Lucille Dever: “Waugh is today [1960s] a common name in Scotland. As far as I can learn, the Waughs lived along the Roman Wall (Hadrian’s Wall), the ones on the Scottish side being known as Wauch and the ones on the English side being known as Wall. Somehow the name changed from Wauch to Waugh. Some of them around Dumfrieshire were known as Wauchope. I think ‘ope’ is a suffix that has to do with locality. The Scottish Waughs were staunch Presbyterians.”

Early Waugh - Waughs Ferry, Amherst County, Virginia

Lucille Dever: “We have found in all Pennsylvania Waugh lines their daughters named Agnes were nicknamed Nancy. I have never seen this nickname used before for Agnes and feel that these Pennsylvania Waughs are all related. Since the name is Scottish, however, it could be that Nancy is a Scottish nickname for Agnes.

Another trait of the Waughs is that they often used their first names on official papers and census records and were known by their second or third names. Many of them had third names, another Scottish trait, but some did not use them and many eventually dropped one of the three given names.”

*John C. Waugh a Revolutionary war soldier.

?1756?: born Pennsylvania or Virginia, maybe near state line.

no date: possibly enlisted in the Revolutionary War at Catania, near Pittsburgh.

by 1780: married Elizabeth ______(1758-living in 1836).

*29 Mar 1781: daughter Agnes born, married Nathan Foster Rogers q.v. See Deed of 10 Nov 1851.

ca 1782: daughter Elizabeth Jane "Betsey" born.

1788: son John Callen born in Kentucky.

1794-1800: son Samuel A. born.

17 Dec 1817: daughter Sophia Ann born.

ca 1795: daughter Mary J. "Polly" born.

Feb Court 1790: Henry Wood vs John Waugh - In Case. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

25 Aug 1790: on Jury Duty in case of Robert Todd vs Absolum McIntire. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

25 Aug 1790: John Wall vs James McDowell and Jno. Waugh - In Case, Jury trial...the defendants did assume upon themselves in manner and form as the plaintiff against them hath declared and they do also assess the plaintiffs damages by overseer of the defendants breach of his assumpsit to 8 pounds 9 shillings and 10 pense, half-penny, besides his costs. Therefore it is considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendants his damages is...in form...and his costs by him about his suit in this behalf extended and the defendants in ______. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

26 Jan 1791: ordered that the Sheriff pay John Waugh 12 shillins...deposition for the year 1789. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

Mar 1791: John Waugh vs Bernard Thompson - In Case - Jury called. Defendant is guilty in manner and form, damages assesed - 10 pounds and costs. Also ordered that John Waugh pay Simon Kenton fifty pounds of tobacco as a witness against Thompson. Also ordered that John Waugh pay James Ireland and Thomas Redman fifty pounds of tobacco for their attendance as witnesses against Thompson. Ordered that Bernard Thompson pay Thomas Redman fifty pounds of tobacco for two days attendance as a witness for him at the suit of Waugh. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

28 June 1791: a road to run from Washington to Woods Mill...to begin at the end of Main Street...where John Waugh lives... Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

1791: John Waugh is listed on the 1791 tax list of Mason County, Kentucky with 1 white male over 21, 1 black above 16, 3 horses, mares, etc. in the first district. There were in this year listed 2 John Waughs and the other one had 1 white male over 21 and 1 white male 1621.

1792: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 1 white male over 21, 1 black above 16, 3 horses and 11 cows 100A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

1793: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 1 white male over 21, 1 black above 16, 2 horses and 4 cows 100A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

June 1793: on jury duty for case of Arthur Latimer vs George Mitchell - trespass. Mason County, Kentucky Court of Quarter Sessions p116. LDS film #1534067.

Sept 1793: on jury duty for case of Ebenezer Scroggs vs Samuel Kennedy - in covenant. Mason County, Kentucky Court of Quarter Sessions p148. LDS film #1534067.

1794: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 1 white male over 21, 1 white male 1621, 1 black, 2 horses and 9 cows 100 A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

26 Aug 1794: deed from Charles and Isabella Pelham to John Waugh. 100 A on the Ohio River, Mason County, Kentucky.

1794: History of the Waugh family by Ora Singleton says: "In 1794 he [John Waugh] built a large house where travelers crossing the river could be entertained. By 1860 part of the house had been destroyed by floods and what was left was moved to another location where it stayed for many years". Allen Evans met Mr. Otto, whose family eventually owned the property (his folks bought the plot for $1,000 from Sam Hughes and Mr. Otto was born there). Mr. Otto said the house was built in 1794 and people called it “The Inn on the road to Baltimore.” Lots of hog drovers stopped there. They had to sleep in the attic.

26 Aug 1794: Charles and Isabella Pelham to John Waugh of Mason County, Kentucky for 35 pounds 100A at mouth of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book B1 p94.

1795: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 1 white male over 21, 1 white male 1621, 1 black, 2 horses and 11 cows 100A class 2 - Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

Mar 1796: upon motion of John Waugh he is allowed to keep a ferry from his lane opposite the mouth of Cabbin Creek over the Ohio to opposite shore. Also a ferry over Cabbin Creek at the mouth. The Ohio ferry to have the same rates as other Ferries and the Cabbin Creek Ferry to have six pence for man and horse and in that proportion for other things upon his giving bond in the office for his performance. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book A.

1796: law of the state of Kentucky which governed rates of ferriage "the rates of ferries shall be fixed by the courts at the time of establishing the same; and the transportation of the following things shall be at the rates following: for every coach, waggon, chariot and the driver, the same as for six horses; for every four wheeled chaise, phaeton and the driver, the same as for four horses; and for every two wheel riding carriage, the same as for two horses; and for every hogshead of tobacco the same as for one horse; for every head of neat cattle the same as for one horse; for every sheep, goat, hog or lamb onefifth of the ferriage of a horse." Littell"s Laws of Kentucky, 1810, p362.

1796: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 100A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

1797: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 100A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

17 Apr 1797: appointed to view a way for a road from near the mouth of Bull Skin to the mouth of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book C p17.

Oct 1797: upon a Petition of John Waugh he is allowed to keep an Ordinary at his home in the county for one year upon his giving Security where upon he together with Philip Do______, his Security entered into an acknowledged bond as the Law directs. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book C p113.

1798: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 100A class 2 Cabin Creek at Ohio River.

Jan 1799: road from Cabin Creek...it is a good road to be established, John Waugh... Mason County, Kentucky Order Book C p227.

22 Apr 1799: Charles and Isabella Pelham to John Waugh of Mason County, Kentucky $117 for 108A on the Ohio River. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book E p320.

12 Oct 1799: deed in Adams County, Ohio which granted Joseph Darlington a ferry license to keep a ferry opposite Waughs Ferry in Kentucky. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 1,2,3.

1800: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 100A 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16, total 2 blacks, 2 horses.

1801: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 100A 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 total 2 blacks, 2 horses.

1802: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A class 3 land Mason County, on Cabin Creek.

1803: tax list too difficult to read.

1804: law of the state of Kentucky governing the tax rate upon land "100A 1st rate land 12½ cents tax. 100A 2nd rate land 8 cents 5 mills. 100A 3rd rate land 3 cents 2 mills. Every 100 pounds [money] valuation of town lots 25 cents." Littell's Laws of Kentucky, 1810. 1804: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A class 3 Mason County, on Cabin Creek.

Jan 1804: there was a road from William Brook's landing to Waugh's ferry...also from Waugh's ferry to the crossing of Cabbin Creek near Charles Larsh's. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book E p115.

Jan 1805: upon petition of John Waugh setting forth that he holds the bed and both sides of Cabbin Creek and that he is desirous of building and erecting a water grist mill thereon. It is ordered that a Writ of Quad Dammum be issued agreeable to the Act of Assembly for viewing a place whereon he is about to erect the same and it is further ordered taht this order be complied with on the 15th day of March next and make return to the court. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book E p205.

Apr 1805: upon petition of John Waugh setting forth that (same as before) to appear May next. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book E p248.

10 June 1805: Inquest taken on John Waugh's mill seat returned as follows - agreeable to a Writ of Ced Quad Dammum to the Sheriff of Mason County directed J. James Ward, deputy for Winslow Parker, Sheriff of said county have caused to be emmpanelled and sworn twelve good and lawful men being free holders of said county to commence mill seat on which a water grist mill is about to be built by John Waugh on Cabin Creek in said county to wit - names jury and having viewed the land above and below the place proposed for erecting the same do agree and say that by building a dam for working said mill nine feet high that the land of Thomas West will be damaged by the over-flowing of the water to the value of six pounds, that the land of any other person or persons either above or below except said West and the proprietor of the land on which said mill is to be erected will not be over-flowed or damaged that the ______house, orchard, curtilage (ground and outbuildings surrounding a house) garden or ordinary navigation of any person or persons will not be injured or obstructed thereby nor passage of fish be prevented and the health of the neighbours will not be injured or annoyed by the stagnated water. Given under my hand and seal of those by whom this inquest is made and certified this 6th day of May 1805 and it is ordered by the court that the said mill seat be established accordingly.

June 1805: William Wilson appointed overseer of the road from the crossing of Cabbin Creek to Waugh's ferry... Mason County, Kentucky Order Book E p261.

1805: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A class 3 Mason County, on Cabin Creek.

July 1806: Charles Gallagher pay John Waugh and others four shillings, 2 pence as witnesses against Burks/Bucks. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book E p386.

1806: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A on Ohio River 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 total 2 blacks, 8 horses.

1807: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A on Ohio River 1 white male over 21 1 black over 16 total 2 blacks 8 horses.

Jan 1807: was Security for William Callon to Administer estate of William Vancycle. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p29.

Apr 1807: to appraise personal estate of James St. Moke?, deceased. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p63.

Aug 1807: was Security for Jesse Bennett, Administrator for estate of Titus Bennett. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p92.

Oct 1807: to view a road from Peter _____field to...Geroge Mitchell's. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p104.

Jan 1808: upon motion of John Waugh - he and two others appointed to view a road from the mouth of Cabin Creek to intersect the road leading from Boyd's mill to the Lewis County line towards the mouth of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p135.

July 1808: road granted. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book F p179.

1808: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A on Ohio River 1 white male over 21 1 black over 16 total 2 blacks 7 horses.

1808: on Mason County, Kentucky tax list 200A on Ohio River 1 white male over 21 1 black over 16 total 2 blacks 7 horses.

1 Feb 1809: law of the state of Kentucky governing the payment of county taxes "be it enacted by the General Assembly that so much of all laws as subjects white males over the age of 16 and under the age of 21 years to the payment of county levey shall be and the same is hereby repealed: provided however that this act is not to affect any county levey laid before this act shall be in force. This act to be in force from the first day of May next". Littell's Laws of Kentucky, 1810.

1810: census of Mason County, Kentucky 1 male under 10 (1800-1810), 1 male 1016 (1784-1800), 2 males 1626 (1784-1794), 1 male 45 up (before 1765), 1 female 1016 (1784-1800), 2 femles 1626 (1784-1794), 1 female 45 up (before 1765), 2 in agriculture, 2 other free, 2 slaves, and on the margin it was listed "ferryman".

8 July 1811: deed from Charles Pelham and wife Isabella 100A Mason County, Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book M p272.

Sept 1811: appointed to view a way for turning the road from Cabin Creek at the mough as high as Waugh's mill is the place originally reviewed and make reprot of the conviences and inconveniences that will attend the opening of the same as well to the publick as Individuals, to the next Court. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book G p162.

25 Sept 1811: mortgage from Jesse Bennett to John Waugh, 70 A on Lawrence Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Book M p178.

1817: was Security for James West to keep a tavern, Mason County, Kentucky Order Book G p419.

10 Apr 1818: John and his son John C. Waugh witnessed a deed in Mason County Kentucky between Spencer Griffin and Joseph Moore. Mason County Kentucky Deed Book T p 19.

July 1818: appointed to check the boundaries (with others) of land patented to Abraham Bowman. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book H p226.

June 1819: to view a way for a road from Rittersville to the mouth of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book I p4.

June 1819: with others was appointed as a committee for processioning boundaries of land on the Ohio River. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book I p9.

July 1819: made his report. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book I p22.

12 Aug 1819: an affidavit of John Waugh was given supporting the Revolutionary War pension application #36864 of Joshua York who served from Pennsylvania. John Waugh said that they had served together.

?September? 1819: died in Mason County, Kentucky. The inventory of his estate contained the following: a lot of old irons, a lot of harrow teeth, 1 wedge mattock & hand saw, 2 saws, 1 crosscut saw, 2 scythes & 1 cradle, 2 coffee pots & a watering pot, 6 windsor chairs, 4 frame chairs, 4 old windsor chairs, 3 large kettles, 2 pots & 2 ovens, 1 frying pan, tea kettle, spice morter & pot to trammel skin, a lot of coopers ware, a lot of tin ware, 2 wheels, 1 grindstone & 1 hogshead, 1 saw for a mill, 1 waggon, birching & breast chain, 1 pair hand mill stones, 4 hives etc, 3 pair hand set gear & 2 blind bridles, 1 harshear & shovel plough, 1 bed & furniture, 1 bed & furniture, 2 wheels & reels, 1 set spools, 1 bed & furniture, 1 lot bedclothes and 1 B, 1 piece homemade cloth, 1 gun moles etc, 1 lot old, cupboard and tables, candlestand, sticks and moles, cupboard furniture, desk, looking glass, lantern, 1 lot of old things, 1 lot of hogs, 1 other lot of hogs & pigs, 1 lot of hogs, 1 sorrel horse, 1 sorrel mare & colt, 1 grey horse, 1 bull, 3 calves, 1 brass kettle & some tin ware, 2 quilts, 1 pair steeleyards, 2 pair dog irons, 1 hackle and Jug, 2 barrels, 1 log chain, 1 lot tinware, 1 lot sheep (so in number), 1 pided cow, 1 red cow, 1 brindle cow, 1 heifers, 1 negro man named Jim, 1 negro man named Alfred, 1 hat, 1 sword, 1 negro woman named Lydia. [Total $496.25 but the 3 blacks were worth 1400 bringing the total to $1896.25 for personal property an estate of some size for 1819.] Mason County, Kentucky January court 1820. Mason County, Kentucky Probate Book E p77.

Sept 1819: administration of the estate of John Waugh, deceased is granted to Elizabeth Waugh who made oath to and on her motion certificated is granted her for obtaining letters of administration thereof in due form. Upon her giving Security whereupon she, together with William Farrow her Security, entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of six thousand, conditioned as the law directs. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book I p26.

Jan 1820: Inventory and appraisement of the estate of John Waugh deceased, returned to court and ordered to be recorded. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book I p74.

Feb 1829: upon motion of Elizabeth Waugh, administratrix of John Waugh, deceased, It is ordered that William G. Bullock, Peter Lashbrook and Winslow Parker or any two of them be appointed to examine, state and settle the accounts of said administratrix and make report to the next court. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book L p177.