Guided Reading Activity 1-1

Filling in the Blanks Use your textbook to fill in the blanks using

the words in the box. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

artifacts weapons and tools Beringia food

carbon woolly mammoth cultures shelters

hunting South America Bering Strait

maize Atlantic Ocean communities

The Journey From Asia

Archaeologists learn about ancient peoples by studying stone tools, carvings, and other (1)______. Archaeologists believe that the first Americans came from Asia over a strip of land called (2)______that once connected Asia and North America. This land bridge that the first Americans crossed about 30,000 years ago now lies under the (3)______. The early Americans were nomads who depended on (4)______for most of their food. Over the centuries, migrants spread out as far east as the (5)______and as far south as the tip of (6)______. The first Americans found huge mammals, including the saber-toothed tiger, mastodon, and (7)______. The people used the bones of the animal to make (8)______. When the large animals began to die out, the early Americans had to find other sources of (9)______.

Settling Down

About 9,000 years ago, people living in present-day Mexico learned to plant and

raise a form of corn called (10)______. As they began to produce their own supply of food, early Americans formed stable (11)______. Scientists learn much about early villages by studying the age of artifacts, which can be done by measuring the amount of radioactive (12)______remaining in things that were once alive, such as bones or wood. The people of ancient Mexico began to build permanent (13)______. Over time, different groups of people in the Americas developed their own (14)______.

Guided Reading Activity 1-2

DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook to answer the questions. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

1. In what order did the following civilizations arise, beginning with the earliest:

Aztec, Inca, Maya, Olmec?


2. Where did the Olmec live?


3. What did the Mayan pyramids look like?


4. What is a theocracy?


5. What did the Mayans use to help them create a calendar?


6. What was unusual about the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán?


7. What happened to the conquered people of the Aztec warriors?


8. What helped the Inca control its large empire?


9. How were the Inca able to farm on the mountainous land?


10. What was Machu Picchu?

Guided Reading Activity 1-3

I. Early Native Americans

A. The Hohokam—How did the Hohokam people help provide water for their fields?


B. The Anasazi

1. What kinds of dwellings did the Anasazi build? ______

2. Why do archaeologists think Pueblo Bonito was an important center for the

Anasazi? ______

C. The Mound Builders

1. What was the purpose of some of the mounds built by the Mound Builders?


2. What do the artifacts found in the mounds indicate? ______

D. Cahokia—Why is Cahokia a special place?______

II. Other Native North Americans

A. Peoples of the North—How did the Inuit survive the cold Arctic climate?


B. Peoples of the West

1. How did the Tlingit, Haida, and Chinook adapt their way of life to the forest

and sea environment of the West Coast? ______

2. Where did the Nez Perce and Yakima settle? ______

3. Why did the Ute and Shoshone travel to find food? ______

C. Peoples of the Southwest—How did the Apache and Navajo get most of

their food? ______

D. Peoples of the Plains—What animal became important to the Plains peoples

during hunting and warfare? ______

E. Peoples of the East and Southeast

1. What five Iroquois nations joined to form the Iroquois League? ______


2. What important activities did Iroquois women do? ______

3. What are three of the Native American peoples who lived in present-day

Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi? ______

4. What happened in the 1500s that changed the Native Americans’ way of life?


Guided Reading 2-1 Fill in the Blanks

Magnetic compass Renaissance Italian trade

exploration and discovery Africa Muslims Asia

Marco Polo East

Expanding Horizons

More people became interested in India, China, and the rest of Asia as the story of 1)______spread and exotic goods from the East appeared in European marketplaces. The (2)______, a period of great intellectual and artistic creativity, encouraged Europeans to pursue new ideas and paved the way for an age of (3)______.

Powerful Nations Emerge

During the 1400s, merchants and bankers wanted to expand their businesses by

buying goods from the (4) ______directly, without going through the Arab and

(5)______cities. Strong monarchs in Spain, Portugal, England, and France sought ways to increase (6)______and make their countries stronger.

Technology’s Impact

Technological advances helped prepare the way for European voyages of exploration. They included navigational instruments, such as the (7)______and the astrolabe. These advances helped launch a new era of exploration as powerful countries began searching for sea routes to (8)______.

African Kingdoms

Trade of such resources as gold, copper, iron ore, and ivory helped create wealthy, powerful kingdoms in (9)______south of the Sahara. Many West Africans in Ghana became (10)______as a result of their contacts with North African traders.

Guided Reading 2-2

1. What country led exploration in the early 1400s? ______

2. Why was Prince Henry called Henry the Navigator?


3. Where was the Gold Coast? ______

4. What did the Portuguese trade and buy on the Gold Coast?


5. Who led the Portuguese expedition to India in 1497?


6. How did Christopher Columbus plan to reach Asia?


7. When did the Viking Leif Eriksson explore Vinland?______

8. Who financed Columbus’s 1492 voyage? ______

9. What were the names of Columbus’s three ships?


10. Why did Columbus write ìhaving trouble with the crewî?


11. Why are the Caribbean islands called the West Indies?


12. What imaginary line was drawn down the middle of the Atlantic to keep peace

between Spain and Portugal?


13. What gave Spain the right to most of North and South America?______

14. Who claimed the Pacific Ocean for Spain?


15. Who was the first to circumnavigate the world?


16. How long did the first voyage around the world take? ______

Guided Reading 2-3

Africans guns and cannons Francisco Pizarro diseases

Atahualpa fountain of youth Juan Ponce de LeÛn slaves

Hern·n CortÈs Hernando de Soto settlements class

Montezuma plantations Francisco V·squez de Coronado

Spanish Conquistadors

Spanish conquistadors received grants from Spanish rulers to explore and establish

(1)___ in the Americas. In 1519 (2)___ landed on the east coast of Mexico.

He was welcomed into the Aztec capital of Tenochtitl·n by the Aztec emperor

(3)___ , whom he then took prisoner. In 1532 (4)___ captured the Inca ruler

(5)____ and destroyed much of the Incan army. The conquistadors conquered

the Aztecs and Incas partly because the Spanish had weapons such as (6)____ .

The Europeans unknowingly brought (7)____ to which Native Americans

had no immunity.

Spain in North America

(8)____ , the first Spaniard to land on the mainland of North America, was

searching for gold and the (9)____ . Tales of the ìSeven Cities of Cibolaî told by

¡lvar N˙Òez Cabeza de Vaca in 1536 inspired the explorations of (10)_____

and (11)____ .

Spanish Rule

The Spanish developed a complex (12)____ system in the Americas. The

Spanish government granted each conquistador the right to demand taxes or labor

from the Native Americans, which turned the Native Americans into (13)____ .

BartolomÈ de Las Casas helped improve conditions for Native Americans. By the

mid-1500s, however, the Spanish forced (14)_____ to work as slaves on the

Spanish tobacco and sugarcane (15)_____ .

Guided Reading 2-4

I. A Divided Church

A. Introduction—Whose protests started the Protestant Reformation? ______

B. Protestantism Spreads in Europe

1. Who was John Calvin? ______

2. What did the English Parliament do in 1534 that helped establish England as

a Protestant nation?


C. Religious Rivalries in the Americas—How did the religious rivalries in

western Europe affect the Americas?


II. Economic Rivalry

A. Introduction—What two factors pushed Europeans to establish settlements

in the Americas?


B. The Columbian Exchange—What was the Columbian Exchange?


C. A Northwest Passage

1. How did England, France, and the Netherlands view the Treaty of Tordesillas?


2. What were the explorers John Cabot, Giovanni da Verrazano, and

Jacques Cartier looking for on their voyages?


D. Hudson’s Discoveries—What happened to Henry Hudson after his discovery

of Hudson Bay?


E. French Open Trading Posts—Why did the French settle Canada?


F. Dutch Settlements—Where did the Dutch set up trading posts in the early 1600s?
