I.  The NAME of the organization shall be the New York State Association of Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Educators, hereinafter called the Association.

II.  The PURPOSE of the Association shall be to promote, strengthen, enhance and advocate for the 4-H youth development professional in partnership with the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA).


1. To advance the professional status of Cornell Cooperative Extension personnel engaged in youth development.

2.  To encourage staff development that meets the present and emerging needs of the youth profession.

3.  To encourage and facilitate research in the area of youth development.

4.  To increase interest in Extension 4-H youth work as a career.

5.  To provide for the exchange of ideas, methods and techniques.

6.  To strengthen communications and to promote cooperation among all Cornell Cooperative Extension personnel.

Should this organization be dissolved, the last official Board of Directors shall transfer all uncommitted funds to the New York State 4-H Foundation to be used for professional development, or, should this group not be active, and in existence, the funds shall be transferred to NAE4HA. If that organization is no longer in existence, the transfer of uncommitted funds will be left to the discretion of the board of directors.


ACTIVE – Currently employed by Cornell Cooperative Extension with assigned responsibilities for 4-H, youth and volunteer development programming or professional interest in promoting and supporting same. Each paid member may vote and hold elected or appointed positions. Active members may be either National and State combined or, State only. Active members who retire may complete the membership year as active members.

HONORARY – Any individual voted in by the Board of Directors. Honorary members have no voting privilege.

LIFE – Any retired member may receive Life membership status upon payment of

NAE4-HA Life dues. National Life membership includes all the rights and privileges of an active State and National member. If a Life member returns to active professional employment status, he/she will be required to pay dues as an active member. Life member status would be reinstated without additional payment when Extension employment returns to retirement status. There is also a State Life membership only opportunity. Payment of State Life member dues only includes the rights and privileges of active State membership.

Membership in the Association shall be available without regard to race, color, religion, political beliefs, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, veteran status, or disability.

Professional development benefit – Active and Life members may take advantage of professional development sponsored by the state association and/or districts. Non-members may participate in association sponsored professional development for a non-member fee.

IV. OFFICERS shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past


1.  All officers must be active or Life members of the Association.

2.  President, Vice President and Secretary shall be elected annually. The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term. Terms of office shall be November 1 to October 31.

3.  Officers shall serve until their successors are elected.

4.  The officers shall comprise the Executive Committee.

5.  No officer can succeed themselves in office.

Elections shall take place in the Fall of the year or at a time approved by the
Board of Directors. Elections will be held in a manner approved by the Board of Directors.



The President shall assume all the duties normally assigned to the President and:

1.  Appoint all committees and chairs taking into account recommendations from Association membership and those in current leadership positions on committees. Annually update and/or review committee charges/responsibilities and send to chair of each committee.

2.  Arrange for representation of the Association at special functions.

3.  Call special meetings.

4.  Compile and provide annual directory to membership by Spring Board of Directors meeting.

5.  Serve as the official representative and state contact with NAE4-HA.

6.  Appoint a parliamentarian for annual meeting and special meetings as needed.

7.  Send a list of all newly elected officers of the Association to NAE4-HA Senior Northeast Director.

8.  Annually appoint an Editor to publish the official publication.

9.  Annually appoint a Historian for the Association, who has the responsibility to keep an up-to-date history. May include publishing a complete revision every five years and annual updating.


1.  Act in the absence of or on behalf of the President.

2.  Recommend committee chair-elects to the President for appointment.

3.  Be Director of Membership with responsibilities of promoting membership in the State and National Associations; preparing and maintaining a permanent record of all members relative to dates of appointment, induction, resignation and retirement and be in charge of the induction of new members.

4.  Serve as membership liaison with NAE4-HA.


1.  Record all minutes of the Board of Directors meetings, annual meeting, executive committee meetings and special meetings.

2.  Responsible for sending minutes of Board of Directors, annual and special meetings to all members.

3.  Send all correspondence as directed by the Board of Directors.

4.  Keep a listing of all policies established by the Board of Directors.


1.  Responsible for all funds of the Association. If necessary, Assistant Treasurer may be appointed by the Board of Directors.

2.  Bank funds in the name of the Association.

3.  Give financial report at annual and Board of Directors meetings and whenever called upon by the President.

4.  Pay all bills according to established procedures as determined by the Board of Directors.

5.  Collect dues of membership and keep track of records of payment.

6.  In concert with Vice President, send national membership names and dues to NAE4-HA Executive Services.


1.  Serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

V. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be composed of the officers of the Association, one active member representing each of the Association Districts and the chairperson of each standing committee. The District Representative will be elected by the District membership. The Board of Directors shall determine the policies and activities of the Association, propose a budget, fill vacancies that may occur among the officers, and conduct other business pertaining to the Association.


A.  The ANNUAL MEETING of the Association shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors.

B.  SPECIAL MEETINGS may be called at any time by the President or at the request of 25% of active membership.

C.  A majority of active members shall constitute a QUORUM for transaction of business.


Eligible individuals may choose to become an active member of the Association in the following categories:

-  Both New York State and National Associations

-  New York State Association only

Dues for the year November 1 through October 31 are payable and due December 15th. Upon payment of dues, members shall be eligible for all privileges afforded by their choice of affiliations. Membership and dues are not transferable from one individual to another and are non-refundable.


The official newsletter of the Association is “News & Views.” The editor shall be appointed by the president. Responsibilities – edit, publish and distribute a minimum of four issues of “News & Views.” Annually, coordinate mailing list information with the Association vice-president, and compile the Association annual report for distribution at the annual meeting.


An annual proposed budget including annual dues shall be prepared by the Treasurer and reviewed and recommended by the Board of Directors at a regular meeting prior to submitting to the membership at the annual or special meeting. Any revisions in the budget must be approved by the Board of Directors. If the Board recommends any changes exceeding $2500, it shall be approved by the membership. The fiscal year shall be January 1 – December 31.


A.  The Association will be organized by districts throughout the state. Each District will provide the opportunity for Active and Life members of the Association to:

-  Participate in District business meetings,

-  hold District office and leadership roles,

-  contribute to Association related discussions as a voting member and

-  participate in Association sponsored professional development opportunities,

Business meetings will be conducted as per the recommended Association business meeting template that is outlined in the leadership directory. It is understood that most districts will also have programmatic related activities that they work together on that are not a part of the Association portion of the business meeting and may involve non-members of the State Association.

Non-members who participate in District level meetings are not eligible to hold District office or to vote on Association related business. If professional development is offered that is sponsored by the Association a non-member fee can be charged.

B.  Re-districting is a function of the Board of Directors. Request for re-districting must be made through written communication to the President of the Board. The Board will then refer this to Districts for discussion. Any changes in District county makeup are subject to Board approval.

C.  District officers will be elected by the District Active membership and will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Representative to the Board of Directors. Duties of the officers are found in the Association Leadership Handbook. District elections shall take place prior to the annual meeting with terms of the office being November 1 – October 31.

D.  Districts are asked to recommend representatives to the various standing committees of the Association. A person must be an active member to serve on Association committees.


The President will appoint all committees and members annually.

Committee chairperson and members will be active or life members of the Association. Chairpersons will provide written reports for Board of Directors, annual and special meetings and submit a proposed annual budget to the Association Treasurer prior to August 15. Committee membership shall include, if at all possible, one representative per District except as noted below. Committees shall include:


Membership should consist of at least one representative from each District and one representative from Cornell staff. Responsibility – to organize, implement, and evaluate the 4-H Capital Days Program that provides opportunity for teens to learn about state government. Regular program and financial reporting to the Board of Directors is required.


Membership will consist of Active or Life members of the Association with representation from all districts. At least one member of this committee will be a member who has previously won the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). Responsibilities – to provide support and recognition of members and others when appropriate according to procedures established by the Board of Directors; to provide the mechanism for selection of state and national award recipients and to make arrangements for national 25 year service awards and provide for selection of other awards as appropriate.


Membership will consist of at least one representative from each district and one representative from Cornell staff. Responsibility – to promote/market 4-H youth development programs. This committee provides the mechanism for selection and submission of communicator awards.


Membership will consist of at least one member from each District. Immediate Past President will serve as Chairperson. Responsibility – prepare a slate of officers from active members for the election and to conduct the election in a manner approved by the Board of Directors. Provide for the support of active members for NAE4-HA positions and offices.


Membership will consist of at least one representative from each district and one representative from Cornell staff. Responsibility – plan and implement professional development of the Association including that of the annual conference. Cooperate with Cornell Cooperative Extension State 4-H Youth Development Office as well as conference planning committee.


Membership will consist of a majority from the hosting district. Responsibility –this committee will coordinate the annual conference including site selection, registration and management of the conference. They will also schedule for the business of the Association. A District rotation will be followed. Will cooperate with the following committees: Professional Development; Member Recognition and Awards; Marketing and Information and Fund Development.


Membership will consist of at least one representative from each District with the goal of raising funds to supplement the Association’s budget. Responsibilities – to select fund raising opportunities, plan, publicize and conduct the activities necessary.


Membership will consist of at least one member from each district and one representative from Cornell staff. Responsibility – to provide general and specific mentoring for colleagues.


The President will appoint committees and membership annually.

Committee chairs and members will be active or life members. Chairs will provide written reports for Board of Directors, annual and special meetings and submit a proposed budget request to the Association Treasurer prior to date set by the Board of Directors. Committees shall include:


Membership will consist of at least three members. Responsibility is to officially review and audit all financial transactions and records of the Association and submit written report to Board of Directors annually, to be completed by May 1.


Membership will consist of at least three members, one being the appointed Association Historian. Responsibility is to prepare official historical record yearly and the Association Highlights, every five years.


The most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the procedure at all meetings of the Association.


These By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members, in good standing, present at an annual or special meeting, due notice with proposed changes having been given to all members of the Association at least 30 days previous to the meeting.

Revised and adopted October 14, 2010