Grades: 10-12

Units of Credit: .50 – Semester course

Prerequisites: Introduction to Art

Course Overview:

Printmaking class is an advanced art class designed to develop student artwork using intaligo, relief, and serigraph printmaking applications. Students will receive an historical, cultural and contemporary overview of printmaking. They will create a body of work using a variety of styles and printmaking techniques.

Standard #1: Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.

Competency 1: Students will create printed images in multiple editions using various printmaking processes.
Competency 2: Students will demonstrate use of appropriate terms relating to printmaking.
Competency 3: Students will utilize different printmaking techniques.
Competency 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to handle art materials in a safe and responsible manner.
Competency 5: Students will collaborate with others in the creative process.
Competency 6: Students will develop a body of work.
Strategies / Resources / Assessment
a.  etching
b.  collograph
c.  intaglio
d.  relief
e.  silkscreen
f.  planograph
g.  texts
h.  demonstration
i.  visuals / a.  computer technology
b.  drawing materials
c.  visuals
d.  field trips
e.  texts/resource materials/magazines
f.  multimedia
g.  library resources
h.  printmaking press
i.  sketchbooks / a.  demonstration of successful completion of printmaking projects
b.  in-process critiques
c.  written/oral exams
d.  rubrics
e.  peer/self assessment
f.  worksheets and handouts
g.  portfolio

Standard #2: Students will demonstrate knowledge of structures and functions.

Competency 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art related to printmaking.
Competency 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of design related to printmaking.
Competency 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze how printmaking communicates meaning through a process of multiple problem solving, involving intellectual, emotional, conceptual, expressive and personal decisions.
Competency 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to plan artwork.
Strategies /


/ Assessment
a.  reading/research
b.  professional examples
c.  plan artwork in a sequential progression
d.  lectures
e.  group work
f.  elements of art and principles of design
g.  reverse imagery
h.  editioning proofs / a.  multimedia
b.  library resources
c.  texts/magazines/resource books
d.  guest lecturers
e.  field trips
f.  museums/galleries
g.  computer technology/internet / a.  demonstration of successful completion of variety of prints
b.  written/oral exams
c.  essays
d.  rubrics
e.  peer/self assessment
f.  in-process critiques
g.  final critiques
h.  worksheets and handouts
i.  portfolio
Standard #3: Students will choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
Competency 1: Students will select subject matter incorporating appropriate symbols and ideas.
Competency 2: Students will develop and demonstrate an awareness of style periods.
Strategies / Resources / Assessment
a.  printed images
b.  posters
c.  portraits
d.  non-objective art
e.  abstractions
f.  mixed media
g.  lecture
h.  demonstration
i.  library research
j.  brainstorming
k.  thumbnail sketches / a.  materials
b.  community resources
c.  text books/magazines/resource books
d.  field trips
e.  multimedia
f.  library resources
g.  guest lecturers/artists
h.  sketchbooks / a.  demonstration of successful completion of variety of projects
b.  written/oral exams
c.  peer reviews
d.  peer/self assessment
e.  essays
f.  rubrics
g.  in-process critiques
h.  final critiques
i.  worksheets and handouts
j.  portfolio
Standard #4: Students will demonstrate understanding of the visual arts in relation to history and cultures, including American Indian art.
Competency 1: Students will be able to understand, to know, and to compare the characteristics of printmaking in various eras and cultures.
Competency 2: Students will be able to analyze, describe, and place a variety of printmaking in historical and cultural contexts.
Strategies / Resources / Assessment
a.  lecture
b.  field trips
c.  demonstration/presentation
d.  viewing
e.  reading/research
f.  utilize appropriate vocabulary / a.  classroom teacher’s expertise
b.  multimedia
c.  library resources
d.  texts/magazines/resource books
e.  guest artists
f.  computer technology / a.  successful completion of variety of projects; written/oral exams
b.  peer/self assessment
c.  essays, rubrics
d.  in-process critiques, final critiques
e.  worksheets and handouts
f.  portfolio
Standard #5: Students will reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
Competency 1: Students will describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their own prints and works of others.
Competency 2: Students will identify and analyze exemplary historic and contemporary prints through a critical and aesthetic inquiry process.
Competency 3: Students will present and exhibit their own work.
Competency 4: Students will demonstrate appropriate audience behavior for the context and style of art presented.
Strategies /
/ Assessment
a.  comparative critiques
b.  visual responses
c.  critiques based upon the elements/principles of design
d.  lecture
e.  field trips
f.  demonstration/presentation
g.  viewing
h.  reading/research
i.  matting techniques / a.  library resources
b.  visuals
c.  multimedia
d.  original art
e.  community resources
f.  computer technology
g.  texts/magazines/resource books
h.  guest artists/lecturers
i.  galleries/museums / a.  written/oral exams
b.  discussions
c.  participation
d.  essays
e.  reflection paper
Standard #6: Students will make connections between visual art and other disciplines.
Competency 1: Students will describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their own printed work related to other subject content areas.
Competency 2: Students will identify and analyze exemplary historic and contemporary prints through a critical and aesthetic inquiry process.
Strategies / Resources / Assessment
a.  cross-curricular collaboration
b.  field trips
c.  guest speakers
d.  teacher consultation
e.  team teaching
f.  lecture
g.  field trips
h.  demonstration
i.  viewing
j.  reading/research
k.  utilize appropriate vocabulary / a.  interdisciplinary units
b.  texts/magazines/resource books
c.  multimedia
d.  production display
e.  mentors
f.  art camps / a.  written/oral exams
b.  essays
c.  rubrics
d.  visual inspections
e.  production
f.  worksheets/handouts
g.  peer/self assessment
Standard #7: Students will demonstrate awareness of lifetime learning in the arts, careers in the arts and related fields.
Competency 1: Students will develop an awareness of careers in printmaking and other visual arts.
Competency 2: Students will demonstrate an awareness of the potential of lifetime learning in the arts.
Strategies / Resources / Assessment
a.  lecture
b.  field trips
c.  demonstration
d.  reading/research
e.  discussions with practicing artists
f.  speakers
g.  job shadowing
h.  job fairs
i.  school-to-work projects
j.  college/summer applications
k.  volunteer work
l.  Senior project
m.  career path formulation / a. text books/magazines
b. community resources
c. school representatives
d. visuals
e. multimedia
f. computer technology
g. mass media
h. mentors/counselors
i. research materials / a.  written/oral exams
b.  essays
c.  completion of a variety of printmaking projects
d.  portfolio
e.  peer/self review


Printmaking – Grades 10-12


Printmaking – Grades 10-12