Alessandro Palma -Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Date of Birth: 25/01/1983
Nationality: Italian
Office address:University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Physics
P.le Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy).
Room 123/A.
Telephone: +39 06 4451642 (office)
+39 338 9728661 (mobile)
Present education:
Master degree in Physics
Present work position:
Ph.D. student in High Energy Physics at University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Professional goal:
To work as a researcher in Physics, mainly in the area of experimental high energy physics.
Nov 2006 – Present
PhD student in Physics at University of Rome“LaSapienza”.
Supervisor: Prof. Egidio Longo
PhD courses attended:
- High-energy astrophysics
- Cosmology
- Probability and statistics
- Software design
- Neural networks
June 2006
Master degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Thesis:“Search for Z' bosons in the dielectron decay mode with the CMS detector at the LHC”, University of Rome“La Sapienza”
Supervisor: Prof. Egidio Longo.
Winner of a national fellowship from INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics).
October 2004
First-level degree (Laurea Triennale) in Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Thesis: “ Sensitivity study of CP violation in a boosted e+e- Bs factory with very small beam collision angle.”
Supervisor: Dott. Riccardo Faccini.
July 2001
Secondary School Diploma in Classics, Liceo Classico Statale Orazio, Rome
Final Grade:100/100 cum laude.
Research experience
My main research field is experimental High Energy Physics.
I am currently working on the CMS experiment at the LHC collider, CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).
I also have a special interest towards High-energy Astrophysics and Physics applied to Medicine and Biology.
Jan 2007 – Present
Ph. D. thesis on “Studies of the dielectron spectrum with the first data of the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider”.
July – Oct 2006
Work with the CMS experiment on:
- High Voltage of the CMSelectromagnetic calorimeter.
- Developement of the CMSSW software framework.
Jul 2005-Jul 2006
Work with CMS experiment on:
- Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter through the flux of cosmic rays
- Neutral gauge bosons beyond the Standard Model.
July-Sept 2004
Summer student at CERN.Work with the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Group on High Voltage monitoring and control programs for the detector.
Teaching activity
Feb 2008 -June 2008
Assistant for a course in General Physics held by Prof. Alexander Tenenbaum at Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”, Master Degree course in Biological Sciences.
Sept 2007 -Jan 2008
Assistant for a course in Computational Physics held by Prof. Giovanni Organtini at Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”, Master Degree course in Physics.
2003 – 2004
Assistant at the Experimental Physics laboratories “Bruno Pontecorvo”,Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”.
Publications and notes
- A.Palma, R. Paramatti, P. Meridiani, S. Rahatlou, “Tuning of SuperCluster energy correction
for TeV electrons in the ECAL barrel”, CMS Internal Note CMS IN 2006/22
- A. Palma, P. Meridiani, S. Rahatlou, “Search for Z' gauge bosons in the dielectron channel in CMS”, CMS Analysis Note CMS-AN 2006/096
- A. Bartoloni et al., “High voltage system for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter”, Nuclear Instr. Meth. A 582 (2007) 462–468
- T. Camporesi et al., “Pre-calibration of the CMS ECAL with cosmic ray muons”, CMS DN-2007/009
- J. Brooke et al, “HEEP (High Energy Electrons and Photons) strategy toward first CMS data”, CMS IN-2007/028
- F. Cavallari, A. Palma, R. Paramatti, “Linearity of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter from H2 test beam data”, CMS DN-2007/019
- A. Palma, “New gauge bosons and Extra Dimensions at the LHC”, Proceedings of the Italian meeting on High Energy Physics IFAE 2007, Springer 2008 ISBN 88-470-0746-8.
Conferences and Workshops
As participant:
- 4th Italian Workshop on ATLAS and CMS physics, November 23rd - 25th 2006, Bologna (Italy)
- Italo-Hellenic School of Physics “The Physics of LHC: theoretical tools and experimental challenges”, June 12th - 18th 2006, Lecce (Italy)
- XI Frascati Spring School “Bruno Touschek” in nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticle physics, May 15th - 19th 2006, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Italy)
- 1st Workshop on Monte Carlo, Physics and Simulations at the LHC, February 27th -28th 2006, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Roma, Italy)
- XVIII giornate di studio sui rivelatori, February 19th -22nd 2008, Torino (Italy)
- 5th Italian workshop on p-p physics at the LHC, 30 Gennaio - 2 Febbraio 2008, Perugia (Italy)
As speaker:
- CMS Italia, 9-10 July 2007, Catania (Italy)
- Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE), 11-13 April 2007, Napoli (Italy)
- XCII Congresso Nazionale Societa' Italiana di Fisica, 18-23 September 2006, Torino (Italy)
- 3rd Workshop on Monte Carlo, Physics and Simulations at the LHC, February 18th -20th 2008, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Roma)
Scientific analysis packages:
Mathematica, Lab View, Origin, PAW, ROOT, RooFit
Languages and Applications:
Apache, C, C++, Perl, Python, HTML, Latex,Common Windows database, spreadsheets and p resentation software, MySQL.
Operating Systems:
Unix/Linux, Windows.
- Italian ( mother tongue)
- English (proficient)
- December 2005 - Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), University of Cambridge
- June 2000 - First Certificate in English (FCE), University of Cambridge
- July 2000 - English student, EmmanuelCollege, Boston. Level: Master.
- French (intermediate)
- January 2005 - Diplôme d' études en langue française (DELF) 1er dégré
- German (basic)
Personal Qualities
Outgoing, self-critical and very self-motivated, capable of working in teams, extremely active.
Interested in Pure and Applied Natural Science, Technology, Computer Science, Languages, Music and Travelling.