Western Elementary

SBDM Council

Special Called Meeting Minutes

August 17, 2015

3:30 p.m.

Members :Keith Brown –Principal

Shannon Boothe–Teacher

Jennifer Porter-Teacher

Lynda Robey - Teacher

Kelly Rowe –Parent

Leah Moore-Parent

  1. Opening Business

a. Agenda approved by consensus

b. June minutes approved by consensus

c. Good News Report- Mr. Brown stated that the school year was off to a good start and the team concept was working well. Enrollment is down due to the small kindergarten size.

2. Student Achievement Report/Data

a. KPREP- data is still embargoed but the individual student raw data was shared with teachers at the last PLC meeting.

b. STAR assessments began today. Reports will be used to identify those students performing below grade level so teachers may differentiate instruction. Students and parents will also receive reports from the assessment.

c. PALS assessment has generated positive feedback about the Zoophonics program.

d. BRIGANCE assessment will be given to Kindergarten students to provide baseline data on them.

3. School Improvement Planning

a. Monthly review: Mr. Brown summarized the various activities at Western during August, including the Opening Night and the upcoming Tour de Western bike night and September’s Reading Night.

4. Budget Report

a. Members received the monthly handout.

5. Program Review & Committee Reports

a. PLC & Program Review reports: 3rd through 6th grade teachers reviewed raw KPREP data. K-2nd teachers reviewed Zoophonics data and the K-2 Program Review requirements.

b. World Language/Global Competency will be piloted in elementary schools this year.

6. Bylaw or Policy review/reading/adoption

a. The council read and reviewed these policies: Extracurricular, Program Appraisal, Curriculum, Parental Involvement, and Technology.

b. The council read and amended these policies: Instructional Practice and Wellness. Corrected copies are attached to these minutes.

7. Old Business: none

8. New Business

a. Student free speech and religious liberty rights handout was given to council members.

9. On-going Learning

a. Council members are in the data base and will be able to use the resources found at .

10. Adjournment: Motion made by Jennifer Porter to adjourn and was seconded by Lynda Robey. Meeting adjourned at 4:20.

The next regularly scheduled meeting –September 21, 2015 @ 3:30.