C.A. Tatum Jr. Elementary School

Parent & Student Handbook for Campus Procedures 2014-2015


Research on effective schools consistently supports “bell to bell quality instruction” as a necessity for high achievement. Promptness to class is a campus priority.

  • The TEA (Texas Education Agency) defines absences as missing all or part of a school day.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent to send a note to the child’s teacher when the child returns from an absence (within three days of the student’s return).

The Texas Education Code 25.095 requires schools to report truant students to the court system. A warning letter will be mailed on the occasion of the 3rd unexcused absence. On the 5th unexcused absence, the parent will be served with a summons to report to truancy court. Parents may be fined up to $500 per unexcused absence, required counseling, and/or community service for failure to ensure that the child adheres to the compulsory school attendance law. Absences due to vacation, babysitting, missing the bus, family illness, oversleeping, etc. are unexcused.

After 5 excused absences, the campus attendance committee will review each child’s progress and contact parents. It is likely that a note from the doctor will be required to excuse each subsequent absence.

Classes begin at 7:55 AM. After 8:10 AM –official tardies are entered into the DISD computer data bank. Students with more than three tardies will be subjected to Parent Conference.


  • Students must enter the building through the front doors on Scyene or the side doors on St. Augustine. To ensure adequate supervision for safety, students may not enter the portable area.
  • The front doors will be unlocked at 7:30 AM. Students may not be dropped off before 7:30 unless supervised by a parent/guardian.
  • The Breakfast in the Classroom Program begins August25.

Upon arrival, students report to the designated area until the teacher arrives.

  • Teachers will pick up students at 7:45 in the following locations:

K – 2nd in Gymnasium 3rd—5th in Auditorium

  • No parking is permitted in the drop off area. Guest parking is available on Scyene and St. Augustine. Please DO NOT park your car in a fire lane or leave your car unattended anywhere except in a parking space.
  • Do not allow students to cross the street unless monitored by a crossing guard.
  • We ask parents to say “goodbye” to students in the morning areas. Parents may only visit the classrooms with an appointment or if given a visitor’s pass.
  • Please remember that teachers are busy supervising students and preparing for learning. They are not available to conference with parents, unless an appointment has been scheduled.

CAFETERIA (972) 502-2012

We encourage parents to join their children in the cafeteria on Parent Involvement Dayor to celebrate a special occasion (i.e. birthday). Eating with your child daily, however, may interfere with his or her opportunities to develop independence and friendships. If you plan to visit frequently, please contact the PTO and sign up as a cafeteria volunteer. Our cafeteria volunteers assist all students and help keep our cafeteria orderly and inviting!

Lunch application forms for a free or reduced lunch/breakfast are available in the Main Office. If your child pays for a lunch, you may pay for a week or month at a time. You may also pay on-line at The following price options are available:


See separate page for this information.

CHILD ABUSE (Chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code)

Any adult suspecting one of the following offenses is obligated to make a report within 48 hours: physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment and/or emotional neglect. Failure to report abuse is a Class B Misdemeanor. 1 (888) 572-2873 (57-ABUSE) All reports are confidential.

CLINIC (972) 502-2008

The students in the Dallas ISD have access to services provided by a staff of professional school nurses who work under the direction of a school physician. Services include:

  • First aid for illness or injury, control of communicable disease, and health screening
  • Prescription medication – may be administered by the nurse if the medication is in the original container with the prescribed dosage and physician’s name clearly marked.
  • Non-prescription medication - may NOT be given unless accompanied by a written order from a physician or dentist and a written note from the parent.


Parent and teacher communication is vital to the success of your child. You are invited to contact your child’s teacher with a written note or a call to the main office. Teachers are not available to discuss concerns during class time, but will return phone calls in a timely manner. Each teacher will send home a weekly WEDNESDAY FOLDER with completed class work and other school information. It is important for parents to sign the WEDNESDAY Folder and return it with their child each Thursday.

To ensure maximum learning, phone messages will be taken but classes will not be interrupted to deliver messages. Please make after-school arrangements with your child before school starts. Office personnel will place messages in the appropriate mailbox and/or send an email to the teacher for the teacher’s review at the end of the day.


Safety and learning are priorities at Tatum. The DISD Code of Conduct will be enforced and may be found on the District website:. Physical or verbal abuse will not be allowed. All students who engage in such behavior will face consequences, regardless of who initiated the incident. Students who disrupt learning will be removed from the classroom and wait for parents to arrive for a conference regarding the situation. Students are expected to report acts or threats of violence/harassment to the many adults monitoring the school immediately.


Three things that parents must do daily:

  1. Attend School Everyday
  2. Ensure Students Complete Homework
  3. Read With Your Child Everyday

Tatum’s Commitment to the Heart & Mind:

We are dedicated to developing exemplary academic knowledge & skills, while also growing strong in qualities of character that exemplify responsibility, respect, and citizenship, and service to our community.

Our school-wide rules are:

Be Respectful--Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements

Be Responsible--Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! Practice diligence• Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices

Be a Good Citizen--Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment


  • Students will exit the building with their teacher to designated areas facing Scyene (3-5 grades) and St. Augustine (K-2 grades). For safety reasons, students will not be permitted to go between parked cars. Students and parents must cross at the crosswalks and should not be asked to meet parents across the street at the convenience stores.
  • Students may not be picked-up from the portable area or from the playground.
  • At 3:10any student who has not been picked up will be supervised in front of the school (Scyene). PARENTS ARRIVING AFTER 3:15 WILL BE REQUIRED TO sign out their child. This procedure is designed to ensure safety and monitor habitual late arrivals. We will attempt to make contact with parents/emergency contacts of students who have not been picked up by 3:15. If students are continually picked up late, the principal will conference with the parent prior to taking further action.
  • Students who ride day care vans SHOULD NOT be dropped off prior to 7:30 and should be picked up by 3:15 daily.


A picture ID is required to pick a child up early from school. Only adults listed on the child’s emergency card or enrollment form may take the child from campus. Once cleared by the attendance office, the child will be called to meet the parent in the office. If a child leaves the campus before 10:00 AM, or arrives after

10:00 AM, the child will be counted absent for the entire day. Children should not be released between 2:30-2:55 PM. Every minute of classroom instruction is important and frequent early releases disrupt learning for all students. Please plan appointments after 2:55 PM when possible.


In compliance with Local DISD policy, all students must follow the uniform dress code: The required colors for uniforms at Tatum are solid khaki or navy blue for the bottom, and white, burgundy, or navy for the top. Shirts must have collars. The colors of jackets, cardigans, and sweaters must be a solid uniform color. Also, emblems must be smaller than 1 inch. Students must wear athletic shoes, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed-toe, closed-heel shoes. Shoes should be plain in color (black, brown, white). Female students shall NOT wear shorts or dresses that are shorter than FINGERTIP length. As per the DISD dress code: All shirts must be tucked in and belts worn appropriately if belt loops are evident.

Students are not allowed to have designs or logos shaved into hair, In addition, “Mohawks” and/or spiked hair is a distraction and should be avoided as well as dyed hair (unnatural colors). Male students may not wear earrings and tattoos are restricted.


Parents are invited to attend field trips. Parent and sibling admission fees must be paid and a background check must be completed prior to the field trip. In addition, parents must complete volunteer training which is offered monthly. Be sure to plan ahead to ensure that you are clear to attend the field trip. Parents may ride the school bus when attending a field trip, but siblings are not permitted to ride the bus, according to the Dallas County Transportation office.


The lost and found tub is located in the back of the auditorium. Please clearly mark your child’s name on all possessions. Students should keep all money (lunch or otherwise) on their person throughout the school day.


Each class may have Winter, Valentine’s, and End-of-Year parties. Parties will begin at 2:00 in your child’s classroom. Birthday parties are not allowed.


Campus security is a team effort. Each year, we will practice emergency drills, including evacuation and lock down. Strictly following campus visitation procedures will help us best ensure the safety of all children. Please report any unauthorized adults on school property. All visitors to the school building will also have their identification scanned through an electronic security system as an extra cautionary measure.


Tatum is proud to serve many students on transfers. Transfer renewal is contingent upon the district requirements of:

  • Passing grades
  • Positive behavior
  • Attendance and promptness
  • Parent involvement.

Each criterion must be met for transfers to be approved for an additional year. Volunteering with the PTO is an important way to fulfill one of the criteria above, while adding invaluable benefits to the school.


For the safety of the students at TatumElementary School, all visitors, whether known or not, must enter through the front doors and immediately report to the office for check-in. An appointment is required before visiting a classroom or meeting with a teacher. Visitor badges must be worn at all times and visitors will have their identification scanned through an electronic security system.


Volunteers are an important part of the Tatum family. Parents are greatly encouraged to contact Ms. Tanner for additional details. Frequently needed support:

  • Reading with students
  • Wednesday Folder weekly preparation
  • Party planning and facilitation
  • Cafeteria support

All volunteers working with children are required to submit a Volunteer Form including a background check. This may be done on-line at or you may attend our monthly volunteer registration support session on campus. In addition, volunteers must complete a 1-hour training which is offered monthly. Your support and partnership is of great value and importance to us!


Investigaciones realizadas en escuelas efectivas sostienen consistentemente que " la instrucción de calidad de timbre a timbre" es una necesidad para el buen desempeño. La puntualidad en las clases es una prioridad en nuestra escuela.

  • La TEA (Agencia de Educación de Texas) define las ausencias de todo o parte de un día escolar como faltas.
  • Es la responsabilidad del padre enviar una nota al maestro del niño cuando este regrese de una ausencia (dentro de los siguientes tres días del regreso del alumno).

El Código de Educación de Texas 25.095 requiere que las escuelas reporten a los alumnos con demasiadas faltas injustificadas al sistema tribunal (a la corte). Una carta de advertencia se enviará a casa por correo cuando suceda la 3er ausencia sin justificación. En la 5ª ausencia no justificada, al padre se le presentará una orden judicial para que se reporte al tribunal por demasiadas faltas injustificadas a la escuela. En el pasado el juez ha multado a los padres hasta $500 por falta justificada, ordenado que asistan a consejería y/o servicio a la comunidad por no asegurarse de que su hijo cumpla con la ley de asistencia escolar obligatoria. Se considerarán injustificadas las ausencias debidas a vacaciones, cuidar niños, se le pasó el autobús, no despertó a tiempo, etc.

Después de 5 ausencias, el Comité de Asistencia de la escuela convocara a una reunión para evaluar el progreso del estudiante y contactara a los padres. Si el problema continua es muy probable que una excusa medica sea requerida cada vez que el estudiante no vaya/asista a clase.

Las clases empiezan a las 7:55 A.M. Después de las 8:10AM los retardos oficiales se registran el banco de datos del distrito.Después de 3 retardos del estudiante se solicitara una conferencia con los padres.


  • Los alumnos deben entrar al edificio por las puertas de enfrente por Scyene o por St. Augustine. Para asegurarnos de tener una supervisión adecuada los alumnos no deberán entrar al área de los salones temporales a menos de que estén acompañados por un maestro.
  • Las puertas del edificio se abren a las 7:30 am. Por la seguridad de todos los alumnos, no debe dejar a su hijo antes de esta hora a menos de que él o ella sea supervisado por el padre o tutor.
  • El Programa de Desayuno en el Salon de Clases comienza 25 de agosto. Al llegar, los alumnos reportarse al área designada hasta que su maestro llegue 7:45: K-2 se reportan al gimnasio, 3-5 se reportan al auditorio.
  • No se permite estacionarse en el área de ascenso y descenso por favor estaciónese en el estacionamiento para visitantes en Scyene y St. Augustine. Por favor no se estacione en el carril de bomberos ni deje su carro desatendido en ningún lugar.
  • No permita que su hijo cruce la calle a menos de que sea bajo la supervisión de los guardias de crucero.
  • 7:55 – Suena el timbre.
  • Los padres deberán despedirse de sus hijos/as cuando entran a la escuela o en las áreas designadas. Los padres no pueden acompañar los niños al salón. Los padres solo podrán visitar los salones de sus hija/os con un pase de visitante o bajo previa cita.
  • Por favor recuerde que los maestro/as están ocupados supervisando y educando a los alumnos. Ello/as no estarán disponibles a conferenciar con los padres a menos que tengan una cita programada.

CAFETERIA (972) 502-2012

Los padres están invitados para comer con sus hijos en la cafetería El Día de la Participación de los Padres o en ocasiones especiales (ej. Cumpleaños). El venir a comer con su hija/o a diario, podrá interferir con las oportunidades que su hijo tiene de desarrollar independencia y amistades. Si planea venir frecuentemente por favor contacte al PTO (sociedad de padres y maestros) y regístrese como voluntario/a de la cafetería. Nuestros voluntarios de la cafetería ayudan a mantenerla ordenada y atractiva y apoyan a todos de los estudiantes.

Las formas de solicitud de desayuno/comida gratis o a precio reducido están disponibles en la dirección. Si su hijo paga comida/almuerzo, aconsejamos que obtenga un sobre y pague una semana o un mes a la vez. También puede pagar en línea (por internet) en . Enseguida están los precios:


Vea la siguiente pagina para esta información.

ABUSO INFANTIL (Capítulo 261 del Código de Familia de Texas)

Cualquier adulto que sospeche de una de las siguientes infracciones es obligado a llamar y reportar dentro de 48 horas: abuso físico, negligencia física, abuso sexual, maltrato emocional y/o negligencia emocional. El no reportar el abuso infantil es una infracción menor de Clase B. 1 (888) 572-2873 (57-ABUSE) Todos los reportes son confidenciales.

CLÍNICA (972) 502-2008

Los alumnos del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dallas tienen acceso a servicios proveídos por personal profesional de enfermeras que trabajan bajo la dirección de un médico escolar. Los servicios incluyen:

  • Primeros auxilios para heridas o enfermedades, control de enfermedades contagiosas y revisiones médicas
  • Medicamento recetado – Se podrá administrar por la enfermera en el recipiente original con la dosis recetada y el nombre del médico escrito claramente.
  • Medicamentos que no requieren una receta – El medicamento que no requiere una receta NO se podrá administrar a menos que la enfermera reciba una orden por escrito de un médico o dentista y una nota por escrito del padre.


La comunicación entre el padre y maestro es vital para asegurar el éxito de su hijo. Le invitamos que se comunique con el maestro de su hijo con una nota o una llamada a la dirección. Los maestros regresarán su llamada a la brevedad Cada maestro enviará una carpeta los MIERCOLES cada semana para que los padres repasen el trabajo del alumno y comunicados de la escuela. Se espera que el padre firme la carpeta de los MIERCOLES y que la regrese con su hijo cada jueves.

Para asegurar el máximo aprendizaje, tomaremos sus mensajes para el maestro, pero no interrumpiremos la clase para entregarlos. Por favor haga arreglos para la tarde con sus hijos antes que empiece la escuela. El personal de la oficina dejara sus mensajes en la caja del maestro quien los repasara al terminar la clase.