
I. Listening Test (10%)

Part A:Best Response Questions

1.(A)That man there will start the race with his gun.

(B)Ben does because he has trained harder.

(C)The first man to cross this line will win the race.

(D)The prize for winning the race is NT$10,000.

2.(A)How did he change your mind?

(B)Why won’t he let you go to it?

(C)Yes, we all have to pay to go.

(D)That’s right; it’s on Friday night.

3.(A)That’s true. He asks interesting questions.

(B)I agree; he often makes funny jokes.

(C)You’re right. He’s mean to his guests.

(D)Yes, he doesn’t like to talk very much.

Part B: Conversation Questions

4.(A)She thinks the English paper is easy.

(B)She can’t carry all of her school work.

(C)She forgot where she left her English paper.

(D)She thinks her English homework is hard.

5.(A)He is going to make pizza.

(B)His plan didn’t work out.

(C)He loves to cook.

(D)He works at a restaurant.

6.(A)They are having babies.

(B)They are biting her arms and legs.

(C)They are flying high in the air.

(D)They are giving off a small light.

7.(A)The man is about to be hurt.

(B)The man is about to learn something.

(C)The man is about to be surprised.

(D)The man is about to laugh.

Part C: Short Talk Questions

8.(A)A movie being made that has animals in it.

(B)Something that happened to a real boy and his dog.

(C)How many movies have been made in the town.

(D)All of the mistakes the AHA has made.

9.(A)They don’t care about real animals.

(B)They make movies about animals.

(C)They sell movies about animals.

(D)They look after animals in movies.

10.(A)When they started keeping track of animals in movies.

(B)The animals they care about the most.

(C)All of the movies they have been a part of.

(D)When they were first created.

II. Cloze Test (30%)

(A) Despite knowing the importance of being true to themselves, many people nowadays are gradually losing their sense of identity because this world __11__ by brand names. In a survey conducted recently, the results indicated that about forty percent of those __12__ admitted that the brand played a crucial role in their decision making. __13__, brand names do influence many customers’ shopping choices.

Why do so many people prefer brand-name products, then? Commercial advertising is said to be one of the major reasons. Influenced by the celebrities __14__ the brands, a lot of people start to believe that image is important. Thus, by using or wearing brand-name items, people feel good about themselves. For them, __15__ is an effective way to strengthen their self-image. That’s why some teenagers only wear Nike shoes out of various sports brands, and some people only drink coffee sold by Starbucks.

__16__, it is the blind belief in the power of brand names that reflects a person’s lack of self-confidence. What an irony! People buy designer goods in order to signal their value __17__ the uniqueness of a brand. They can therefore hide behind the images created by others because of their lack of __18__ to create their own style. This phenomenon is particularly evident in teenagers who pay special attention __19__ their appearance.

Although the quality of the materials used for brand-name products is definitely better than __20__ of the lower-priced items, the money paid for brand-name products still far exceeds the real cost. In fact, almost three-fourths of the purchase price is for the logo alone. It seems that proving a person’s worth in such a way is expensive and unwise.

11. (A) overwhelmed(B) overwhelming
(C) has been overwhelmed(D) has been overwhelming

12. (A) questions (B) questioned(C) questioning(D) of questions

13. (A) By contrast(B) On the contrary(C) To sum up(D) In other words

14. (A) conducting(B) endorsing(C) contributing(D) refreshing

15. (A) doing so(B) considering it(C) believing so(D) thinking about it

16. (A) Hence(B) Instead(C) However(D) That is

17. (A) in(B) of(C) within(D) through

18. (A) evidence(B) version(C) originality(D) understanding

19. (A) of(B) to(C) about(D) upon

20. (A) it(B) this(C) that(D) those

(B) For people who want to travel abroad, knowing something about the culture of the place of visit should probably not happen after they set their foot on the land. Why? It’s that __21__ they do not have some understanding of the target culture, they are likely to end up in two situations. Either they struggle to __22__, or they may offend the locals without evenrealizing it! Therefore, it is essential for travelers __23__ some fundamental rules concerning cultural taboos to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

__24__, to make the trip smoother and more enjoyable, one is advised to learn some basic expressions before setting out for their __25__. Words for appreciation or politeness are found useful as well as basic greetings. When __26__ communication isn’t possible, one can also try drawing pictures or making gestures. Another aspect worth noticing is the choice of conversation topics. One should avoid sensitive topics, such as asking people how much they earn or whether they have been married. __27__, sending gifts also requires “cultural sensitivity.”Travelers can adapt to this by doing research __28__ their journey. Fans, for example, are definitely a “no-no” gift for Chinese people because of the similar pronunciation for the words “fan” and “__29__” in Chinese.

__30__ a person decides to go, he or she should keep in mind that the local culture of the place of visit can be quite different from their own and that they had better be aware of and show respect for those differences.

21. / (A) though / (B) if / (C) while / (D) even if
22. / (A) look around sacred places / (C) hold the palm of their hand flat
(B) show interest in the culture / (D) make themselves understood
23. / (A) should follow / (B) follow / (C) to follow / (D) following
24. / (A) Instead / (B) To begin with / (C) However / (D) In addition
25. / (A) religion / (B) affection / (C) destination / (D) precaution
26. / (A) verbal / (B) distant / (C) genuine / (D) critical
27. / (A) Especially / (B) Otherwise / (C) Before long / (D) Last but not least
28. / (A) in front of / (B) in advance of / (C) the same as / (D) with a view to
29. / (A) contentment / (B) gratitude / (C) funeral / (D) separation
30. / (A) Wherever / (B) Whichever / (C) Whatever / (D) However

(C) I was born April 16, 1989. A year after my birth, my parents separated. I was hardly aware of my father. Mother said he was a fine artist. The trouble was he drank too much __31__was the cause of their separation.

My mother was a star and earned enough to take care of us children. But ill-fortune befell her. A cold brought on laryngitis which lasted for weeks. She kept working but in the middle of her singing, __32__ crack or disappear into a whisper.

One night, Mother brought me to the theater __33__ leaving me alone in rented rooms. I was standing in the wings when Mother’s voice cracked and went into a whisper. The audience began to laugh and make catcalls. The noise increased until Mother __34__ to __34__ off the stage. The stage manager __35__ before, said to my mother about letting me go on in her place. He took me __36__ me on the stage alone. I started to sing a song called ‘Jack Jones.’ Halfway through, a shower of money poured onto the stage. I stopped singing and announced that I would pick up the money first and sing afterward. This earned much laughter.

The stage manager came on with a handkerchief and helped me gather it up. I thought he was going to keep it. __37__ the audience and increased the laughter, especially when he walked off with it, with me anxiously following him. __38__ he handed it to my mother __38__ and continue to sing. In all innocence I imitated Mother’s voice __39__ and was surprised at the impact it had on the audience. There was laughter and cheers, then more money-throwing. When Mother came on the stage to carry me off, her presence evoked __40__ applause. That night was Mother’s last stage performance.

31.(A) which(B) , which(C) that(D) , that

32.(A) her voice would(B) when her voice did

(C) her voice would be(D) that her voice would

33.(A) in preference to (B) compared to(C) for the sake of(D) based on

34.(A) obliged; walk(B) was obliged; walking

(C) obliged; to walk(D) was obliged; to walk

35.(A) had seen my performance(B) , had seen me perform

(C) who had seen my performance(D) , who had seen me perform

36.(A) by my hand, left(B) by my hand and leaving

(C) by the hand, leaving(D) by the hand and leaving

37.(A) This thought conveyed(B) This thought was conveyed to

(C) Conveying this thought(D) To convey this thought to

38.(A) It was not until that; I returned(B) Not until; I returned

(C) It was not until; did I return(D) Not until; did I return

39.(A) crack (B) cracks(C) cracked(D) cracking

40.(A) theoretical(B) tremendous(C) independent(D) statistical

III. Context Filling (10%) 【請忽略句首大小寫的問題】

The Trojan War is perhaps the most famous of all Greek legends.It tells of the ten-year siege of Troy and the __41__destruction of it by the Greek allies led by the king of Sparta.The war __42__after Paris, son of Trojan king, kidnapped the king’s beautiful wife Helen. The king couldn’t allow such a terrible insult, so he__43__ war on Troy for this. It was commonly held that either Paris’s passion or the king’s anger__44__ Troy. The real cause,__45__, resulted from the fight over a golden apple among three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. To win “the Fairest” title, the three goddesses asked Zeus to judge for them. Instead of accepting the difficult task, Zeus ordered that Paris __46__ the problem for him. After long thought, Paris ended up __47__ Aphrodite and won the heart of Helen, and then the ten-year war between Greek allies and Troy followed. To end the long war,__48__ sent a huge wooden horse with armed soldiers in it to Troy. The __49__ plan worked, so the Greeks ended the war andbrought victory home.__50__ in many other Greek myths, humans in the Trojan War were like chess pieces in the hands of God. To the gods, this horrible war was just a game.

(A) / cunning / (B) / choosing / (C) / broke out / (D) / eventual
(E) / as / (AB) / declared / (AC) / handle / (AD) / therefore
(AE) / however / (BC) / what / (BD) / the former / (BE) / burned down

IV. Discourse(篇章結構)(10%)

In 1895, the Lumière brothers showed the first movies in history; however, owing to immature audio technology, there was no sound. __51__

__52__During the silent film era, this was impossible. Thus, a number of ideas were used to help viewers enjoy and understand movies. __53__ Some even employed a full orchestra togo with the film.Also, because there was no sound, actors had to make use of exaggerated facial expressions and body movements to convey their feelings. It was still hard for the audience to get the meaning though. __54__

The first “talkie” titled “The Jazz Singer” was released in 1927. It had a soundtrack that allowed the audience to hear both the conversations and the music. From then on, most movies have included sound. But some filmmakers like Charlie Chaplin continued to make silent movies as late as 1936. __55__ The silent film era may be over;the art form lives on.

(A) Therefore, “title cards” were shown on the screen to assist the audience to follow the story.

(B) This was considered the end of silent film era.

(C) In theaters, pianists played along with the movie as it was being shown.

(D) Even today, there are artists such as Guy Maddin that prefer making silent films.

(E) This event marked the beginning of the silent film era.

(AB) Modern movies have what is called a soundtrack that allows people to see and hear movies at the same time.

V. Reading Comprehension (16%)

第56 至59 題為題組

All advertising includes an attempt to persuade. To put it another way, ads are communication designed to get someone to do something.

Even if an advertisement claims to be purely informational, it still has persuasion at its core. The ad informs the consumers with one purpose: to get the consumer to like the brand and, on that basis, to eventually buy the brand. Advertising can bepersuasive communication not only about a product but also an idea or a person.

Political advertising is one example. Although political ads are supposed to be concerned with the public welfare, they are paid for and they all have a persuasive intent. They differ from commercial ads in that political ads “sell” candidates rather than commercial goods. A Bush campaign ad, for instance, did not ask anyone to buy anything, yet it tried to persuade American citizens to like George Bush.

Critics of President Clinton’s health care plan used advertising to influence lawmakers and defeat the government’s plan.

In addition to political parties, environmental groups and human rights organizations also buy advertising to persuade people to accept their way of thinking.

For instance, the international organization Greenpeace uses advertising to get their message out. In the ads, they warn people about serious pollution problems and the urgency of protecting the environment. They, too, are selling something and trying to make a point.

56. What is the attitude of the author toward ads?

(A) Negative(B) Playful(C) Doubtful(D) Positive

57. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the purpose of ads?

(A) To change the government’s policy.

(B) To cheat consumers.

(C) To change people’s mind.

(D) To sell people’s ideas.

58. What can we infer from the passage?

(A) President Clinton wanted to stop the health care plan.

(B) George Bush sold commercial goods during his political campaign.

(C) People may buy into the ideas spread by advertisements.

(D) Ads can be a method to do human trafficking.

59. What does “something” refer to in the last paragraph?

(A) The importance of environmental protection.

(B) Greenpeace organization.

(C) Commercial goods made of green material.

(D) An international campaign.

第60 至63 題為題組

The inspiration for A Christmas Carol came one evening while Dickens was taking his nightly walk through London. Beginning in London’s better neighborhoods, Dickens gradually entered the world of buildings for rental and litter-scattering streets. The elegant women and well-dressed gentlemen from his own neighborhood gave way to impoverished street vendor, beggars and pickpockets.

As he walked through London’s poorest sections where despair was evident everywhere, he came up with an idea. He would write a Christmas story! It would deal with the victory of goodness over greed. Perhaps his book could create some cheer, hope, and encouragement for people living in poverty. Dickens imagined a small, sickly child, his honest, hardworking, and poor father, a greedy man, and some ghostly wanderers with great influential ability. In the end, a villain would be transformed and the true meaning of Christmas would appear for all to see clearly.

Dickens started the book in October and completed it on December 2. Released on December 17, the first edition of 6,000 copies sold out by Christmas Eve.

Interestingly, the book did not initially bring Dickens the financial gain he expected. However, A Christmas Carol’shuge popularity revived his reading audience for future novels. While he would go on to write some of the world’s finest literature—David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities—nothing he wrote would ever again arouse such a universal response as A Christmas Carol.

60. What encouraged Dickens to write the book “A Christmas Carol”?
(A) The view he saw while taking his walk through London.
(B) The image of a sick child walking in the poor district.
(C) A villain being punished for his greed.
(D) The inspiration from the coming of Christmas.

61. Which of the following words can best replace the word “impoverished” in paragraph 1?
(A) mean (B) generous (C) penniless (D) elegant

62. What is the true meaning of Christmas shown in the book?
(A) Goodness will not always prevail over evil.
(B) Everything will stay the same no matter how hard one tries.
(C) The good guy will never harvest the good fruit he sows.
(D) Even a bad guy can be changed into a good one.

63.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities earned more responses than A Christmas Carol.

(B) Dickens completed “A Christmas Carol” within three months.
(C)Dickens instantly made a fortuneafter“A Christmas Carol” was published.
(D) He intended to write something cheerful and hopeful for the poor people.

VI. Vocabulary & Derivatives (15%)

  1. It is v l for every student to arrive at school on time every day.
  2. She put on the g t for the official meeting later.
  3. The evil witch was very j s of the princess’s beauty and charm, so she cast a spell on her and turned her into a pig.
  4. Every time the entertainer tells people this funny joke, they all e de into wild laughter.
  5. When climbing the mountains, all the students saw that e s spider, whose size was roughly as big as the palm of a grown man.
  6. The king was so brave and wise that he finally beat and c ed all the neighboring countries within five years.
  7. The bosshas been in serious d ewith his employees over sickness pay for two months, and they haven’t reached an agreement.
  8. Being the latest a r of Chanel, Lily-Rose Depp has become one of the most promising stars in the fashion industry.
  9. Many aged people complain that as they grow older, their eyesight also gets p vely worse over time.
  10. Making offensive comments online is such an inappropriate b r that it can lead to legal problems.
  11. The result of the baseball game could have been r ed if the team had had more successful hits in the last two innings. They lost the game in the end.
  12. The cellist often performed for soldiers during the Second World War, a ied by some famous musicians on the piano.
  13. Glove puppetryplays a p t role in Taiwanese culture and it haslong been the major entertainment in many households.
  14. Joe asked Mary to go to the movie with him, but his invitation was met with a flat_____ (refuse).
  15. For me, having a cup of hot tea in the morning is always ______(prefer) to a cup of coffee.

VII. Translation (9%)