DATE: Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

TIME: 9:20 a.m.


  1. Call to Order – Denis Pollak @ 9:15
  1. Attendees

Denis Pollak

Rick Lewis

Duane Johnson

James Gusman

Jim Aanderud

Marty Holmes

John Wrobel

Tiffany Swink

  1. Acceptance of Minutes: A motion was made by Denis to accept the minutes from the February 610, 2008 committee meeting. A motion was seconded and accepted by the committee.
  1. Review of standing rules:
  2. Changes were made to add the Vendor Rep and to change the reference from the Northern to the Southern Regional Committee on paragraph 4.6
  3. The new committee Mission Statement was accepted
  4. Changes will be made and resubmitted to the committee at the next meeting before being submitted to the State CWEA.
  1. Treasures Report

James Gusman has not officially taken over the Treasure duties. In the mean time, Duane Johnson is acting Treasure. The committee currently has $11,601.93 in the account and $204.61 in petty cash.

  1. Upcoming Workshops
  1. Denis has not heard back from Golden Empire. One last attempt will be made to try and set up a June workshop with them.
  2. There will be a CORBS workshop on April 23. SSCSC will not be participating
  3. San Diego Section will be having a Vendor Fair at Fair lake in Poway with San Diego Water Works
  4. SSCSC will plan on having a workshop in the Riverside, San Bernardino area in November. We will be checking specifically with Corona, San Bernardino, SAWPA and EMWD.
  1. Committee Business
  2. Rick Lewis has researched a cell phone for the workshops and is ready to purchase it this summer.
  3. Rick is finalizing an inventory list for the committee and will be listing everything for the next committee meeting. Most of the items are currently as Affordable. He will e-mail out the list once it is completed.
  4. Duane has a check-out sheet for all committee inventory items. He will be implementing a program where each item is signed out through him.l
  5. Marty will look into getting a mailbox for the committee.
  6. The committee will continue to have registration take place by mail, but Jim will be looking into the option of having it done on-line.
  1. Tri-State
  2. There will be 7 hours per day of classes in order to give vendors more time. There will be 4 hours on Saturday
  3. There will be a total of 18 contact hours in 2008 and 21 contact hours in 2009
  4. On June 7th, abstracts will be due
  5. Denis will be putting together 14 hours of workshops on Wastewater Treatment
  1. CWEA Conference
  2. Rick made a motion to donate $1000 to the CWEA general fund. The motion carried. Denis will be presenting the check at the conference in April.
  1. Next Meeting
  2. At the next committee meeting, we will be discussing the workshop sub-committee for future workshops. Specifically we will looking at the personnel requirements for the committee such as the chair, registration person, etc.
  3. The next committee meeting will be held on May 7th, 2008 at Affordable Pipeline Services in San Diego

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jim Aanderud, Secretary, SSCSC