development
- Other CPD activities (Please specify)
Total / All Members, Fellows, Graduate Members, Non-Resident Members and Affiliates are required to undertake minimum 25 hours of CPD activities in one year.You are always encouraged to exceed the minimum 25 CPD hours.
Please turn over for the Guidance Notes
I hereby declare that I have
□satisfied the minimum CPD requirement for the year2012 as indicated in the brief summary above.
□NOT satisfied the minimum CPD requirement for the year 2012, and am willing to make up the deficiency in 2013.Meanwhile I am submitting this Form to HKIA for record.
□I wish to receive a hard copy CPD Certificate 2012.
I shall be happy to provide further details to the CPD Checking Panel should I be selected for random check.
FellowAffiliate Member Graduate Member
Non-resident Member
Signature / Membership Number
Name of Member / Date
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter
HKIA/ARB Professional Assessment Application Form for PA2013 Papers 3, 4 and 5 – 1st Quarter1
1.Members are free to choose the method which best suit their own personal arrangement and career priorities. To fulfill the minimum CPD requirement, simply achieve a total of minimum 25 HOURS participation (per year) in any category of CPD activities as shown in the Declaration Form. You may login your personal online account at HKIA website at under “Members Area” to access to E-CPD Declaration Form and your participation record of HKIA CPD Events in 2012.
2.Members whose CPD pursuits exceed the annual minimum CPD requirement of 25 credit hours in a given year may credit up to 10 credit hoursinto the following year. Members whose credit hours fall short of the minimum CPD requirement of 25 credit hours in a given year shall make up those outstanding hours in the following year. Credit hours to be carried to or made up in the following yearshall be valid for 2 years only.
3.Starting from 2011 (i.e. with the submission of CPD Declaration Form 2010), fulfillment of mandatory CPD requirement is a prerequisite for the renewal of HKIA membership for Fellows, Members, Affiliates, Non-Resident Members and Graduate Members. By Rule 23B, the Council may terminate the membership if the member cannot make up the outstanding hours of 2011 and fulfill the annual CPD requirement of 2012. For details of the calculation logic of the CPD hours, please visit HKIA website at
4.Even if you have yet to satisfy the minimum CPD requirement for 2012 by 31 December 2012, you are still required to return your Declaration Form for HKIA’s record. However, it is essential that you will make up the outstanding hours in 2013.
5.If you return your Declaration Form 2012 by 31 December 2012, you would receive 1 CPD Coupon 2013as a token of appreciation. Graduate members will receive 5 CPD Coupons 2013.
6.If you have already fulfilled CPD requirement for renewal of PRC Class I Registered Architect Qualification, you may simply fill in the total number of CPD hours (including those in PRC) you have obtained in this form and submit it together with your valid substantiating document to HKIA Secretariat.
7.Should Members have any queries or suggestions on the CPD policyand activities, please contact CPD Committee through r telephone at 2511 6323.
Form-2012/Professional Assessment Admin 2013 Paper 3, 4, 5 – 1st Quarter