Naturalist Journal: Instructions for pages 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15

PAGE 11 of Journal: Tree Revisited
Find the tree that you took the leaf from for page 2. Take a color photo of the entire tree as it appears now and place the picture on page 11 of your journal. Under the picture, describe the leaves on the tree. Have they changed? Are there still leaves on the tree? How many? Are they dropping?...etc…. Describe the appearance of the tree now and changes that have occurred since your entry on page 2.
___ Photo (2 Points)
___ Description (2 Points)

PAGE 12 of Journal: Migration
On page 12 of your journal, write the definition of the term “migration”. (fyi – “the act of migrating” is NOT a definition for migration J) The Ruby Throated Hummingbird is an example of a bird common to Virginia. Learn about them and include the following information in your journal: Picture of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird, write common name, write scientific name (write the genus and species in correct form), and describe their migration pattern.
___ Definition of migration (2 Points)
___ Photo of Ruby Throated Hummingbird (2 Points)
___ Common Name/Scientific Name (2 Points total)
___ Migration Description (2 Points)

Information about the migration pattern can be found at the following:

PAGE 13 of Journal: Hibernation
On page 13 of your journal, write the definition of the term “hibernation”. (fyi – the definition of hibernation is NOT “the act of hibernating”) Virginia Big-Eared Bats are true hibernators. Learn about them and include the following information in your journal: Picture of a Virginia Big-eared Bat, write the common name, write the scientific name. In complete sentence answer the following question: Why are Virginia Big-Eared Bats considered true hibernators?
You may find the following sites useful:

___ Definition of hibernation (2 Points)
___ Photo of a VA Big-Eared Bat (2 Points)
___ Common Name/Scientific Name (2 Points total)
___ Hibernation Question (2 Points)

PAGE 14 of Journal: Adaptation
On page 14, write the definition of the term “adaptation”.
White Tailed Deer adapt to the winter. Find a picture of a white tailed deer and put in your journal. Also include write the common name and scientific name. In a complete sentence, describe one way in which White Tailed Deer adapt for the winter. (think about things like winter food, winter color, etc.)

___ Definition of adaptation (2 Points)
___ Photo of White Tail Deer (2 Points)
___ Common Name/Scientific Name (2 Points total)
___ Adaptation Description (2 Points)

PAGE 15 - Weather Observation: Just like you did with the previous entries, pick any 5 consecutive days during this assignment and record the high and low temperatures for those days. This data can be found online or in the major newspapers.
___ weather data present (5 points)
Total Point Value for these entries: 33 Points

Your entries will be assessed for neatness!
This assignment is due: ____ (There will be a 5 point deduction for each school day this is late.)