DATE: Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008
TIME: 9:20 a.m.
- Call to Order – Denis Pollak @ 9:15
- Attendees
Denis Pollak
Rick Lewis
Duane Johnson
James Gusman
Jim Aanderud
Marty Holmes
John Wrobel
Tiffany Swink
- Acceptance of Minutes: A motion was made by Denis to accept the minutes from the February 610, 2008 committee meeting. A motion was seconded and accepted by the committee.
- Review of standing rules:
- Changes were made to add the Vendor Rep and to change the reference from the Northern to the Southern Regional Committee on paragraph 4.6
- The new committee Mission Statement was accepted
- Changes will be made and resubmitted to the committee at the next meeting before being submitted to the State CWEA.
- Treasures Report
James Gusman has not officially taken over the Treasure duties. In the mean time, Duane Johnson is acting Treasure. The committee currently has $11,601.93 in the account and $204.61 in petty cash.
- Upcoming Workshops
- Denis has not heard back from Golden Empire. One last attempt will be made to try and set up a June workshop with them.
- There will be a CORBS workshop on April 23. SSCSC will not be participating
- San Diego Section will be having a Vendor Fair at Fair lake in Poway with San Diego Water Works
- SSCSC will plan on having a workshop in the Riverside, San Bernardino area in November. We will be checking specifically with Corona, San Bernardino, SAWPA and EMWD.
- Committee Business
- Rick Lewis has researched a cell phone for the workshops and is ready to purchase it this summer.
- Rick is finalizing an inventory list for the committee and will be listing everything for the next committee meeting. Most of the items are currently as Affordable. He will e-mail out the list once it is completed.
- Duane has a check-out sheet for all committee inventory items. He will be implementing a program where each item is signed out through him.l
- Marty will look into getting a mailbox for the committee.
- The committee will continue to have registration take place by mail, but Jim will be looking into the option of having it done on-line.
- Tri-State
- There will be 7 hours per day of classes in order to give vendors more time. There will be 4 hours on Saturday
- There will be a total of 18 contact hours in 2008 and 21 contact hours in 2009
- On June 7th, abstracts will be due
- Denis will be putting together 14 hours of workshops on Wastewater Treatment
- CWEA Conference
- Rick made a motion to donate $1000 to the CWEA general fund. The motion carried. Denis will be presenting the check at the conference in April.
- Next Meeting
- At the next committee meeting, we will be discussing the workshop sub-committee for future workshops. Specifically we will looking at the personnel requirements for the committee such as the chair, registration person, etc.
- The next committee meeting will be held on May 7th, 2008 at Affordable Pipeline Services in San Diego
Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jim Aanderud, Secretary, SSCSC