The University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Short-term Study Abroad Program Proposal ______(Today’s Date)

Thank you for your interest in leading a UNCSA study abroad program. Please fill out the following program proposal completely by typing in the spaces provided. The document will expand as needed. When complete, obtain the signature of your Dean before submitting it to the International Study Coordinator. The proposal will be reviewed for final approval by the International Study Coordinator & Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs.

The International Study Coordinator is available to help at any stage of the program development process. It is recommended that faculty or staff developing a new international program complete the General Information, Program Description, and Mission sections (Sections I.A. & I.B.) first and discuss them with the International Study Coordinator prior to the completion of the entire proposal form.

Please contact Erin Miller at Ext. 3282 or for any assistance.

General Information
Is this a REPEAT program proposal or a NEW program proposal? £ REPEAT £ NEW
Program Name
Personnel / PROGRAM DIRECTOR / ASSISTANT (if applicable)
Names / Last: / First: / Last: / First:
Phone Numbers / Office: / Cell: / Office: / Cell:
Email address
Campus Address
Proposed Destination / Country/Countries:
Duration/Dates / Approximate dates:


Please submit a written description of the proposed program. This description should include artistic or academic learning objectives, personal development goals for students, and integration of the proposed site abroad to the learning objectives. Please explain your professional reasons for directing the program and the growth opportunities this experience would provide for your career and the institution.
What are the program’s learning and skills objectives?
Describe the rationale for proposing this particular program and location.
a.  How does it relate to the broader mission of UNC School of the Arts?
b.  What special advantages does this location offer to this program?
c.  What learning objectives are uniquely met in this program?
What are the goals for student personal development and how will they be met?
How will the program foster cultural sensitivity among students?
Will students enroll at a foreign institution or with a foreign organization on site? £ Yes £ No
If yes, please provide name(s) of host institution(s) or organization(s):
Will you use a vendor or company to facilitate in-country logistics? £ Yes £ No
If yes, please provide name of company*:
*Please note that all contracts with vendors need to be reviewed, signed and approved through the established process for your school.
For repeat program proposals only:
The program offered was approved in previous proposal documents: £ Yes £ No
The program offers new elements approved by the Dept. Chair: £ Yes £ No
If yes, please describe and explain any proposed changes to your program.
Is there a language requirement for this program? £ Yes £ No
If yes, what language?
If no, please describe how students will handle basic language needs in the country:
Are there any prerequisites or specific selection criteria for this program? £ Yes £ No
If yes, please describe those in detail.
Is there a community service or service-learning component associated with this program?
£ Yes £ No
If yes:
How many days and hours (total) will be dedicated to this project?
Describe the project(s) the students can participate on:
How will these projects benefit both the students’ learning objectives and the host community?



A.  PROGRAM LEADER QUALIFICATIONS (Please provide only if you are a new program leader)
Describe your personal international travel experience, in general, and specifically your international travel and teaching experience with student groups.
Describe your travel experience in the proposed program location(s).
If you have not traveled to the proposed host country, how do you plan to acquire information and ideas to maximize the potential for preparing the course material in the foreign country?
B.  ASSISTANT LEADER QUALIFICATIONS (if applicable and ONLY if you are a new asst. leader)
Describe your personal international travel experience, in general, and specifically your international travel and teaching experience with student groups.
Describe your travel experience in the proposed program location(s).
If you have not traveled to the proposed host country, how do you plan to acquire information and ideas to maximize the potential for preparing the course material in the foreign country?
Discuss any pertinent information about a local (on-site) coordinator or company that will be assisting with arrangements for this trip.


Number of students: / Optimum: / Minimum: / Maximum:
Student Residence Halls
Classroom arrangements:
I have checked the U.S. Department of State’s website section “International Travel” for security/safety concerns regarding the proposed destination(s) at the web address
¨ Yes ¨ No
Is any program location under a State Department issued Travel Warning? ¨ Yes ¨ No
Please address the following items as they relate to the safety of the program and your students
1.  Program’s Location(s), Housing and Meals:
·  Please address any potential security/safety concerns about the countries/towns/general locations proposed for your program.
·  Please address any locations near the program site that are considered unsafe where students will not be allowed to go.
·  Please discuss any potential concerns related to the safety of group meals, individual meals, clean water, ability to meet various dietary requirements, etc.
·  Please describe any high risk activities that may be included in the program, such as participation in athletic events, scuba diving, bungee jumping, or mountaineering that requires ropes or guides.
2.  Transportation:
·  International Flight Arrangements:
£ Arranged flight (Director reserves flight for students/group, but students pay airline/agency directly)
£ Individual flights (Participants make all their own arrangements to arrive on date set by director. Director will meet students upon arrival at a pre-determined destination/date/time.)
£ Other ______
·  Departure: Will the Program Leader travel with the students to the Program’s first site? If not, please list who is traveling with the students or how you plan for their safe arrival to the program site.
·  Arrival: When students arrive at the local or international airport, will they be transported as a group to the program site? If they travel independently, please address how you will plan their safe travel to the program site.
·  In-Program Travel: Please list the transportation planned for all in-country travel. Will students be using public transportation? How safe is the public transportation infrastructure? Will chartered buses be used, and how have you ensured high quality with regard to safety? Please also describe any unusual transportation issues, such as off-road driving, poor road conditions, etc.
·  Post-Program Travel: Please describe any post-trip traveling the trip leader is planning that would preclude them from returning to the U.S. with students. In the event of an emergency, would the trip leader’s plans be flexible enough that they or another faculty/staff member will be able to stay behind with a student?
·  Driving: It is not recommended that UNC School of the Arts employees drive for students. If this is necessary in your program please list who will be driving. Please note that UNC School of the Arts students are NOT allowed to drive for other students while abroad.
·  Overnight Road Travel: Many of the most serious accidents on study abroad programs have occurred during road travel at night. Please explain if you need to use overnight road travel.
3.  Medical Issues:
Site-related medical issues: Please specify any immunization requirements and health concerns related to your program site(s) and how you plan to address them. Also, is the cost related to those issues included in the program cost to students, or will students have to pay out of pocket? Please consult the U.S. Department of State’s website for potential health issues at as well as website section “Travelers’ Health” of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at
Student medical fitness: Are there any specific fitness requirements your students need to meet for successfully completing your program? If so, what measures have you taken to ensure that the students meet those requirements (screening procedures with UNC School of the Arts Health Services, health forms, etc.)?
Medical facilities: Please describe the types, location(s) and quality of medical facilities near your program site(s). Please note that the International Study Coordinator can assist you later on with the location of English-speaking medical staff linked to our HTH Worldwide Insurance Services.
4.  UNC – Mandatory International Health Insurance:
The UNC System mandates all Faculty, Staff, and Students participating in international travel for institution-related business have a comprehensive international health insurance plan. HTH Worldwide is the international insurance provider the UNC System General Assembly has approved for this purpose. Faculty, Staff, and Students are not able to substitute this coverage with their personal health coverage under any circumstances. Insurance coverage expenses for the duration of your UNCSA travel experience are to be covered by the participant or the supporting UNCSA School or department for which the travel is being conducted.
£ I understand that all costs associated with the required International Health Insurance through HTH will need to be factored into the overall cost of the study abroad trip. All related expenses will be covered by program participants, funding or grants acquired for this trip, or by the sponsoring UNCSA School or department for which I am traveling.
Does the proposed host country for your program require a visa for entry? ¨ Yes ¨ No
As your itinerary may still be work in progress, a general outline will be sufficient at this time with the proposal form. Please provide to the International Study Coordinator with a daily itinerary two weeks prior to departure.
It is recommended that all participants in a UNC School of the Arts Study Abroad experience, both leaders and students, be either degree-seeking students enrolled at UNC School of the Arts or another university, or employees of UNC School of the Arts who are leading the programs. Exceptions to this recommendation should be in consultation with the Vice Provost & Dean of Student Affairs.


All faculty-led programs are self-supporting, which means that budgeting for them adequately and wisely is essential for success. At the same time, making sure that programs are affordable for students is also important. There are many ways to prepare a budget for your trip, but a detailed budget template is provided in Appendix A. Program proposals will not be considered without a detailed proposed budget. Your costs must be based on quotes and not personal estimates. If this is your first time working on a program budget we highly recommend that you initially consult with the International Study Coordinator.

At this time there is not funding to compensate faculty for teaching and/or leading programs. Program Leaders and their deans should discuss questions related to compensation and workloads prior to submitting a program proposal. Program Leader expenses must be included in the budget. These expenses can be configured into a program fee based on the ratio of faculty expenses and number of student participants. Program Leaders may also elect to not distribute their expenses across the student participants, but the expenses must be factored into the total budget. The budget template provided in appendix A can be used to configure either budget scenario.

The proposed budget is assumed to be a best estimate at the time it is drawn up, but please keep in mind that once the program cost is approved and advertised to the students, it will be very difficult to revise your program cost. Please use the excel budget template in Appendix A, or a similar detailed budget outline, and attach it to this proposal.

The Program Leader is responsible for all budget, travel, and purchase requests for study abroad initiatives. They should coordinate any necessary financial or contractual paperwork with their School or department’s appropriate Administrative Associate.


Kenan Funding Grants: The Office of Student Affairs has created two pools of possible supplemental funds to specifically support international programs and initiatives offered by UNCSA faculty & staff. One pool is designated for faculty & staff, while the second is meant to support low-income students seeking to study abroad with UNCSA. Both opportunities are described below.

Kenan Faculty & Staff Development Grant:

The Kenan Faculty & Staff Development Grant has been created to support international program development and institutional outreach that enhances the educational experience and exposure for UNCSA students. These funds will be awarded at the discretion of the Vice-Provost & Dean of students to the following: new international initiatives, on-going “relationship-building” initiatives, and/or programs that need supplemental support as they move to become self-sustaining programs.

At this time there is no separate application for the Kenan Faculty & Staff Development Grant. Faculty & staff who believe their program proposal meets the qualification of the Kenan Development Grant and would like to be considered for award money should apply by marking the box below.

¨ Yes – I would like to have this program proposal considered for the Kenan Development Grant

Student Support Grant:

The Student Support Grant is designed to provide supplemental financial support to qualifying students for the purpose of participating in an international program with or through UNCSA. Faculty and Staff program leaders should direct students interested in pursuing this funding to the International Study Coordinator, Erin Miller, at or (336)770-3282.

Other UNCSA Funding Options:

UNCSA Faculty & Staff: Faculty & staff conducting an international program are encouraged to seek additional financial support from other entities on and off campus. In order to best serve UNCSA faculty & staff with available supplemental resources, the Office of Student Affairs requests that faculty & staff disclose any university-connected grant or funding opportunities being sought for this program: