SMG 29/02/12

Paper 3


The University of Edinburgh

Space Management Group [SMG]

29 February 2012

Shared Academic Timetabling Project – Update

Brief description of the paper

A status update on the Shared Academic Timetabling project and details of implementation plans

Action requested

For information

Resource implications

Does the paper have resource implications? No

Risk Assessment

Does the paper include a risk analysis? No

Equality and Diversity

Does the paper have equality and diversity implications? No

Freedom of information

Can this paper be included in open business? Yes

Any other relevant information None

Originator of the paper

D. Laurenson, Academic Timetabling Champion

17th February, 2012

Shared Academic Timetabling Project – Update

Status update

·  In preparation for implementation, room data have been collected in cooperation with the schools to augment the room information currently held in EBIS.

·  School contacts have been identified, and detailed data for course teaching events, in addition to those listed in DRPS, has been collected. This detail is being uploaded to the new timetabling system

·  Details of interfaces required with external systems, e.g. the Student record system, Estates room data, Staff records and the College of MVM room booking and course systems, are being analysed.

·  The timetabling policy has been approved by the Curriculum & Student Progression Committee on November 24th.

·  The development environments have been set-up for Information Services, and for the Timetabling Unit. These are being used for development work, demonstrations and training.

·  The test environment has now been completed for User Acceptance Testing which begins on 20th February.

·  Issues relating to poor performance under Windows XP have been resolved

·  Users with computers below minimum specification are being followed up individually

·  The Web Room Booking element deployment has been delayed because of a technical issue – this has been resolved, but the testing of this has yet to be completed. The delay should not be long, and will have minimal impact.

·  Due to the Web Room Booking issue, the project status is currently Amber.

Future plans

·  User training is taking place in March/April. Users will be able to work with the room and class information that has previously been supplied to the project during this training.

·  The Enterprise system is planned to go live on 26th March, 2012 to deal with bookings for the academic year 2012/13, and the summer of 2012.

·  Web Room Booking will go live no later than four weeks after this date.

·  On 28th May, EBIS room booking will be switched off.

·  CMG has requested that the project undergo an Equality and Diversity audit

·  The Extended Implementation phase will follow on immediately from the Minimum Change phase, and will aim to provide personalised timetables for students, improved course planning tools, a replacement for Timetable with more complete information, integration with other systems (e.g. systems used in Accommodation and MVM) and reporting tools for gathering management information.

D. Laurenson, Academic Timetabling Champion

17th February, 2012

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