Categories/subcategories / Direct costs
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
Human Resources / 3.194.520
1 / Project manager
(170 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 85680 / 85680 / 85680 / 257040
2 / Deputy project manager
(170 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 85680 / 85680 / 85680 / 257040
3 / Project assistant
(100 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months x 2 persons / 100800 / 100800 / 100800 / 302400
5 / Legal councillor
(60 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 30240 / 30240 / 30240 / 90720
6 / Regional coordinators - 8 regional experts
(60 RON x 2 hours x 21 days x 12 months x 8 persons) x 12 months / 241920 / 241920 / 241920 / 725760
7 / Financial manager
(120 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 60480 / 60480 / 60480 / 181440
8 / Economist
(80 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 40320 / 40320 / 40320 / 120960
9 / Accountant
(50 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 25200 / 25200 / 25200 / 75600
10 / Trainers
(9 modules x 3 days/module x 8 regions x 2 trainers) + 72 days of preparing training and ellaborating reports; 576 days x 1.110 RON) / 200000 / 439360 / - / 639360
11 / Accomodation, food and transportation and BJR (Biroul Judetean pentru Romi - County Office for Roma) (256 days of accomodation, food and transportation) / 71040 / 71040 / 142080
12 / Consultant - monitoring and evaluation component (60 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 30240 / 30240 / 30240 / 90720
13 / Consultant for relation with local and county authorities (50 RON x 2 hours x 21 days) x 12 months / 25200 / 25200 / 25200 / 75600
14 / Lecturers (2) - (144 days x 700 RON) / 33600 / 33600 / 33600 / 100800
15 / Transporation for consultancy visits and monitoring - 8 regions x 5days/months x 36 months = 1.140 visits / 38000 / 38000 / 38000 / 114000
16 / Transportation and accomodation - monitoring and evaluation visits - management team (30 days x 700) / 7000 / 7000 / 7000 / 21000
Participants / 13.399.900
1 / Local Roma experts (210) - subsidies (210 x 2.100 RON x 24 months) / 2.646.000 / 5.292.000 / 2.646.000 / 10.584.000
2 / Accomodation, food, transportation (210 x 27 days = 5.670 days of accomodation for experts, food and transportation) x 350 RON/day / 496125 / 992250 / 496125 / 1984500
3 / Consumables for training experts (210 persons x 50 days x 9 modules) / 28350 / 85050 / 0 / 113400
4 / Expenditures for public procumerent procedure / 5000
5 / National conference for launching and closing the project(150 persons x 2 days accomodation, food, transportation x 2 events) / 250000 / 0 / 250000 / 500000
6 / Transportation, accomodation and food for local experts - national network meeting (210 experts x 2 days accomodation and food, transportation x 350 RON) / 0 / 147000 / 0 / 147000
7 / Promoting materials / 15000 / 0 / 15000 / 30000
8 / Office consumables for project (1000 x 12 months) / 12000 / 12000 / 12000 / 36000
Other types of costs / 179620
1 / Publications - brochures (2000 issues x 3 RON) / 0 / 0 / 6000 / 6000
2 / The local expert guide (1000 issues x 15 RON) / 0 / 0 / 15000 / 15000
3 / Videoprojector - 2 pieces / 5920 / 0 / 0 / 5920
4 / Audit / 40000 / 40000 / 40000 / 120000
5 / Rent for training room / 7200 / 14400 / 0 / 21600
6 / Expenditures related to opening and managing the project's bank account / 3700 / 3700 / 3700 / 11100
7 / FEDR (10% for AP 1-5 included, 15% for AP 6) / 839760
8 / Computers and basic software - experts 210 / 466200 / 0 / 0 / 466200
9 / Laser printer - experts 210 / 42000 / 0 / 0 / 42000
10 / Office furniture for local experts - 210 sets / 155400 / 0 / 0 / 155400
11 / Laptop and basic software - prefect councillors, 42 BJR + 2 laptop for implementing the project = 44 pieces / 130240 / 0 / 0 / 130240
12 / Videoprojector - 2 pieces / 5920 / 0 / 0 / 5920
13 / Car / 40000 / 0 / 0 / 40000
TOTAL / 17.613.800
Total direct costs / 17.613.800
Total general expenditures for managing (5%/7% from the total direct costs) / 880.69
From which transnational activities

Budget for financing application 2275

"National network for local Roma experts, a support mechanism for implementing the social inclusion measures of Roma, a vulnerable group expose to social exclusion"