Chapter 6 Worksheet

Section 1

1. How long is a congressional term?

2. How long is a representative’s term?

3. How many representatives are in the House of Representatives?

4. How many senators does each state have? How long is their term?

5. What are the three types of committees in Congress?

6. What compromise established a bicameral congress?

7. What is a joint session?

8. What is gerrymandering?

9. What role does the vice-president play in the Senate?

10. What term means years of service?

11. Who is the day to day leader of the Senate?

12. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?

Section 2

13. What does impeach mean? Which house has this power?

14. What does the elastic clause allow Congress to do?

15. What is the most important duty of Congress?

16. What three legal rights of individuals is Congress forbidden from interfering with?

17. Which house has the power to approve or reject presidential nominees?

18. Which house holds impeachment trials?

19. Which two presidents’ have been impeached?

Section 3

20. What are projects that tend to benefit a congressmen’s home district called?

21. What are the qualifications for members of the House of Representatives?

22. What are the qualifications for senators?

23. What is the ability to send job-related mail without postage?

24. What is the current salary for congressmen?

25. What office provides Congress with information for making budgetary decisions?

Section 4

26. How many days are required before a pocket veto may occur?

27. What are unrelated amendments that are added to bills?

28. What happens to a bill if the president vetoes it?

29. What is the role of a conference committee?

30. What term means talk a bill to death? Where can this occur?

31. What term means to reject by refusing to sign?

32. What type of vote is needed to pass a bill?

33. Where does a bill go after being introduced?

34. Who must introduce a bill before Congress can consider it?