Tuesday 28th March 2017

CHAIR: Dr Anna Henderson (AH)

PRESENT: Jackie Rotherham (JR), Jean Hill (JH), Freda Keller (FK), Terence Clapton (TC), Jacqui Merrison (JM), Barbara Wilkinson (BW), Jenny Turner (JT), Edward Burrows (EB), Maureen Lynaugh (ML), Lesley Diesch (LD)

NOTES:Jane Hare (JKH)

APOLOGIES:Shirley Hanson, Richard Walter, Jane Shirley, Carol Jose, George Olive, Ann Houlton

1. / Introduction
  • Round table introduction.
  • Minutes of previous meeting reviewed. JM requested that her nomination of Treasurer was incorrect and should be withdrawn. This was duly noted and accepted.
2. / Update
  • AH confirmed official CQC result wasGOOD in all areas (improvements were suggested in x2 areas). Reports available to view if required. Congratulations were received via the PPG members, which were acknowledged via JR on behalf of the whole team at Tasburgh Lodge Surgery (TLS).
  • JR informed group that approval received via NHS for a merger with Kidgate Surgery, which will have no significant effect on TLS. Merger due for completion from April 2018.
  • JR stated there will soon be two new GP’s be starting at the surgery. These are Dr GrazynaGrzelka from Poland & Dr AlessioPlatannio from Italy. Researching for GP’s within the UK has been difficult but necessary due to the expansion of the merger, as well as increased patient list size.
  • A 5yr ‘GP Forward View’ (GPFV) plan has been submitted to the NHS covering a wide range of services inclthe extension of 8-8 -, seven days a week. The Government is insisting on new plans & services via all CCGs. JR confirmed at this stage, this is for submission only and will not affect the service level provided by TLS.
  • JR explained the broad outline of the GPFV to the PPG – all of which has yet to be approved.
  • Dr Ko’s involvement as Prescribing Lead for Lincolnshire East as well as Clinical Lead within the Lincolnshire East CCG and Lincolnshire East CCG will have a positive effect on the surgery in many official areas.
  • Julie Pole, Nurse Practitioner officially retires at the end of May. We are currently recruiting for her replacement. No-one definite yet but the Practice has to be mindful of the additional staff the Kidgate merger will bring onboard. Well done to Julie for 30yrs of excellent service!
  • A further achievement for TLS is the Data Accreditation. This is an audit on data & processing, which we have been informed, has been carried out excellently and as a result, we will pass with flying colours.

3. / ECG Machine
  • AJH thanked everyone for the ECG machine. This is much easier to use with no paper & no waiting time. It has made a big difference and will benefit all. Extended thanks to all patients and friends of Tasburgh Lodge Surgery for their generosity and kindness.

4. / Prescriptions
  • JR confirmed for dispensary purposes, patients living more than one mile away from TLS, can be dispensed by the Practice. Patients living less than one mile from TLS cannot be dispensed.
  • JH contacted the voluntary car service at Louth who have drivers in this area. Patients pay an amount per mile for their services. We are actively looking into whether this service can be utilised further for medication deliveries.

5. / PPG Secretary
  • JKH will continue to take minutes for the PPG meeting.

6. / Patient Council CCG Feedback
  • JH is the representative of the Patient Council, but would like a further member to join her in attending the meeting updates etc. Additionally, extra support would be warmly welcomed on the previous idea of having visible PPG attendance in the Tasburgh Lodge waiting room. AJH suggested giving questionnaires to pts whilst in the waiting room. JH discussed various PPG issues of sustainability awareness. LD suggested having info sheet to speak from, with emphasis on the need for a structured & professional approach. Various suggestions made including the offer of help and attendance by LD, JM, & ML.
  • TC discussed at length regarding late appts, asking why pts were not told when clinics were running late. JR answered all points fully & satisfactorily.

7. / Pain Clinic
  • ML discussed Pain Clinic appts and the service being withdrawn due to funding issues. If the cash is being placed back into the community, is TLS able to offer an alternative service i.e. acupuncture? JR responded in that all funding will go back into the hands of the CCG for them to decide whether or not they commission the services out as an enhanced service.

8. / Any Other Business
  • JM asked if there was to be a replacement for Julie Hunter (the previous diabetic nurse). JR informed the group that Catherine Hurdman is now her replacement but realises that continuity of care may have been diluted. However, a new Practice Nurse, along with the Kidgate merger should offer new staff.
  • BO asked why 6mth diabetic reviews have changed to 12mth – he feels HbA1c should be looked at 6mthly. JR replied diabetic guidelines are being followed for 12mthly review if pts are stable. If pts are unstable, these will be reviewed 6mthly. Pts should see GP for any concerns. AJH agreed to review pts for multiple chronic disease management during the same appt.
  • JM raised the issue of new homes planning to be built in Woodhall & the impact on TLS. JR confirmed if plans go ahead, funds are provided. No money yet as this comes from builders (S106 agreement). Funds are given when 50th property is occupied. JR looked into closing the TLS list size but was told authorisation would not be given.
  • BW raised issue of answer machine always engaged. Asked if this could be switched off. Older pts losing lot of time waiting to get through long message. JR said message was needed to direct the call appropriately.
  • JT asked if new pts are allocated certain GP’s. Which GP are they given? Need further info ref GP’s hours etc. JR replied that pts are allocated GP’s but can see anyone. Pts given all info when they register. Additionally Practice Booklets should be available at reception and if not, please just ask for a copy.
  • FK pointed out when pt’s are asked to contact GP for reviews, same GP is not always available. If a patient is willing to travel to Louth to see same GP,one has been told they cannot go as they have no access to medical records. Is this correct? JR confirmed this is inaccurate feedback. The only issue this causes is impact on access for Louth patients.
  • JR will also display a notice in reception and on the website regarding Data Sharing Agreement Implied Consent.

Meeting closed 3.40 p.m.Next meeting July 2017