VUB APR Crosswalk of 2011-12 and 2012-13 APR Data Fields

2011-12 Field No. / 2011-12 Field Name / 2011-12 Database Column Name / 2012-13 Field No. / 2012-13 Field Name / 2012-13
Column Name / Data Crosswalk
for 2012-13
1 / PR/Award Number / VetPR / 1 / PR/Award Number / VetPR / Pre-populate with grantee’s PR number for 2012-13
2 / Batch Year / VetBatchAY / 2 / Batch Year / VetBatchAY / Pre-populate with 2012
3 / Program Type / VetType / 3 / Program Type / VetType / Pre-populate with 3
4 / Social Security Number / VetSSN / 4 / Social Security Number / VetSSN / No change*
5 / Student’s Last Name / VetLastNM / 5 / Last Name / VetLastNM / No change*
6 / Student’s First Name / VetFirstNM / 6 / First Name / VetFirstNM / No change*
7 / Student’s Middle Initial / VetMI / 7 / Middle Initial / VetMI / No change*
8 / Student’s Date of Birth / VetDOB / 8 / Date of Birth / VetDOB / No change*
9 / Gender / VetGenderCD / 9 / Gender / VetGenderCD / No change*
10 / Ethnicity--Hispanic / VetEthnic / 10 / Ethnicity – Hispanic / VetEthnic / No change*
11 / Race--American Indian/Alaskan Native / VetRace1 / 11 / Race – American Indian/Alaskan Native / VetRace1 / No change*
12 / Race--Asian / VetRace2 / 12 / Race – Asian / VetRace2 / No change*
13 / Race--Black or African American / VetRace3 / 13 / Race – Black or African American / VetRace3 / No change*
14 / Race--White / VetRace4 / 14 / Race – White / VetRace4 / No change*
15 / Race--Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander / VetRace5 / 15 / Race – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander / VetRace5 / No change*

*i.e., 2012–13 crosswalk file should have the same data in this field as was in the 2011–12 file.

The data in the following fields should be mapped based on the Database Column Names; for most of these fields only the field numbers have changed. Those fields in the 2011-12 APR that have been dropped from the 2012-13 APR have “NA” in the 2012-13 columns. The last column entitled “Data Crosswalk for 2012-13” provides specific instructions. Where fields are left blank for certain participants in the crosswalk file, the grantee must provide appropriate responses in the 2012-13 APR submission.

2011-12 Field No. / 2011-12 Field Name / 2011-12 Database Column Name / 2012-13 Field No. / 2012-13 Field Name / 2012-13
Column Name / Data Crosswalk
for 2012-13
16 / Eligibility at first entry into project / VetEligCD / 16 / Eligibility (at time of initial selection) / VetEligCD / Map options 1, 2, 3, and 0 from 2011–12 to 2012–13.
17 / Recruitment / VetRecruit / 21 / Recruitment / VetRecruit / Map data based on Database Column Name
18 / Educational Status
(at date of first project service) / VetGradeLV1 / 23 / Educational Status,
at date of first project service / VetGradeLV1 / Map data based on Database Column Name
19 / Scheduled Completion Year / VetSchedule / NA / NA / NA / Field has been dropped from 2012-13 APR
20 / Revised Scheduled Completion Year / VetRevSchedule / NA / NA / NA / Field has been dropped from 2012-13 APR
21 / Circumstances of Rescheduling / VetRescheduleCircs / NA / NA / NA / Field has been dropped from 2012-13 APR
22 / Reason for Rescheduling / VetReasonReschedule / NA / NA / NA / Field has been dropped from 2012-13 APR
23 / Date of First Project Service / VetProjEntDT / 22 / Date of First Project Service / VetProjEntDT / Map data based on Database Column Name
24 / Employment Status
(at date of first project service) / VetJob / 24 / Employment Status
(at date of first project service) / VetJob / Map data based on Database Column Name
25 / Participant Had One or More Disabilities (at date of first project service) / VetDis / 19 / At Risk: Disability / VetAtRiskDisabil / Map responses in VetDis to VetAtRiskDisabil
26 / Participant Status for reporting year / VetPartCD / 26 / Participant Status, for reporting year / VetPartCD / Leave the field blank for all participants coded as 1, 2, 3, and 0 in 2011-12, as grantees may need to update this field for 2012-13. Map options4 and 5from 2011-12 to option 4 of 2012-13 crosswalk.
Note to grantees: For a re-entry participant in 2012-13, change option 4 to option 3.
27 / Called to Active Duty During Reporting Period / VetCall / 28 / Called to Active Duty during reporting period / VetCall / Leave field blank in 2013-14 crosswalk. Grantee must report on duty status of current and prior participants in 2012-13 APR.
28 / Improved Score on Standardized Test (as of end of budget period) / VetTest / 29 / Academic Improvement on Standardized Test Objective / VetTestObj / Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5 in 2011-12 APR.
Note to grantees: For a re-entry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 3, or 8).
29 / Date of Last Project Service in VUB (as of end of budget period) / VetLastSerDate / 30 / Date of Last Project Service in VUB, as of end of reporting year / VetLastSerDate / Map only dates and 00/00/0000from 2011–12 APR to 2012–13 crosswalk; do not map 99/99/9999.
30 / Reason for Leaving VUB Program (as of end of budget period) / VetLeave / 32 / Reason for Leaving VUB Program, as of end of reporting year / VetLeave / For option 8 (Did not complete program due to medical reasons) in the 2011-12 APR, convert to option 11 in the 2012-13 crosswalk. Do not map 88 (Not applicable, participant is still in VUB educational program). For all other options, map the options from 2011-12 APR to 2012-13 crosswalk.
31 / Source of Postsecondary Education Information / VetSelfTranCD / 40 / Source of Postsecondary Education Information / VetSelfTranCD / Map only options 1, 2, 3, 4, and 0 from 2011–12 APR to 2012–13. Do not map 6, 8, or 9.
32 / Date of First Postsecondary School Enrollment / VetFirstEnrollDT / 37 / Date of First Postsecondary School Enrollment / VetFirstEnrollDT / Map only dates and 00/00/0000 from 2011–12 to 2012–13; do not map 66/66/6666, 88/88/8888, or 99/99/9999.
33 / School Code for Postsecondary Institution Last Attended / VetPSECode / 39 / School Code for Postsecondary Institution First Attended / VetPSECode / The field has changed; in 2011-12 APR, the data requested was the school code for institution last attended. For the 2012-13 APR, the data requested is for the institution first attended. Although for some students, the first and last institution would be the same, for others it would be different.
To address this change and to reduce burden on grantees, a new option was added to the 2012-13 APR whereby a grantee could insert “6s” instead of the school code for prior participants whose enrollment in last institution was reported in the previous grant cycle.
Map only 888888, 999999, and 000000 from 2011–12 APR to 2012–13 crosswalk.
Note to grantees: For all participant records for which you provided a school code (including 555555), you may either choose to add the institution in the 2012–13 APR (if it was indeed the institution first attended), or choose to add 666666 (NA, prior participant whose enrollment in last institution attended was reported in previous grant cycle[s]).
34 / College Status at beginning of academic year 2012–13 / VetPSEGrLV / 41 / College Status, at beginning of academic year 2013–14 / VetPSEGrLV / Leave field blank for all participants in the crosswalk. Grantees will need to report on the current status of participants in the 2012-13 APR.
35 / Undergraduate Degree/Certificate Completed / VetDegreeCD / NA / NA / NA / See instructions for new fields 43, 45, 47 for crosswalking data from field #35 to the new fields.
36 / Date of Undergraduate Degree / VetDegreeDT / NA / NA / NA / See instructions for new fields 44, 46, 48 for crosswalking data from field #36 to the new fields.
37 / Postsecondary Enrollment Objective for 2011–12 reporting year / VetPSEEnrollObj / NA / NA / NA / Fields dropped from 2012-13 APR
38 / Postsecondary Persistence Objective-- denominator for 2011–12 reporting year / VetPSEPersistDenom / NA / NA / NA / Fields dropped from 2012-13 APR
39 / Postsecondary Persistence Objective--
numerator for 2011–12 reporting year / VetPSEPersistNum / NA / NA / NA / Fields dropped from 2012-13 APR

The following fields are new to the 2012-13 APR. The last column entitled “Data Crosswalk for 2012-13” provides specific instructions for populating

these fields. Where fields are left blank for certain participants, the grantee must provide appropriate responses in the 2012-13 APR submission.

2012-13 Field No. / 2012-13 Field Name / 2012-13
Column Name / Data Crosswalk for 2012-13
17 / At Risk: Out of School for Five Years (at time of initial selection) / VetAtRiskSchool / VetAtRiskSchool is new field; insert option 9 for this field in the crosswalk.
18 / At Risk: Low Standardized Test Scores (at time of initial selection) / VetAtRiskStdTest / VetAtRiskStdTest is new field; insert option 9 for this field in the crosswalk.
20 / Academic Need (at time of initial selection) / VetNeed / VetNeed is new field; insert option 9 for this field in the crosswalk.
25 / Deceased or Incapacitated / VetDeceased / VetDeceased field replaces option 5 in field #26 (VetPartCD) in 2011-12 APR. Data cannot be crosswalked since new field has one option for “deceased prior participant” and another option for “prior participant, permanently incapacitated.” New field also has options for deceased or permanently incapacitated participants that had been served during the reporting year.
27 / Served by Another Federal Program Similar to VUB during reporting year 2012–13 / VetServed / New field; Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5 in 2011-12 APR.
Notes to grantees: For a reentry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 3, or 0)
31 / VUB Educational Program Completion Year / VetCompleteYR / New field; no 2011-12 data to crosswalk.
33 / Basic Skills Development, for reporting year / VetBasicSkill / New field; Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5 in 2011-12 APR.
Note to grantees: For a reentry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 8, or 0)
34 / Short Term Remedial or Refresher Courses, for reporting year / VetRefresher / New field; Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5 in 2011-12 APR.
Note to grantees: For a reentry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 8, or 0)
35 / Assistance in Securing Local Support, for reporting year / VetLocalSup / New field; Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5in 2011-12 APR.
Note to grantees: For a reentry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 8, or 0)
36 / Special Services for Transition to PSE, for reporting year / VetSpSrvc / New field; Leave blank for participants with a VetPartCD of 1, 2, 3, or 0 in field #26 of 2011-12 APR; insert option 9 in this field for participants with a VetPartCD of 4 or 5in 2011-12 APR.
Note to grantees: For a reentry participant in 2012-13, change 9 to one of the other options (1, 2, 8, or 0)
38 / Postsecondary Education Enrollment Cohort / VetPSECohort / New field; in the 2012–13 APR, only one option will be available: 0 = Not applicable in 2012–13 APR.
2013–14APR crosswalk file will be pre-populated with values established by the Department of Education.
42 / Postsecondary Remediation / VetPSRemediation / New field; no prior data to crosswalk.
43 / Certificate/Diploma Completed / VetCertificateCD / For all participants coded with options 1 or 2 in field #35(Undergraduate Degree/Certificate Completed) of 2011-12 APR, insert option 1 in new field #43.
44 / Date of Certificate/Diploma / VetCertificateDT / For all participants coded with options 1 or 2 in field #35 of 2011-12 APR, insert date reported in field #36 of the 2011-12 APR in new field #44. Leave new field #44 blank for any 2011–12 response in field #36 other than dates (for example, 66/66/6666).
45 / Associate Degree Attained / VetAssocDegreeCD / For all participants coded with option 3 in field #35 of 2011-12 APR, insert option 1 in new field #45.
46 / Date of First Associate Degree / VetAssocDegreeDT / For all participants coded with option 3 in field #35 of 2011-12 APR, insert date reported in field #36 of the 2011-12 APR in new field #46. Leave new field #46 blank for any 2011–12 response in field #36 other than dates (for example, 66/66/6666).
47 / Bachelor’s Degree Attained / VetBachDegreeCD / For all participants coded w/ options 4, 5, or 6 in field #35 of 2011-12 APR, insert option1 in new field #47.
48 / Date of Bachelor’s Degree / VetBachDegreeDT / For all participants coded with options 4, 5, or 6 in field #35 of 2011-12 APR, insert date reported in field #36 of the 2011-12 APR in the new field #48. Leavenew field #48 blank for any 2011–12 response in field #36 other than dates (for example, 66/66/6666).
49 / Length of Active Duty (2007-08 Postsecondary Ed. Cohort) / VetActiveDuty / New field; no prior data to crosswalk
50 / Participant’s Name Change (Optional) / FullNameChange / New field; no prior data to crosswalk

June 2014