New Approach to System Leadership
A Mitchell Institute and Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals
futures focusedpartnership of action with schools.
Is this partnership for our school?
Do you believe that …
☐education could more effectively serve all our young people?
☐an education system that continues to prepare young people as ‘job seekers’ falls short of what they need from their education experience?
☐a broader definition of student ‘success’ is needed?
☐young people today need to develop their creative, innovative and entrepreneurial capabilities and perspectives as globally minded citizens, and world-class learners?
☐you can contribute to leading big change in education by being part of a globally connected peer group of educators who are committed to transforming education?
☐you and your school community have the appetite and readiness to commit to action in your school community?
If so, would you like the ‘head space’ and access to networks so your students can contribute to local and global educational transformation by …
☐developing more personalised education experiences, so each young person can pursue his or her passions and talents to excel in their own unique ways?
☐engaging in creative and entrepreneurial product-oriented learning experiences that can, in authentic ways, benefit their local and global communities?
☐cultivating and prototyping new approaches, processes and or products?
If so, then read on.
What is ‘New approach to system leadership’?
- This is an invitational 12-month, profession-led, self -organising and self-paced local (and global) learning network of school leadership teams. Who comprises your team is up to you.
- Over the 12 months, as leadership teams, you commit to co-designing and implementing action in your school. The ‘action’ will be consistent with the beliefs and focus noted above.
- ‘What’ you focus on (or focus on immediately) and the ‘how’ of your action is also up to you.
- Drivers for your actions will include, demonstrating an understandingof what your young people need from you; what your community needs from its young people, andwhat are the passions and talents of the young people at your school.
What support can you access?
- International expert, Yong Zhao, Mitchell Institute’s International Advisor and Professorial Fellow will meet with the network of school teams:Via face-to-face whole day group gatherings (2 separate days in 2016) and via Skype (up to 1 hour, monthly). The dates and timing of these connections will be determined in consultation with the group of schools involved.
- Guest ‘partner’ input and noteworthy readings will also be drawn in, as needed and as relevant and meaningful to the needs of the network.
- Rapid scans of what actions schools are taking and sharing of these with your peers.
- The expertise to assist advocate and amplify the changes you are actioning.
- A key support will be the expertise of your peers, and the relationships you form, as you develop and ‘prototype’ your actions.
- An experienced professional who will provide dedicated network coordinator support to schools.
What’s the investment?
- Mitchell Institute and VASSP will source and supportyour access to international and local experts and undertake all network coordination, communications and group gatherings.
- Schools involved are asked for a once-off payment of $5,000 (GST Inc.) to assist cover network coordination costs.
- Engage directly in up to 3 policy discussions. These 2.5 hour discussions are to identify what’s working and what’s getting in the way of this paradigm shift. (Dates TBC)
- Confirmation of your commitment to join in an action-orientated 12-month journey.
What’s the immediate timeline and process?
- Wed 10th Feb: Briefing session for schools by Yong Zhao at Melbourne Girls’ College, Richmond.
- Mon 29th Feb: COB Your confirmation to participate is sent to VASSP.
- Wed 9th Mar: Welcome Reception (9 am to midday, with light lunch afterwards) Venue TBC
- April ‘TBC’: First monthly 1 hour group session, via Skype with Yong.
- Duration of network: March 2016 to March 2017
If this partnership is for us, what’s next?
- Indicate your interest and commitment to VASSP by COB 29th Feb 2016. This should be emailed to the VASSP Executive Officer, Marion Heale on
- Any questions in the meantime can be directed to the VASSP president, Judy Crowe on or to Dr Sara Glover, Director of the Mitchell Institute on