August 20, 2015

During the Regular Session of the Board held at the District Office the Board:

  1. Called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the following board members present: Laura Wipper, Tod Nau, Tass Morrison, Evan Smith, David Kinney, and Mike Wagner; Garret Trott was absent with notice;
  1. Listened to public participation from (1) Jim Kingsbury regarding the improvements made to Main Street in Sublimity just east of the elementary school and (2) from Sella Bemrose regarding the willingness of the District to allow classified employees to meet on August 31st to seek ratification of the salary/benefit package increases for 2015-16;
  1. Heard presentations on the 2015-16 goals for the Business Department by Jane Nofziger and for the Food Service Department by Toni Silbernagel;
  1. Received a verbal update from the Superintendent, Andy Gardner regarding the district business and summer projects;
  1. Received written reports on finances and curriculum from Jane Nofziger and David Bolin;
  1. Recognized that Jim Kingsbury, the Board Liaison from Sublimity School was in attendance and his prior report from Sublimity City Council;
  1. Recieved a presentation on the changes to the After School Program and the roles that the District and YMCA will have for the 2015-16 School Year;
  1. Approved the minutes from the July 16, 2015-Executive/Regular Sessions and the approval of new hires- Ben Haskell, Tegan Johnson, Amy Donaldson, Mika Hippen, Beth Schrieber-Duncan, Elisabeth Brown, Katrina Womack, and Sonya Lyon; the approval of the transfer of Katrina Hunsaker to SMS; and the acceptance of the resignation of Jennifer McGinley;
  1. Reviewed the current Board Protocol with the consensus that no changes would be needed for the upcoming school year;
  1. Adopted schools for 2015-16 with each member planning to connect with principals and help to present awards as requested and attend school wide events at their “adopted school” whenever possible;
  1. Reviewed revisions to policies on Nondiscrimination, Personnel Definitions, Classified Instructional Assistant Positions, Prohibited Use and Possession of Tobacco and Drugs, Federal and State Family Leave, Inter-District Transfers, and Compulsory Attendance;
  1. Approved the 2015-16 Superintendent Evaluation Document and Form;
  1. Received a list of upcoming board events and activities, projected enrollment and future agenda items;
  1. Received a report on the OSBA Summer Conference from Tass Morrison; and
  1. Adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:50 pm.

The next meeting of the Board will be held at Sublimity Elementary School on September 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the library.