Report Card
Student Name / Homeroom / Teacher NameOverview of this Report Card
The Archdiocesan Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC) is a record of what a student knows, is able to do, and needs to achieve. The SBRC is aligned with the Archdiocesan elementary school curricula which reflect state, national, and international learning standards. The SBRC is one source of important information. You are encouraged to review your child’s report card along with other performance information, which may include: progress reports, projects, daily work, teacher notes, etc. General descriptions of the levels of achievement are provided below to help you better understand how your child is performing on specific standards.
Standards-Based Grading Scale
Level / Descriptor / Description
4 / Advanced / Independently and consistently exceeds expectations
3 / Proficient / Frequently meets expectations
2 / Progressing / Occasionally meets expectations
1 / Beginning / Rarely meets expectations
Evaluate Later / Evaluate later in the school year
* / Not Evaluated / Evaluate when developmentally appropriate
The purpose of assessment in the early years is to identify the child’s level of development across all areas – spiritual, moral, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical – and to note progress and growth over time. A young child’s learning and behavior should be viewed as being on a continuum of development. Developmental grades show the progress your child makes along that continuum. /
Things to Keep in Mind While Reviewing Your Child’s Report Card
- Early childhood assessment includes many methods of collecting data – careful observation, the use of checklists of skills, anecdotal records, and collection of student work. It is the combination of these methods along with the teacher’s knowledge of child development and the understanding of each individual child that provides the teacher with a global picture of your child.
- Your child’s learning and developmental progress is measured against the standards for their grade-level. Some standards will be easily achieved. Others will need more time and work. Meeting these standards is a “work in progress” that takes the journey of a whole school year.
- The grade level expectations supplement the report card and give further explanation of the learning standards. The teacher’s comments offer additional insight. Do not hesitate to contact the teacher for continued discussion of your child’s learning and progress.
Archdiocese of Chicago Report Card – K (V 2.03)
Student NameTrimester
1 / 2 / 3
Catholic Faith
Demonstrates knowledge of God as loving Creator / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Identifies Jesus as God’s Son / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Sacred Scripture
Identifies the Bible as a book that tells us about God / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Recounts events and characters of the Old Testament / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes stories of Jesus from the New Testament / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Prayer / Sacraments / Liturgy
Describes prayer as talking and listening to God / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes God’s presence within and around us / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Engages in prayers of thanks, praise, asking, and sorrow / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Recites prayers and participates in rituals / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Catholic Church / Parish Life
Identifies the church as a special place of prayer / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
States that we belong to the Church through Baptism / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Christian Living / Mission / Dialogue
Expresses how we are loved by God and others / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Demonstrates respect for others / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Expresses the importance of participating in mission activities / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
1 / 2 / 3
English Language Arts
Reading Comprehension
Actively engages in group reading activities with purpose and understanding / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Shows understanding of key parts of stories and informational texts / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Independently interacts with books and other texts / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Participates in conversations with peers and adults about kindergarten topics/texts studied / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Speaks in complete sentences, using a variety of words, word parts, and language elements / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Listens to others and takes turns speaking / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Uses words and phrases learned through books and lessons, in conversations and other daily classroom activities / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Letter Knowledge
Recognizes and names all uppercase letters of the alphabet / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Recognizes and names all lowercase letters of the alphabet / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Writes all uppercase letters of the alphabet / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Writes all lowercase letters of the alphabet / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Phonological Awareness
Blends and segments beginnings and endings of one-syllable spoken words / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Recognizes and produces rhyming words / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Isolates the beginning sound, middle vowel sound and final sound in three-phoneme (sound) words / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Blends the beginning sound, middle vowel sound and final sound in three-phoneme (sound) words / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Segments the beginning sound, middle vowel sound and final sound in three-phoneme (sound) words / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Print Concepts / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Demonstrates understanding of the basic features of print (e.g., left to right, top to bottom, page by page) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Demonstrates understanding of concept of a written word / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Phonics and Word Recognition
Produces the primary sound of each consonant / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Knows the appropriate letter or letters of the consonant sounds and the five major vowel sounds / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Reads common high-frequency words by sight / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Uses words, letters, drawings, or dictation to communicate / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Adds drawings to writing to give additional detail / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Language Conventions
Names and understands the purpose of end punctuation / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Student Name
1 / 2 / 3
Counting and Cardinality
Counts to 100 by ones / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Counts by twos, fives, and tens to 100 / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Identifies numbers 0 to 20 / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Writes numbers from 0 to 20 / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Counts sets of 1 to 20 objects / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities; connects counting to cardinality / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Compares two sets of objects to identify greater than, less than, or equal / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Solves simple addition problems / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Solves simple subtraction problems / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Decomposes numbers into equations (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and
5 = 4 + 1) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Measurement and Data
Describes measurable attributes of objects such as length or weight / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Compares data and describes differences using tables, graphs, and symbols / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Classifies objects into categories / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Names the shape of two- and three-dimensional objects (e.g. circle, sphere, triangle) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes the relative position of objects in the environment (e.g. above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Uses informal language to compare shapes (e.g. number of sides, number of corners) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
1 / 2 / 3
Scientific Inquiry
Uses the senses, simple tools, and equipment to explore and observe materials and natural phenomena / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Collects, describes, compares, and records information / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Becomes familiar with the use of devices incorporating technology / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Life Science
Shows an awareness of changes that occur in themselves and their environment / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes and compares basic needs of living things / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Physical Science
Identifies, describes, and compares properties of objects (e.g., size, shape, color) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes the effects of forces in nature / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Explore and describe solids, liquids, and gases / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Earth Science
Identifies, observes, and describes changes associated with night/day / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Identifies, observes, and describes changes associated with seasons using common weather-related vocabulary / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Applying Concepts
Begins to understand ways to reduce, reuse and recycle materials / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Student Name
1 / 2 / 3
Social Studies
Demonstrates beginning awareness of city/town, state, and country / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Shows beginning understanding of what it means to be a leader / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Describes some people’s jobs and what is required to perform them / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Begins to understand the use of trade or money to obtain goods and services / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
History / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Shows some awareness of time and how the past influences people’s lives / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Recalls information about the immediate past / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Locates objects and places in familiar environments / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Begins to develop an awareness of ways people depend on and interact with the environment (fishing, farming, and industry) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Identifies similarities and differences in people’s characteristics, habits and living patterns / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Understands that each of us belongs to a family and recognizes that families vary / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
World Language
Demonstrates awareness of different languages, manners, and customs of various societies / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Fine Arts
Dance / Drama / Music / Visual Arts
Participates in creative arts activities / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Uses a variety of materials to explore and express ideas / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Successful Learner Traits Grading Scale
Level / Descriptor / Description
4 / Exceeding / Student is able to consistently and independently manage his/her behavior to comply with grade-level expectations.
3 / On Target / Student is able to manage his/her behavior with minimal guidance from the teacher to comply with grade-level expectations.
2 / Below / Student manages his/her behavior through frequent guidance and correction from the teacher to comply with grade-level expectations
1 / Significantly Below / Student is not able to manage his/her behavior independently, needs frequent corrections from the teacher, and significantly hinders student progress
1 / 2 / 3
Physical Development and Health
Physical Competency
Engages in active play using gross motor skills / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Engages in active play using fine motor skills / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Uses writing and drawing tools with control / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Coordinates movements to perform complex tasks / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Shows understanding and follows simple safety rules and procedures / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Health & Fitness
Understands the importance of physical fitness / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Participates in simple practices that promote healthy living, safety, and prevent illness / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Begins an awareness of environmental health risks / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Performs self-care tasks / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Growth and Development / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Identifies examples of good nutrition / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Explores choices that can affect health (brushing teeth, washing hands) / 4321>* / 4321>* / 4321>*
Successful Learner Traits
Classroom Routines
Understands and follows classroom conventions for such things as changing from one activity to another, getting ready for or finishing up specific classroom activities, and following the classroom schedule / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Interactions With Other Children
Participates cooperatively in structured activities, in learning centers, and in play with other children in the classroom / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Participates in classroom activities and performs tasks with increasing independence / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Problem Solving
Uses various problem-solving strategies such as asking for help, seeking missing materials, or negotiating a compromise / agreement with another child / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Persists at a task even if it is a little difficult, has a variety of interests, and shows enjoyment for most classroom activities / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Emotional Regulation
Manages feelings such as anger, sadness, frustration, pride, enthusiasm, envy, or joy appropriately / 4321 / 4321 / 4321
Archdiocese of Chicago Report Card – K (V 2.03)
Student NameTeacher Comments
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
Attendance / Recommendation for Next Year
1 / 2 / 3
Days Absent
Times Tardy
/ X / X / X / ‘X’ indicates attendance issues significantly hinder student progress
Archdiocese of Chicago Report Card – K (V 2.03)