Ms. D. Nembhard & Mrs. Stockdale

Welcome! In this advanced level course, emphasis will be on the service and presentation of high quality food products


  1. To utilize Food Safe knowledge in food preparation.
  1. To recognize and understand cultural influences and their effect on food choices.
  1. To acquire knowledge of nutritional problems in Canada and globally.
  1. To budget, plan menus, and prepare shopping lists/market orders for use in food preparation.
  1. To be familiar with styles of service and be able to plan and prepare gourmet and international foods, buffet meals, receptions, and meals for large groups.
  2. To evaluate special equipment and new appliances.

Course Content: Topics will include the following:

ä  Work place skills and practices

ä  Nutrition and Meal planning (e.g. special diets, special occasion functions)

ä  Preservation (e.g. freezing, jams and jellies)

ä  Specialty Yeast Breads (e.g. Danish pastry, sourdough bread)

ä  Receptions/catering (e.g. appetizers/canapés, desserts, buffets, cocktail party)

ä  International Foods (e.g. Italian, Thai, East Indian)

Equipment Requirements: to be brought to every class

  1. Clean, bib-front apron, clearly labelled with name, and kept in front of binder
  1. 3-ring binder with looseleaf and 8 dividers
  1. Pen and/or pencil
  2. Plastic sheet protector (for lab recipes)
  3. Hair elastic (if needed) to tie back hair


Regular, punctual attendance is mandatory due to the extensive lab time required for this course. If unduly late for a lab, an alternate activity or tutorial time to complete missed work may be assigned. Unexcused absences could result in missed labs and marks not given for work assigned. If absent from a demonstration and/or lab planning class, the student will be required to copy out the recipe/lab plan and observe others during the lab (and/or complete an assigned task). The student will not participate in the lab unless it will not hinder the safety and progress of the other students. With an excused absence (fieldtrips or illness), an alternate assignment or make-up lab will be given to the student to complete during tutorial or at home.

Remember, it is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work. This should be arranged with the teacher at the end of class. A tutorial may be required for completion of this work (before or after school).

Evaluation: Marks will be cumulative over the semester.

50% Lab Work

15% Practical Experience

15% Assignments

20% Tests/Quizzes

A. Lab Work

§  Students are marked for both individual and group performances in labs (eg. planning, organization, food preparation techniques, product, clean-up, etc.). To obtain marks for lab, students must be present for the planning and/or demonstration of the lab as well as on the lab day. If absent on from planning lab planning or demonstration, students will not receive marks/credit until the lab is made up at home (max. mark is 80%). Students must complete 50% of the labs in class to obtain a pass in this course.

§  To adhere to Food Safe practices, aprons are mandatory therefore students will not be permitted to cook without one resulting in a zero for that lab.

B.  Practical Experience:

“edible” homework projects, designed to improve skills and enhance confidence, are to be completed and returned on or before the due date. Late assignments are not accepted- if a concern or problem arises, student must see teacher, prior to due date so suitable substitutions can be arranged

C. Assignments

§  These are due at the beginning of the period on the date due. (Hint: work handed in at the end of class is late!)

§  As a general rule, assignments will be accepted only until they have been corrected and/or handed back.

§  Notebooks may be used for reference, test preparation, open book tests so keep them in logical order, returning assignments to their proper place.

D. Tests/Quizzes

§  Short, unannounced quizzes may be given at any time, usually at start of class

§  Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit of study.

§  Students who are absent when a test is given will be assigned a mark of “0”.

§  If absence is excused, student will be expected to write the test the first day back in class (or as previously arranged with teacher).

§  A final exam will be given at the end of the course.

Work habits will be assessed using the following criteria as guidelines:

G / •  On task
•  Comes prepared to class
•  Does all work /
/ •  Stays on task most of the time
•  Usually has supplies
•  2 or more assignments missing /
/ •  Needs reminders to work
•  Often without supplies
•  Several assignments missing
•  Little or no effort to catch-up



(or how to bake up at least a “B”)

Be involved !

ð  Attend class regularly (remember to bring a note if absent so lab and assignments can be quickly made up)! Instructions, quizzes, and planning for future classes usually take place at the beginning. If you miss this part, you will be at a great disadvantage

ð  Arrive on time with all supplies.

ð  Come to class with a positive attitude

ð  Open your mind and your palate to new culinary adventures!

ð  Be responsible and respectful.

ð  Be a team player.

Do all the assigned work !

ð  Do all assignments to the best of your ability! Hard work is rewarded by better marks and delicious products

ð  Take pride in your accomplishments! (celebrate your “failures”- these are often the best learning experience)

Please sign below to indicate that you have read this and are aware of the evaluation system and expectations of this Department. Please separate and return the bottom portion to class by ______.


Date: ______

Student name:


Diet Restrictions:

I have read and am aware of the requirements to successfully participate in this course.


Student Signature (accepted and understood)

I have read and reviewed the course information with my son/ daughter.


Parent/Guardian Signature (accepted and understood)