Methuen Education Association

2008 – 2009

MEA Officers

Donna Gogas / President-MarshGrammar School
Cynthia Nugent / First Vice President - TimonySchool
Lois Jacobs / Second Vice President - TenneyGrammar School
Secretary – TenneyGrammar School
Anne Marie Erler
Jean D’Orsi / Treasurer/Membership Chairperson -- MHS
Unit B Chairperson – MethuenHigh School
James Weymouth
Diane Ferraro / Unit C Co-Chairperson – TenneyGrammar School
Susan Dunlevy / Unit C Co-Chairperson- TimonyGrammar School
Thea Rapazzo-Greeley / Unit D Co-Chairperson – CentralOfficeBuilding
Martha Sirois / Unit D Co-Chairperson – CentralOfficeBuilding

Dues 2008 – 2009

Units A and BUnit CUnit D

NEA $ 158.00$ 91.50$ 91.50

MTA $ 427.00$ 129.00$ 257.00

MEA $ 86.00 $ 29.00$ 37.00

Total $ 671.00$ 249.50$ 385.50

Building Representatives
Kathy Borden
Kathy Martin
Ann DiBenedetto
Carl Fowler / DPT
Janice Diguilio Mandy Fredette
Kathy Tikellis
Terri Zappala / Marsh
Nancy Forsythe
Danielle Langevin
Carol Lanham
Catherine Olszowy
Chantel Lucas
Christine Habib
Nancy Shepherd / MHS
John Blume
Frank Gurczak
James Peirce
Beth Shevlin
Martha Tatro / Tenney
MaryBeth Donovan
Lisa Feole
Susan Jaras
Jacquelyn McLaughlin
Jeannine Peluso
Tracy Swiniarski
Susan Prior / Pleasant Valley / Central
Tim Hill

Visit the MEA web page frequently for current information at:

MEA office telephone number 978-681-9475 ext. 508

MTA Benefits
Auto Insurance
Homeowners Insurance
Disability Insurance
Life Insurance
Dental Plan
MTA Platinum Credit Card
Auto Rental Discounts
Hotel Discounts
Travel Accident Insurance
Tax Sheltered Annuities
Free Insurance to All MTA Active Members
$1 million Educators Professional Liability Insurance Coverage / Income Tax Preparation
Home Heating Oil Co-op
MagicKingdom Club
NEA Magazine Services
Hospital Income Protection
Home Mortgage Program
Long Term Care
CaliforniaFlorida Discounts
MTA Discount Directory
Travel Program
MTA Services in Accordance with Current MTA Policies, Rules, and Bylaws

Read your contract and know your rights! Always ask for advice from your Faculty Representatives. We are here to help and support all members in any way we can.

Know Your Weingarten Rights!
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative or officer be present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any questions.” (See your MTA pocket calendar)
MEA Benefits
15 sick days
  • Use up to 5 sick day per year for illness
3 Essential Leave days
  • Request made 72 hours in advance whenever possible
  • May not be granted immediately before or after any regular vacation period or long weekend except in emergency situations
Sick Leave Pool Accumulation to 182 days
Sick Leave Pool (see sick leave policy) / Maternity leave
Payroll deductions
Health Insurance (City of Methuen-62%, Employee-38%
Sick leave buy-back
Job protection-“Just Cause”
Children of Employees able to attend Methuen Public Schools without any cost to the teacher subject to conditions
Professional, legal, funeral, and other leaves available
State Government References
Gov. Deval Patrick
Rep. Linda Dean-Campbell
Sen. Steven Baddour / Telephone
617-722-1604 / E-mail

/ Addresses
360 State House
163 State House
513 State House
all in Boston, MA02133
Main Telephone Number for State House- 617-727-2121
MEA Organization
MEA (Methuen Education Association)
NEA (National Education Association)
MTA (MA Teachers Association)
DESE (Department of Elementary & Secondary Education)
MTRS (MA Teachers’ Retirement System)
Insurance Information Page / E-mail

Username: methuenben
Password: methuenempl

Important Liability Information!!

Question: Am I liable if a child accidentally gets hurt?

Answer: In Massachusetts, teachers, as public employees, generally will not be held liable if a student is accidentally injured during school activities. The key words are “during school activities.” Make sure that ANY activity-- whether on school grounds or not--has been cleared with your supervisor or principal. Teachers could be personally liable for “gross negligence” or reckless or intentional conduct that causes injuries at school, but fortunately these are rare cases.

Question: What if I am accused of criminal action?

Answer: DO NOT EXPLAIN ANY specificsof the incident to ANYONE including your administrator, fellow employee, MEA rep. or even your MEA president or MTA Representative!! They can be asked to testify as witnesses and do not speak to the school department lawyer. You may incriminate yourself even if you are innocent! Exercise your Weingarten rights and ONLY tell what you are accused of and what disciplinary action has been taken. The MEA President will contact MTA and they will immediately provide you with legal representation. Then you will be protected by attorney/client privileges.

Word to the Wise

Methuen Education Association is YOURassociation. We needactive support from our members no matter how small a contribution of your time. We are as strong as we are united. We have a responsibility to our profession and can make an impact on our students.