SECTION 07 42 43
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Copyright 2012 - 2012 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Metl-Span; insulated metal roof and wall panels.
This section is based on the products of Metl-Span, which is located at:
1720 Lakepointe Dr. Suite 101
Lewisville, TX 75057-6425
Toll Free Tel: 877-585-9969
Tel: 972-221-6656
Fax: 972-420-9382
Email:request info ()
[Click Here] for additional information.
Metl-Span is a world leader in the manufacturing of insulated metal panels for commercial, industrial, and cold storage buildings. Metl-Span is devoted to manufacturing and marketing only the finest insulated building panel products.
As a pioneer in insulated panel development for over thirty years, Metl-Span has made significant contributions to many product design innovations and technology, which are industry standards today. Metl-Span is constantly expanding their research and technological capabilities in order to develop the highest quality products possible.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete items below not required for project.
1.1.1 Insulated metal wall panels.
1.1.2 Flashing and trim integral to insulated panels.
1.1.3 Clips, anchoring devices, fasteners, and accessories for installation of panel system.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required.
1.2.1 Section 05 12 16 - Fabricated Fireproofed Steel Columns
1.2.2 Section - - Insulated Metal Roof Panels
1.2.3 Section 07 62 00 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim.
1.2.4 Section 07 90 00 - Joint Protection
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section.
1.3.1 NFPA 259 - Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials
1.3.2 NFPA 285 - Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load Bearing Wall Assemblies
1.3.3 NFPA 286 - Fire Test of Evaluating Conditions of Wall and Ceiling Finish to Roof Fire Growth
1.3.4 AAMA 501.1 - Standard Test Method for Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors for Water Penetration Using Dynamic Pressure.
1.3.5 Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) Standard 4880 - Evaluating Insulated Wall or Wall and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies, Plastic Interior Finish Materials, Plastic Exterior Building Panels, Wall/Ceiling Coating Systems, and Interior or Exterior Finish Systems.
1.3.6 Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) Standard 4881 - Standard for Class Exterior Wall Systems.
1.3.7 ASTM A 653 - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process.
1.3.8 ASTM A 792 - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel by the Hot-Dip Process
1.3.9 ASTM A 924 - General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process
1.3.10 ASTM C 273 - Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials
1.3.11 ASTM C 518 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
1.3.12 ASTM D 1621 - Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
1.3.13 ASTM D 1622 - Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics
1.3.14 ASTM D 1623 - Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
1.3.15 ASTM E 18 - Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Finishes
1.3.16 ASTM E 72 - Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction.
1.3.17 ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
1.3.18 ASTM E 90-99 - Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements
1.3.19 ASTM E 283 - Standard Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen.
1.3.20 ASTM E 330 - Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
1.3.21 ASTM E 331 - Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
1.3.22 ASTM E 413-87 - Classification of Rating Sound Insulation
1.3.23 ASTM E 1332-10a - Classification for Rating Outdoor-Indoor Sound Attenuation
1.3.24 ASTM E 1592 - Structural Performance of Metal Roofing and Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
1.3.25 ASTM E 1996 - Test Method for Performance of Exterior Impact Protective Systems by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes, 15 pound
1.3.26 ASTM F 1642 - Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing Systems subject to Airblast Loading
1.3.27 CAN 4-S101 - Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
1.3.28 CAN/ULC S102 - Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies.
1.3.29 CAN/ULC S126 - Standard Method of Test for Fire Spread Under Roof-Deck Assembly.
1.3.30 CAN/ULC S134 - Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies
1.3.31 CAN/ULC S138 - Fire Growth of Insulated Building Panels in a Full-Scale Room Configuration
1.3.32 US Green Building Council (USGBC): Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.
1.4.1 Structural and Wind load Tests: Design load/deflection criteria verified from tests per ASTM E 72 "Chamber Method" using a 20 psf (.96 kPa) simulated wind load with a deflection limit of L/180 for exterior wall panels, L/120 for partition and liner walls and L/240 for ceiling panels. FM Approval Standard 4881, Standard for Class 1 Exterior Wall Systems. Wind pressures are calculated per FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-28, ratings are established and support spacing is determined based on FM Approval Standard 4881 listings. Large Missile Impact Test: Conducted in accordance with ASTM E 1886 Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors and Impact Protective Systems and ASTM E 1996 Windborne Debris in Hurricanes.
1.4.2 Thermal Performance: When tested in accordance with ASTM C 518, "measurement of steady state thermal transmission", the panels shall provide a K-factor of .14 btu/sf/hr./deg. F at a 75 degrees F (24 degrees C) mean temperature.
1.4.3 Vapor Barrier: Air Infiltration: Air infiltration shall not exceed .06 cfm per square foot of wall area when tested in accordance with ASTM E 283 at a static pressure of 12 psf (.576 kPa) Static Water Penetration: No uncontrolled water penetration through the panel joints at a static pressure of 20 psf (.96 kPa) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 331. Dynamic Water Penetration: No uncontrolled water penetration through panel joints when subjected to a 95 mph (153 kph) slip stream air flow and application of water for a 15 minute period in accordance with AAMA501.1. Condensation Resistance Factor: Minimum condensation resistance factor of the panel shall be 92 when tested in general accordance with AAMA 1503.1.
1.4.4 Fire: Surface Burning Characteristics: Insulated core shall have been tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 for surface burning characteristics. The core shall have a maximum flame spread of 25 and a smoke developed rating of 450. Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) Standard 4880, 50 foot (15.24 m) High Corner Test for Unlimited Height Structures: Panel assembly shall not support a self-propagating fire which reaches any limits of the 50 foot (15.24 m) high corner test structure as evidenced by flaming or material damage of the ceiling of the assembly.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Approval is applicable to structures of unlimited height. National Fire Protection Association - Fire Propagation: Fire assembly shall meet the requirements of NFPA 285 Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load Bearing Wall Assemblies and NFPA 286 Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Finish to Roof Fire Growth. Heat potential shall be determined using NFPA 259 Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials. Canadian Certifications Flame spread: Evaluation of fire spread over the exterior surface conducted in compliance with CAN/ULC S138 Fire Growth of Insulated Building Panels in a Full-Scale Room Configuration. IBC Chapter 26: Panel performance under the above test methods, shall meet the requirements of IBC, Chapter on foam plastics.
1.4.5 Bond Strength: Fatigue Test: Panel shall withstand deflection cycling at L/180 to two million alternate cycles with no evidence of delamination, core cracking or permanent bowing. Freeze/Heat Cycling: Panel shall exhibit no delamination, surface blistering or permanent bowing when subjected to cyclic temperature extremes of minus 20 degrees F (minus 28 degrees C) to plus 180 degrees F (plus 82 degrees C) for twenty-one eight hour cycles. Humidity Test: Panel shall exhibit no delamination or metal corrosion at interface when subjected to a 140 degree F (60 degree C) temperature and 100 percent relative humidity for a total of 1200 hours. Autoclave Test: Panel shall exhibit no delamination of the foam core from metal skins when exposed to 2 psi (.122 kg/sq. cm) pressure at a temperature of 212 degrees F (100 degrees C) for a total of 2-1/2 hours.
1.5.1 Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements.
1.5.2 Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: Preparation instructions and recommendations. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. Material type, metal thickness and finish. Installation methods.
1.5.3 Shop Drawings: Including elevations, fastening patterns, sections of each condition and details as required.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete selection samples if colors have already been selected.
1.5.4 Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns.
1.5.5 Panel Sample: Submit 1 foot (305 mm) high by full width sample panel for each profile specified indicating the metal, texture, color and finish.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following paragraphs if LEED is not applicable.
1.5.6 LEED Submittals: Provide documentation of how the requirements of Credit will be met: EA - Energy and Atmosphere: EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance: Demonstrate percentage of performance improvement that meets or surpasses ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004. EA Credit 2: Minimum Energy Performance: Roof panels contribute to higher energy efficiency of a building that must comply with a 10 percent improvement in the performance compared to benchmark rating based on ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 (with errate but without addenda) in EA Prerequisite 2. MR - Material and Resource: MR Credit 1.1 & 1.2: Building Reuse: Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof. Maintain Interior Non-Structural Elements. MR Credit 3: Materials Reuse MR Credit 4: Recycled Content: Percentage weight of post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content using materials with recycled content. Recycled content value of product assembly by weight. Indicate total value (cost) of each product used. MR Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials: Foam core in panels using rapidly renewable buildings materials and products for 2.5 percent of the total value of all building materials and products used in the project (based on cost.) IEQ - Indoor Environmental Quality: IEQ Credit 4.1: Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives and Sealants: Product data on adhesives and sealants to comply with standards of South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1168. Product data for paint and coatings have no VOC's.
1.5.7 Buy American Act Certification: Submit documentation certifying that products comply with provisions of the Buy American Act 41 U.S.C 10a-10d.
1.5.8 Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements.
1.6.1 Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing factory foamed in place insulated metal panels with a minimum documented experience of ten years.
1.6.2 Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in installation of the products specified for projects of similar size and scope with minimum five years documented experience.
1.7.1 Store products in accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions. Store under cover in manufacturer's unopened packaging with labels intact until ready for installation.
1.7.2 Shield foam insulated metal roof panels from direct sunlight until installation.
1.7.3 Store products off the ground, with panels sloped for drainage and covered to protect factory finishes from damage.
1.7.4 Do not overload roof structure with stored materials. Do not permit material storage or traffic on completed roof surfaces.
1.8.1 Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's two year limited warranty that panels are free from defects in materials and workmanship, beginning from the date of shipment of panels, but excluding coil coatings (paint finishes) covered under a separate warranty. Warranty does not include interior painted surface of panels.
**NOTE TO SPECIFIER** Extended warranties are available for exterior paint finishes. Consult with panel manufacturer for additional information and complete the warranty period below for the finish specified. Delete if not required.
1.8.2 Submit exterior paint manufacturer's written forty year limited warranty on paint finish for adhesion to the substrate and a thirty year limited warranty on chalk and color fade.
2.1.1 Acceptable Manufacturer: Metl-Span, which is located at: 1720 Lakepointe Dr. Suite 101; Lewisville, TX 75057-6425; Toll Free Tel: 877-585-9969; Tel: 972-221-6656; Fax: 972-420-9382; Email:request info (); Web:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs; coordinate with requirements of Division 1 section on product options and substitutions.
2.1.2 Substitutions: Not permitted.
2.1.3 Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements.
2.2.1 Insulated Metal Wall Panels: Metl-Span CF Insulated Metal Wall Panel, roll-formed exterior and interior steel sheet faces chemically bonded to continuously foamed-in-place insulated core; laminated panels are not acceptable.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panel types and delete the ones not required.
2.2.2 Architectural Wall Panels: Metl-Span CF concealed fastener, stucco embossed wall panels:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Maximum length for stucco embossed Architectural wall panels is 32 feet in both horizontal and vertical configurations. Wall Panel:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panels and delete the ones not required. CF-24A Wall Panel, 24 inch (60.96 cm) module width. CF-30A Wall Panel, 30 inch (76.20 cm) module width. CF-36A Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width. Light Mesa profiled liner. Panel Thickness:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panel thicknesses and delete the ones not required. 2 inches (5.08 cm). 2-1/2 inches (6.35 cm). 3 inches (7.62 cm). Side Connections: Offset double tongue and groove joinery with an extended metal shelf allowing fasteners to penetrate both metal faces with clips concealed in the side joint.
2.2.3 Profiled Wall Panels: Metl-Span CF concealed fastener wall panels. Wall Panel:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panels and delete the ones not required. CF-30 Wall Panel, 30 inch (76.20 cm) module width, with Striated, Mesa face. CF-30 Wall Panel, 30 inch (76.20 cm) module width, with Light Mesa face. Light Mesa profiled liner. Panel Thickness:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panel thicknesses and delete the ones not required. Striated profile is not available in 4 inch, 5 inch and 6 inch thicknesses. Maximum length for Striated profile is 40 feet. 2 inches (5.08 cm). 2-1/2 inches (6.35 cm). 2-3/4 inches (6.99 cm). 3 inches (7.62 cm). 4 inches (10.16 cm). 5 inches (12.7 cm). 6 inches (15.24 cm). Wall Panel:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panels and delete the ones not required. CF-36 Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with Striated, Mesa face. CF-36 Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with Light Mesa face. CF-36 Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with Santa Fe face. CF-36 Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with Tuff-Wall face. CF-36 Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with Tuff-Cast face. Liner:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following liners and delete the one not required. Mesa profiled liner. Light Mesa profiled liner. Panel Thickness:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panel thicknesses and delete the ones not required. Striated profile is not available in 4 inch, 5 inch and 6 inch thicknesses. Maximum length for Striated profile is 40 feet. Tuff-Wall and Tuff-Cast are not available in 2-3/4 inch thickness. 2 inches (5.08 cm). 2-1/2 inches (6.35 cm). 2-3/4 inches (6.99 cm). 3 inches (7.62 cm). 4 inches (10.16 cm). 5 inches (12.7 cm). 6 inches (15.24 cm). Side Connections: Offset double tongue and groove joinery with an extended metal shelf allowing fasteners to penetrate both metal faces with clips concealed in the side joint. Wall Panel:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Note that 7.2 Insul-Rib™ Wall Panel does not have FM4881 approval. 7.2 Insul-Rib Wall Panel, 36 inch (91.44 cm) module width, with 7.2 inch rib pattern and 1-1/2 inch deep. Liner:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following liners and delete the one not required. Mesa profiled liner. Light Mesa profiled liner. Panel Thickness:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panel thicknesses and delete the ones not required. 2 inches (5.08 cm). 2-1/2 inches (6.35 cm). 2-3/4 inches (6.99 cm). 3 inches (7.62 cm). 4 inches (10.16 cm). 5 inches (12.7 cm). 6 inches (15.24 cm). Side Connections: Offset double tongue and groove joinery with an extended metal shelf allowing fasteners to penetrate both metal faces with clips concealed in the side joint. Wall Panel:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following wall panels and delete the ones not required. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Striated, Mesa face. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Light Mesa face. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Fluted face. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Santa Fe face. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Tuff-Wall face. CF-42 Wall Panel, 42 inch (106.68 cm) module width, with Tuff-Cast face. Liner: