A Plate Tectonics Project
Plate Tectonics
Pick your Points Project
Directions: Choose at least 50 points of work to complete this assignment. All work turned in is expected to be final product quality.
5 point Activities- Show movie clips that relate to plate movement and plate tectonics. Explain why the action or statements made in the clip are accurate or not.
- Read articles from the newspaper or internet about seismic activity. Retain copy of article and attach a typed paragraph that describes the boundary type and answers the 5W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why).
- Complete teacher given worksheets.
10 point Activities
- Create a crossword puzzle using plate tectonic vocabulary. The puzzle must be at least 10 down and 10 across.
- Write a poem or song about various plate tectonic activities
- Create a mural or collage of plate tectonic topics. Make sure to include a paragraph explanation.
- Draw a cartoon to explain the theory of plate tectonics. Must include at least 4 frames and be in color.
- Create a 3D model of a plate boundary. Include a paragraph explanation.
20 point Activities
- Research a scientist who contributed to the plate tectonic theory. Write a story about him/her on the day he/she announced his/her discovery or day in his/her life on the job.
- Research a major earthquake or volcanic eruption and write a diary entry as if you were there. Make sure to include the location, event type, destruction – environmental and human impact, and how you’re being affected.
40 point Activities
- Create a game that covers plate tectonic topics. The game must include at least 30 questions (with answers somehow noted), a constructed game board, any game pieces required to play, and game instructions.
- Create a children’s book about plate tectonics. Book must have a sufficient storyline, illustrations, and a cover (with title and illustration). Make sure to be creative and to include accurate information.