Essay #7 in class (Division/Classification Essay)

The classification and division essay will build on the skills you learned in the example/illustration essay. In this essay you will use group your examples into categories (classification) or separate them into parts (division). The essay should compare or describe the same type of things or people. For example, it would not work to classify your classmates as short people and smart people, as some of the short people may also be smart causing an overlap of categories. A better grouping would be short people and tall people.


1.  Select a very focused subject

For example, items in a grocery store à items on a grocery list

2.  Choose a principle or basis for making the classification

Importance of items, location in the store, etc.

3.  Divide the subject into three or four distinct groups.

Canned, frozen, fresh

4.  Arrange these groups in some kind of order.

You might base this on how you walk through the store; e.g I go to the produce section first, then the aisles, then meats, then frozen foods.

5.  Develop the classes as equally and completely as possible.

Do not write a longer paragraph on frozen foods than you do on fresh foods.

Classification/Division Structure: (can be adapted to cause/effect and persuasion/argument)

I. Introduction

States thesis (idea or object to be analyzed, and to what end)

II. Body

Identify, in separate paragraphs, the various categories, with examples and with transitional materials to provide a sense of their inter-connectedness

III. Conclusion

Restate the categories of the thesis; or answer the question “so what?” implied in any composition; stress the value of this classification system


  Classify the types of dates you have been on; or the types of boys or girls to avoid.

  Classify friends, classmates, teachers, politicians, music, movies, television shows, etc.