History of Photography Powerpoint worksheet

Use the space below to make a list of Photographers named throughout the Powerpoint. You will want them for future research and study.

Follow along with the Presentation and answer these questions:

1) The word photography comes from the Greek words _________and ______ that mean ”______” and “______".

2) Who were the first people to write about the “camera obscura”?

3) From what language do the words “camera obscura” come from and what do they mean?

4) What two Renaissance artists’ used the “camera obscura” to help with their drawings?

5)The camera obscura was made portable by the 1700s. How did they produce a sharper image?

6) What was the title of the first photography?Who captured it?

7) How long did it take him to capture the first photo? (Exposure time)

8) What is the title of Daguerre’s famous 1837 photograph?

9)What was Daguerre's process called? It was announced to the world on what date?

10) ______was an English amateur scientist who invented a photographic process around the same time as Daguerre.

11) Talbot first called his process photogenic drawing but once he improved it it was renamed ______or ______.

12) Who is created with bringing photography into America? What was he the inventor of?

13) In 1851,what process was like Talbot's but the negatives were made of smooth glass instead of paper?

14) What process was less expensive than the collodion and used mostly to photography the Civil War?

15) American photographer ______saw the importance of documenting the Civil War.

16) Eadweard Muybridge, a British photographer, was sent to settle a wager regarding the position of what animal’s trotting legs?

17) A popular toy in the late 1800s was known as the ______, and was a precursor of motion pictures.

18) What city was Muybridge in when he projected his pictures on a screen at the California School of Fine Arts?

19) What company did George Eastman found?

20) Mr. Eastman wanted everybody to be able to take photographs. He worked hard to develop a camera that everybody could afford to buy. He did it in 1900. It was the ______box roll-film camera.

21) ______, the inventor of the world-renowned Leicca camera was the first to utilize the new 35mm format with the production of the Ur-Leica in 1924.

22) Kodak developed a color film in 1936 you didn't need to take three separate photographs and put them on top of each other to get one color photograph, you could just take one photograph. What was its name?


Without looking, name one photographer mentioned in any part of the presentation.