Service Dog in Training Sponsorship


When your company sponsors a service puppy in training, you bring hope to people on both sides of the leash! Hope for a person living with a disability and hope for the inmates who train them. We invite you to be a part of this pup’s incredible journey.


  • One year (Sponsorship can be renewed for second year)
  • Sponsor status is major gift


  • Opportunity to name a puppy in training
  • Right for your company’s logo to be placed on service vest during training (two year commitment only and company provides logo/patch)
  • Electronic photographs of your ICAN dog two (2) times a year
  • Progress updates from handlers training puppy two (2) times a year
  • Acknowledgment of your sponsorship in ICAN newsletter one (1) time during agreement (4,500)
  • Listing of your company on ICAN website as a puppy sponsor
  • Opportunity for at least one (1) scheduled visit to corporate location, event or gathering
  • Opportunity for one (1) “lunch and learn” with corporate associates, vendors or VIPs
  • Invitation for private “If These Dogs Could Talk” for corporate associates at Indiana Women’s Prison (minimum 15 people)
  • Notification of service dog placement and snapshop of matched client
  • Invitation to your pup’s graduation ceremony and acknowledgement in event program
  • Opportunity to use ICAN logo in cause related marketing
  • Right to make one (1) promotional offer to ICAN constituents at one (1) event annually
  • Listing on annual report


*We also customize partnerships based on the needs of the company.


  • May be paid in full with cash or check
  • Monthly deduction of $625 for 12 months

Activation Timeline (approximate)

Timeline based from the date the puppy is born/available.

  1. Corporate wide naming contest
  2. Submit top three (3) appropriate names and ICAN will review database to eliminate duplicates from past names.
  1. Puppy Shower
  2. Onsite introduction to corporate associates
  1. Puppy Starts Training in Prison
  1. Update (approx 6 mo)
  2. Photo update
  3. Handler update
  1. On site visit (approx 9 mo)
  2. Pup to visit to corporate location, event or gathering
  1. Graduation (approx 24 months)
  2. Announcement to corporation of service dog placement* and snapshop of client
  3. Invitation to graduation ceremony
  4. Framed photo of you, your ICAN dog, client and handler at graduation ceremony (two year commitment only)

*ICAN currently places 60% of all its service dogs in training; however, some dogs are not well suited for service work and must be adopted out from the program. By agreeing to sponsor a dog in training, you are helping to bring hope to many people through your generosity.