Chapter 2: PopulationTest
Section A: General
(a)Explain what each of the following means:
(i)demography: ______
(ii)population density: ______
(iii)population structure: ______
(iv)accessible: ______
(4 x 1 mark)
(b)Study the map below
(i)Name three densely populated countries (over 300 per km2)(1 mark)
(ii)Name three sparsely populated countries (below 10 per km2)(1 mark)
(iii)Explain why one of your named countries is sparsely populated.(2 marks)
Named country:______.
- Study the Demographic Transition Model (DTM) below.
(a)The DTM (above) shows the different stages of development a country may go through. Describe the changes that take place from Stage 1 through to Stage 5. Refer to the following terms in your answer: birth rate (BR), death rate (DR), natural increase or decrease, total population.
(5 marks)
(b)Look at the population structure shapes below. State which stage of the DTM each one shows and give an example of a country each stage.
/ (i) DTM / development stage: ______Example country:
/ (ii) DTM / development stage:______
Example country:
/ (iii) DTM / development stage: ______
Example country:
(3 x 1 mark)
(a)Study the population pyramid below
(i)Shade in each of the following groups in a different colour. Label each one.(2 marks)
Young dependentsEconomically activeElderly dependents
(ii)What is the main link between dependent groups and the economically active group?(1 mark)
(b)Study the population pyramid below.
(i)Describe the population structure shown above, using data from it in your answer. (3 marks)
(ii)What stage of development do you think it shows? Give reasons for your choice.(2 marks)
(i)Use the data in the table to draw a line graph showing world population growth. (3 marks)
Year / World population in billions /1820 / 1
1925 / 2
1960 / 3
1975 / 4
1987 / 5
1999 / 6
2010 / 7
2030 / 8
2055 / 9
(ii)Describe and explain the pattern or trend shown by your graph. Include information about the amount and speed of growth in your answer.(3 marks)
(b)Answer true or false:(2 marks)
The world population in 2040 is likely to be over 9 billion ______
Population growth today is fastest in richer countries (MDCs)______
Almost half the world’s people today are under 30 years of age______
Fertility rate is another term for population growth______
(a)Using named examples, give one reason why migration within Europe has taken place:
(i)For hundreds of years: ______
(ii)During the past 50 years: ______
(2 x 2 marks)
(b)Describe and explain one result of:
(i)A high net migration rate
(ii)A negative net migration rate
(2 x 2 marks)
(Section A total = 40 marks)
Section B: Population case studies
The Netherlands
(a)What percentage of the population of the Netherlands live in urban areas?
(b)What is the average population density in the Netherlands?
(i)Name two densely populated areas:
(ii)Name two sparsely populated areas:
(4 x 1 mark)
(a)Study the graph below, which shows population growth rate in the Netherlands
Describe the general pattern of growth rate from:
(i)1900-1960: ______
(ii)1970-2010: ______
(2 x 2 marks)
(b)Give two reasons for the differences between (a)(i)and (a) (ii).
(2 x 1 mark)
(a)Study the two population pyramids for the Netherlands below.
2013 / 2050 (projected)(i)Describe the population structure in 2013(2 marks)
(ii)Describe the projected population structure for 2050(2 marks)
(b)Describe and explain the main changes which are likely to take place to population structure between 2013 and 2050.(2 marks)
(c)In many countries, including the Netherlands, the proportion of the greying population is increasing. This age group has its own particular needs.
(i)List 4 of these needs:
(2 marks)
(ii)Choose one from (c)(i)and explain why.
(2 marks)
(a)Explain what is meant by over-population. Include the following in your answer:
population explosion, resources, quality of life.(2 marks)
(i)China is the world’s most populous country. What does this mean?
(ii)Approximately what percentage of the world’s population lives in China?
(2 x 1 mark)
(a)Study the graph showing China’s population total from 1950 to 2050 (projected).
Describe the pattern or trend in population growth shown by the graph (use data from the graph as part of your answer)(3 marks)
(b)In the 1970s, China decided that it needed to try to slow down its rapid population growth. Give three reasons why this was necessary.(3 marks)
(a)In 1979 China introduced a ‘One Child Policy’. Describe and explain two ways in which they tried to do this.(2 x 2 marks)
(b)The policy led to a gender imbalance in China, with a ratio of 118 boys to 100 girls. Explain why.
(2 marks)
- As a result of its efforts to slow down population growth, China’s population growth is changing.
(a)Describe how the structure is expected to change by 2050. (2 marks)
(b)Explain one problem this may create(2 marks)
Vulnerable populations
(a)In some places, the population is decreasing because of a range of problems. Complete the table below explaining each problem and giving a current or recent example.(6 marks)
Problem / Explanation / Example country/countriesConflict / War
Natural hazard
Diseases / Epidemics
(b)Explain each of the following:
Refugee: ______
Internally displaced person (IDP):______
(2 x 1 mark)
(a)Using an appropriate method, add this data to the map below showing the number of registered Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries by March 2013.(2 marks)
Lebanon 332,000; Jordan 324,000; Turkey 185,205; Iraq 106,000; Egypt 21,000; North Africa 8,000
(b)Describe two problems these countries receiving Syrian refugees have to deal with.
(2 x 2 marks)
- Imagine that you work for an aid agency running one of the refugee camps looking after Syrian refugees. You are in desperate need of more money to cope with the numbers arriving. Write a short report or appeal explaining why this is needed and why people should give their support.(6 marks)
(Section B total = 60 marks)
Section A = 40 marks
Section B = 60 marks
Total = 100 marks
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