106 School Street, Suite 201 • Spring Mills, PA 16875 • (814) 422-0251 •

List of PCO-Approved Sanitizers for Organic Processors

This is a list of products that are approved by PCO for use as sanitizers on equipment and food contact surfaces (ex. counter tops, cutting boards) without a final clean water rinse.

  • Chlorine products used on equipment and food contact surfaces must drain and dry thoroughly.
  • These products may also be used in direct food contactif label instructions allow for that use. See the chlorine restriction for chlorine products.
  • All label restrictions for these products must be followed.
  • Products not listed here must be reviewed by PCO before using without a rinse.
  • EPA or FDA registration numbers are listed when applicable, so that products on this list can be identified by the registration numbers on product labels.

These products are listed on the current PCO Approved Materials List. Products that are allowed as sanitizers on equipment without a rinse are listed in the Cleaners/Disinfectants/Sanitizers category with the following restriction: (R) No rinse required on equipment. You may also verify the status of any material by contacting PCO. This list of approved sanitizers expires on 12/31/2013, although PCO may provide additional notification of any changes before that time.


Chlorine may be used on equipment and food contact surfaces up to maximum labeled rates and rinsing is not required unless mandated by the label use directions. Chlorine may be used in direct food contact (ex. in wash water or applied directly to the surface of food) up to maximum labeled rates, but must be immediately rinsed with clean water if the residual levels of chlorine inwater in direct food contact is greater than specified in the Safe Drinking Water Act (4 ppm as chlorine or 0.8 ppm as chlorine dioxide).

Name / Manufacturer / EPA Registration
AFCO 0546 Chlorilizer / Alex C. Fergusson, Inc. / 550-198-833
AFCO 0251 Chlorilizer Plus / Alex C. Fergusson, Inc. / 550-199-883
AFCO 4309Ultra San SCD II / Alex C. Fergusson, Inc. / 9150-3-833
Austin’s A1 Bleach / James Austin Co. / 1672-20004
Bleach / Great Value -Walmart / 70271-13-41348
CDG 3000 / CDG Environment, LLC / 75757-2
Chlor 125 / Boumatic, LLC / 33987-20001-75682
Chlorinated Sanitizer / AST, Inc. / 37365-200
Chlorinated Sanitizer / Metz Sales, Inc. / 9359-002-8781
Chlorine, Liquid Gas / Univar USA, Inc. / 550-177
Clorox Germicidal Spray / The Clorox Company / 67619-13
Dairy Pro OxyChlor / Westfalia Surge / GEA Farm Tech / 1072-68758
Dairy Star Chlorine Sanitizer / Westfalia Surge / GEA Farm Tech / 1072-5
Duo Brite 5, Duo Brite 25 / Agri-Enzyme Products, LLC / n/a
Equipment Sanitizer / EcoLab, Inc. / 1677-52
Extract 2 / Chemland / West Agro / 4959-47
FS 100 Liquid Sanitizer / IBA, Inc. / 8405-2
Gil Chlor 12.5 II / Gilmer Industries, Inc. / 550-198
Keeper Professional / Bio-Cide International / n/a
LiquiChlor / Univar USA, Inc. / 550-198
LCS (Liquid Chlorinated Sanitizer) / Universal Dairy Supply / 4559-2003-68666
Metz Dairy Sanitizer / Metz Sales, Inc. / 9359-002-8781
Oxine®, ProOxine® Sanitizer / Bio-Cide International, Inc. / 9804-9
Quorum Green / EcoLab, Inc. / 1677-144
Rodox Sanitizer / Rochester Midland Corp. / 9804-9
San 2000 / North Country Dairy Supply / 9359-02-83915
SHS 9000 / Diversey Inc./ Dubois / 3635-20003
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution / Tilley Chemical Company / n/a
SparChlor Chlorinated Sanitizer / Spartan Chemical Company, Inc. / 5741-20001
SuperChlor / Slack Chemical Co., Inc. / 59074-20001
T Chlor / Thatcher Company of New York / 9768-7
Tundra/Tandil Ultra Liquid Bleach / West Agro, Inc. / 70271-13
Ultra Clorox Germicidal Bleach / The Clorox Company / 67619-8
XY 12 / Ecolab, Inc. / 1677-52
Zep FS Formula 4665 / Zep Manufacturing Company / 1270-20001
Zinicin Chlorinated Sanitizer / WestfaliaSurge / 1072-5

Peracetic Acid Products

Name / Manufacturer / Registration
3540 (KP3540) / ChemStation / EPA 54289-3-65072
Per Ox Liquid Sanitizer / AFCO 4325 / Alex C. Fergusson, Inc. / EPA 63838-13-833
Alpha MP / Alpha Chemical Service / FDA FCN 887 and 908
BioSide HS 15 % / Enviro Tech Chemical Services / EPA 63838-2
Birk Ox Sanitizer / Birko Co. / EPA 63838-1
Blitz (Red Meat Carcass Wash) / FMC Corp. / FDA FCN 323
CitroBio 921 / CitroBio, Inc. / EPA 63838-2
Clarity / FMC Corp. / EPA 65402-3
Divosan Activ / Diversey, Inc. / EPA 65402-1
Inspexx 100 (Poultry Processing) / Ecolab, Inc. / FAP 1A4728
Matrixx / Ecolab, Inc. / EPA 1677-158
Oakite FiSan OxySanitizer / Chemetall Oakite Products Inc. / EPA65402-1-1020
Oxonia Active Sanitizer / Ecolab, Inc. / EPA 1677-129
OxySan / AgroChem, Inc. / EPA 63838-1-82808
OxyWave / Madison Chemical Co. / EPA 63838-2
Peraclean 5, Peraclean 15 / Evonik – Degussa Corp. / EPA 54289-3
Perasan A / Hydrite Chemical Co. / EPA 63838-1
Pericide 513 / Enerco Corp. / EPA 63838-1
Premium Peroxide II Sanitizer / West Agro, Inc. / EPA 63838-1
SaniDate 5.0 and 12 / BioSafe Systems / EPA 70299-11
Spectrum (Poultry Carcass Wash) / FMC Corp. / FDA FCN 323
Spectrum 2000 (Poultry Carcass Wash) / FMC Corp. / FDA FCN 880
SuperSan / IBA, Inc. (by EcoLab is prohibited) / EPA 54289-3
Tsunami® 100 / Ecolab, Inc. / EPA 1677-164
VigorOx® L LS & D / FMC Corp. / EPA 65402-1
Vortexx / Ecolab, Inc. / EPA 1677-158

Copyright © 2013Effective 1/1/2013 through 12/31/2013

CERT A18 List of PCO-Approved Sanitizers for Processing V1, R4, 12/19/12