Edinbane Community Company Board

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 5th January 2017, 7.30, Edinbane Community Hall

Present: / Peter Macrae, Chris Watkiss, Phil Ashhurst, Karen Parker, Isabel Nelson, Jo Kalaher
Also present: Wilf Docherty, Alistair Danter, Ian Brown
Apologies / Brian Whatley, George Campbell; Davina McCluskie
Approval of Minutes of the last meeting / Minutes of the meeting held on 13th December 2016 were Approved.
Proposed: Karen Seconded: Chris
Matters arising not included in agenda. / Election of Treasurer
ChrisWatkiss –Proposer JoeKalaher; Seconded: Phil Ashhurst. Agreed
Actions / a)Layby picnic area development
WD to pass on info to AD. AD informed Board that match funding from Leader fund small and we need to act quickly to try and get funds. 2 stage process, initial criteria pass then more detailed app. To check criteria go to SRDP website which will take you to Scot Gov. where a search on Leader will lead to information.
  1. Flashader Link
AD informed meeting Board has liaised with Donald Kennedy (Footpaths) from HC. Flashadder link in progress. Link at Greshornishneeds to be approved and done plus Kildonan link.
  1. Windfarm link
Still awaiting a signature.
30K original quote (5 years ago), needs to be revisited
AD prepared to carry on with footpaths and will attend or report to Board Meetings on progress
AD also made reference to 2005/6 Survey which identified that a Sports field, linking up the footpaths, Play Park and War Memorial as priorities for the community
c)Bridge Improvements
Agreed that this should betaken to Skeabostand District Community Council (Sec. Isabel Macleod). RM to bring the issue up at the next SDCC meeting on Monday Jan 9th.
d)Safety and Screening of Recycling Bins (PA)
Agreed that RM to take to SDCC meeting on Jan 9th
e)Large-scale midge eaters
CW to take this on / <WD>
Development Worker Job Description / KP and CW to take this forward / <KP>
Update on Coishletter development / IB provided background and an update including the role of the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT); their Edinbane housing survey. Previously Board had agreed £600 worth of work by HSCHT on ECC behalf.
Currently waiting on developers to come back to ECC on their proposals so ECC, with assistance from HSCHT, can consider the next steps.
IB happy to carry on and report back when needed.
It was noted that out of the survey HSCHT were to contact 3 landowners who said they had land available to the community.
Addendum after approval of Minutes
Development priorities – Alistair pointed out that the HSCHT Housing survey had identified a list of community priorities that came from responders to the survey and they are listed in Ch 5.13, p 21 and onwards of the report / <IB>
Shop / JK raised the issue of a Community Shop/Café. JK suggested he take on the job of exploring viable options for such a development. This was agreed.
JK to approach Tony regarding the previous shop for use for the community. / <JK>
Financial update. / No update
Correspondence and Funding applications. / Nothing to report
War Memorial Armistice Day / Disappointment had been expressed about the 2016 service. Karen will take responsibility for this for 2017 / <KP>
AOCB / PA outlined a proposal from Paul and Sandra regarding property development. There was a discussion on this which culminated in it being suggested that they come to the Board with a detailed proposal for discussion.
CW raised the question of Defibrillator training now that all are in place. KP will look into it and report back at next meeting. She is being trained to be a trainer by Lucky To Be Here. / <KP>
DONM / A suitable date at beginning of February to be decided using Doodle.Wilf to set up. / WD>

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Edinbane Community CompanyLtd., Scottish registration SC318756. Charity registration SC40297 Registered Office c/o Stuart Whatley, Edinbane Pottery, Edinbane, Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9PW