Fat Land Farm

2016 CSAInformation

Shareholder Agreement

About Fat Land Farm

Fat Land Farm is a small family owned farm, located in Roswell, GA, about 45 minutes north of Atlanta. We grow a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and some fruit on 3 beautiful acres. We consciously implement farming practices that help ensure and maintain the health of our soil, plants and consumers. In order to ensure best practices, we do not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides and all our produce is non-GMO. We are Certified Naturally Grown.

Fat Land Farm was started with a vision to create a lifestyle for our family, provide meaningful and passionate work for ourselves, and provide a source of healthy and local food for our community. We believe that food not only provides the physical needs for quantity of life, but it also provides an emotional, spiritual and mental source for quality of life. Our hope for this farm is that it will also help be a trigger for relationship: for communities, for families, for friends.

We currently sell our produce at our farm site market, local restaurants, and through our CSA program.

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, meaning that the farmer is closely connected to and dependent on the support of local community. This approach to farming is inline with our desire for consumers to know where their food is grown and who is growing it. We believe this creates a sense of relationship, transparency and honesty between farmer and consumer. Because a CSA is local, it also ensures the quality and freshness of the food as well as reducing the environmental footprint by reducing the damage done by long distance transport.

How does a CSA work?

Individuals, families, friends, co-workers, roommates or any combination that works for you commit to supporting the CSA for a season by paying a membership fee. Through this membership agreement, they are then considered a shareholder in the CSA. In exchange for the fee, members will receive a weekly share of fresh, locally grown, non-GMO, chemical free produce.

By becoming a share member, you enjoy the benefits of local healthy food and farm community; however, you also take on a share of the risk. Occasionally, crops may fail to due inclement weather, disease, pest or other various conditions out of our control.

What does it cost?

This year we will have three seasons lasting ten weeks long. Estimated dates of April 19th – June 21st for our spring season, June 28th – August 30thfor summer and our estimated dates for fall seasonare September 6th – November 8th. The cost of each season is $400/8-10 items per week. If all three seasons are paid in full, there is a 10% discount.

What does a shareholder receive each week?

Here is an example:

1. tomatoes - 1.75 lb.

2. butternut squash - 1

3. joichoi - .75 lb. bunch

4. okra - .5 lb. bag

5. potatoes - 2 lbs.

6. arugula - .33 lb. bunch

7. garlic - 3 in a bag

8. eggplant - 2

9. herb: basil and sage - 1 sprig each

Shareholders receive fresh, chemical free, seasonal, non-GMO food grown onsite at the farm. At times, we may supplement with produce grown by other local farmsin order to provide more variety. It will be seasonal, that is, what is growing at the time. We also offer eggs produced by our happy hens and we also partner with an experienced organic beekeeper so we can offer 2 different varieties of local raw honey. While our food may not be as pretty (it may be down right U-G-L-Y) as compared to food purchased in stores, our food is fresher, tastier and more nutrient dense than the majority of produce found at the grocery store…our food is what REAL food looks like!! We have full and half shares available, although we do a very limited number of half shares and priority is given to previous share holders.

Examples of what we grow/provide:

Variety of lettuces
Potatoes / Arugula
Swiss chard
Mustard greens
Herbs / Kale
Green onions
Bulb onion
Sweet peppers
Bell peppers
Hot peppers

How do I become a Shareholder?

Complete the shareholder agreement (last page) and return with payment to Fat Land Farm (by mail or drop off). Full payment is preferred prior to the season, however, memberships can be paid in 2 installments – ½ at sign up and the remaining ½ due by first delivery.

Visiting or Volunteering at the Farm

We encourage shareholders to visit the farm as long as we have a heads up….farming is busy work, on and off site, and if you are going to take the time to come visit us, we would like to be able to take the time to meet with you. We do have farm volunteers and could always use more. If you are interested in volunteering, just let us know!

Shareholder Agreement:

Fat Land Farms CSA will provide members with fresh food each week for the season. ($400; $40/week for full share or $250; $25/week for half share). There will be 3 seasons (spring, summer, fall), each season lasting ten weeks. The shareholder will need to sign a new Shareholder Agreement for each season.

It is the shareholder’s responsibility to pick up their share or have someone pick it up for you. Shares not picked up will be donated to our local food pantry at North Fulton Community Charities.

Pick up details:

Location: at farm, 12435 Etris Rd.

Harvest pick-up times (CIRCLE ONE):

Tuesday:2-4 Tuesday: 5-7pm or Saturday: 10-12pm


E-mail address:______

Phone: ______

Season (circle one):Spring Summer Fall

Share Size: Full Half (limited number available)

To secure your share, send this form and payment (checks made out to Fat Land Farm) to:

Fat Land Farm

12435BEtris Rd.

Roswell, Ga 30075

Questions? Call or email us at: ;
