Volume 3
23 Dec. 1805 Jun. 1970
GEMS Publishing Company
P.O. Box 7434
Murray, Utah, 84107
2. And it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the
Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall
be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
3. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach
us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go
forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and
they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into
pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war any more.
5. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
Isaiah 2:25
* * * The Son, who was in the bosom of the Father, suffered greater
sufferings, and was exposed to more powerful contradictions than any man
can be. But, notwithstanding all this, he kept the law of God, and
remained without sin, showing thereby that it is in the power of man to
keep the law and remain also without sin; and also, that by him a
righteous judgment might come upon all flesh, and that all who walk not in
the law of God may justly be condemned by the law, and have no excuse for
their sins.
* * * This was the first time the Prophet Joseph talked with me on the
subject of plural marriage. He informed me that the doctrine and principle
was right in the sight of our Heavenly Father, and that it was a doctrine
which pertained to celestial order and glory. * * * From him I learned
that the doctrine of plural and celestial marriage is the most holy and
important doctrine ever revealed to man on the earth, and that without
obedience to that principle no man can ever attain to the fullness of
exaltation in celestial glory.
* * * The principle spoken upon by Brother Pratt, this morning, we believe
in. And I tell you, for I know it, it will sail over, and ride
triumphantly above all the prejudice and priestcraft of the day; it will
be fostered and believed in by the more intelligent portions of the world,
as one of the best doctrines ever proclaimed to any people.
* * * I have refused to give any recommendations for the performance of
plural marriages since I have been president. I know that President
Taylor, my predecessor, also refused. Since the EdmundsTucker law we have
refused to recommend plural marriages, and have instructed that they
should not be solemnized. * * * I told the Bishop that it would not do at
all. There must be no more plural marriages. I am confident that there
have been no more plural marriages since I have been in this position.
Plural, Celestial marriage was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith
as one of the "mysteries of godliness." He in turn taught it to others in
the same manner. Those to whom it has been revealed have been taught that
it is "the most holy and important principle revealed by God to man." They
have been placed under severe restrictions not to reveal this principle
nor teach it to others except under certain conditions. They must not
betray God nor His revelations to the wicked. Because of these things much
of the material found in this volume will appear of a contradictory
When wicked men have come to know of these sacred principles, they
have sought to use them in an attempt to justify their own wickedness in
pursuing an unholy course in their lives. When their wickedness has been
exposed, they have betrayed God and their brethren who trusted them. They
published to the world that Joseph and his brethren were adulterers,
seducers of women, wicked, lustful, etc. In this way they accused them of
the very sins of which they themselves were guilty, or which they
entertained in their own hearts. They twisted the words and intents of the
Prophets and Apostles of God to suit their own evil designs and purposes.
Often they clothed themselves with a deceiving sanctity through false
affidavits, lies, etc., to the degree that, in many cases, they actually
believed themselves to be correct and justified in their course and
Though surrounded by false brethren and traitors, Joseph and Hyrum
Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Heber
C. Kimball, and many others stood true to and kept their covenants. In the
face of all their traditions, and in the face of all the apparent
contradictions, they kept the whole law and maintained their integrity.
"By their fruits ye shall know them." Peruse the history of the lives of
these men. Observe the fruits which flowed from their lives. The record
will prove who were truly the servants of God.
[ii] It is neither the intention nor the desire of the compiler to cause
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints any embarassment. He does
not wish to cast unkind reflections upon her or her leaders in any way. He
entertains a deep and abiding love and respect for and confidence in the
Church and her Leaders. He wishes to make it clear that he sustains the
Church in her present policy relating to plural marriage. He also wishes
to be understood by all, that in publishing this work he does not mean to
imply that her leaders have gone astray. He regards the Church as
fulfilling her destiny in the world today.
We proffer no excuse for those who maintain the propriety of
perpetuating the living of plural marriage in this day. Certainly they are
out of harmony with the present policy of the Church and her leaders.
Whatever the consequences may be, they alone must bear the burden and
answer to God for their behavior. It is certain that if any man or woman
enters into any unlawful union, whether polygamous or not, they must
suffer the consequences. When anyone violates even the least of the
commandments of God they must pay the penalty. It matters not how
sophisticated their arguments may be, God "knows the hearts and tries the
reins" of the children of men. Those who wilfully violate or set aside His
laws and the counsels of His servants may find in the end that the burden
will be greater than they had anticipated. They may find that they have
forfeited the very blessings that they had deceived themselves into
believing that they had secured unto themselves.
If plural, celestial marriage is to be continued in the Church and
among God's people today, there is sufficient keys and authority within
the Church to perform those sealings. It is not so much a question of
authority as it is a matter of permission to perform such sealings. The
ordinances of the Gospel do not contemplate death. If a man's first wife
dies and a second is seated to him for time and for all eternity, it is
the same as if the first wife were still alive. If there is sufficient
authority to seal a living woman to a man who has a wife sealed to him who
is dead, there is sufficient authority to seal living [iii] women to a man
in any number. The authority and the ceremony in each and all of these
cases is the same. When the President of the Church says that no man
either in or out of the Church has authority to perform a living plural
sealing, it is the same as to say that no man has permission to do so.
The sealing power is the power to bind on earth and it shall be bound
in heaven, or beyond the grave. This power was restored to the earth
through the instrumentality of Elijah the Prophet in the Kirtland Temple.
This power was to remain with the Church until the end of time. The keys
of this power reside in the Apostleship. If this power is not present, the
Apostleship is not present. Just before Joseph Smith died he conferred all
of the keys, power and authority that he himself held upon the heads of
the Twelve Apostles. These keys, power and authority have been handed down
by regular succession, and remain with the Church to the present day.
In this volume will be found many interesting and curious documents.
They have been included because they have attracted the attention of many
people who have delved into the history of plural, celestial marriage.
They are items which were major issues either at the time of their
presentation or have becomes such since that time. Their inclusion does
not necessarily indicate indorsement by the compiler.
One of these items is a portion of a manuscript entitled THE PEACE
MAKER. This manuscript was written by Udney Hay Jacob in 1840 or before. A
portion of this work dealt with plural marriage and related items as
provided for by the Law of Moses. This was published by Mr. Jacob on the
Church press in Nauvoo in 1842. This unique and curious item is included
in its entirety with the original spelling and punctuation. Many of the
socalled "Fundamentalists" and others have taken portions of this work
and attributed it to Joseph Smith. They have used many things contained
therein to justify themselves in deviations from the true principles of
celestial marriage. When he wrote and published this pamphlet, Mr. Jacob
was not a [iv] member of the Church. Joseph Smith denounced this work
through the official Church organ, The TIMES AND SEASONS. The Latterday
Saints are striving to live by the law of Christ, which is above the Law
of Moses around which THE PEACE MAKER was written.
These volumes follow a chronological format. For the most part only
easily accessable reference material has been used, so that those wishing
to confirm the source or to invistigate more thoroughly may do so. Most of
the material is available at the Salt Lake City Public Library Special
Collections. Other material in the form of microfilms and reproductions of
other documents, diaries, etc., have been obtained from Universal
Microfilms, Inc., of Salt Lake City, Utah; The New York Public Library;
The Illinois State Historical Society Library at Springfield, Illinois;
The Henry E. Huntington Library at San Marino, California; Brigham Young
University Library at Provo, Utah; The University of Utah Library at Salt
Lake City, Utah; and, in a few instances, from private collections.
It is interesting to note that the earliest journals of Joseph Smith,
Brigham Young, and others, which are readily available, contain no
contemporary entries which would confirm dates of plural marriages or the
fact that a plural wife was taken on a given date, or of other events
concerning this principle, and often no entry at all, and the testimony
upon which we are dependent, to establish these early facts and dates, is
given, by those involved or personally acquainted with them, many years
after the event. Thus we are entirely dependent upon the integrity of the
words and recollections of the individuals giving their testimony. The
same condition of affairs exists in connection with the early events of
the "underground" movement of the 1880's and 1890's, as in the case of the
much disputed events of Sept. 2627, 1886, when President John Taylor
received a certain revelation concerning this principle, so closely
guarded were the details of those [v] events concerning this "most holy
and important principle ever revealed by God to man." Just as in the
Nauvoo period, where the contemporary journal entries, for instance, of
Joseph Smith, are often bland and usually extremely nonrevealing as
pertaining to this particular principle, so it is in those of the
principals of the "underground" era, and afterward, and we are entirely
dependent upon the testimonies given years after the events by those
directly involved or personally acquainted with them if they left any
testimony at all, together with the natural fruit which flows from those
historical events.
23 Dec 1805:
Joseph Smith, the Prophet, was born in Sharon, Windsor County,
1821 1828:
These years may be termed the preparatory period preceding the
restoration of the Priesthood and the organization of the Church of Christ
on the earth. The Angel Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith, jun.
several times, and finally delivered to him the plates of the Book of
Mormon. The translation of the sacred records was begun, and Joseph
commenced to receive revelations.
7 Nov 1822:
Vilate Murray was married to Heber C. Kimball.
8 Oct 1824:
Miriam Works was married to Brigham Young.
18 Jan 1827:
Emma Hale was married to Joseph Smith in a secret ceremony.
During this year the translation of the Book of Mormon was completed
by Joseph Smith, jun. who was assisted by Oliver Cowdery as scribe; the
plates were shown to the [2] Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses; the
Aaronic Priesthood was restored to the earth by John the Baptist, and,
later, the Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter, James and John; Joseph Smith,
jun., and Oliver Cowdery also commenced to preach and baptize.
The earliest revelation given upon the principle of plurality of
wives, of which we have record, was apparently given during the time that
Joseph, the Prophet was translating the Book of Mormon, Oliver Cowdery
being scribe. Brigham Young alludes to this incident in the report of a
sermon made by him by Charles Walker in his journal entry under the date
of 26 Jul 1872:
Brigham spoke on the folly of apostacy, and the lying spirit that
apostates give way to after turning away from the truth. Said that while
Joseph and Oliver were translating the Book of Mormon they had a
revelation that the order of Patriarchal Marriage and the Sealing was
right. Oliver said unto Joseph, "Brother Joseph, why don't we go into the
Order of polygamy, and practice it as the ancients did? We know it is
truethen why delay?" Joseph's reply was "I know that we know it is true
and from God, but the time has not yet come." This did not seem to suit
Oliver who expressed a determination to go into the order of plural
marriage anyhow, although he was ignorant of the order and pattern and the
results. Joseph said, "Oliver, if you go into this thing, it is not with
my faith or consent." Disregarding the counsel of Joseph, Oliver Cowdery
took to wife Miss Annie Lyman, cousin to Geo. A. Smith. From that time he
went into darkness and lost the spirit. Annie Lyman is still alive a
witness to these things. (Journal of Charles Walker, 26 Jul 1872, see also
the testimony of Joseph B. Noble under date Jun 1886, THE MOST HOLY
PRINCIPLE, vol. 1:422424)
6 Apr 1830:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints was [3] organized
according to the Laws of the State of New York, at Fayette, Seneca County,
New York.
1831, Orson Pratt, re: Lyman Johnson:
Lyman Johnson, who was very familiar with Joseph at this early date,
Joseph living at his father's house, and who was also very intimate with
me, we having traveled on several missions together, told me himself that
Joseph had made known to him as early as 1831 that plural marriage was a
correct principle. Joseph declared to Lyman that God had revealed it to
him, but that the time had not come to teach or practice it in the Church,
but that the time would come.
1 Jul 1831, Revelation:
For verily I say unto you, my law shall be kept on this land. Let no
man think he is ruler; but let God rule him that judgeth, according to the
counsel of his own will, or, in other words, him that counseleth or
sitteth upon the judgment seat. Let no man break the laws of the land, for
he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the
land. Wherefore, be subject to the powers that be, until he reigns whose
right it is to reign, and subdues all enemies under his feet. (D. & C.
JanSep 1832, Brigham Young:
I never preached to the world but what the cry was. "That damned old
Joe Smith has done thus and so." I would tell the people that they did not
know him, and I did, and that I knew him to be a good man; and that when
they spoke against him, they spoke against as good a man as ever lived.