Subject: Request to Attend Virtual Reality Developers ConferenceFall 2017
Dear [decisionmakername],
I’m writing to request your approval for my attendance toVirtual Reality Developers Conference Fall 2017(VRDC Fall 2017) taking placeSeptember 21-22, 2017 in San Francisco, CA.
VRDCFall 2017 brings together creators of virtual, augmented, and mixed realityexperiences to share best practices and demo new technology. Produced by the organizers of the Game Developers Conference (GDC), VRDC Fall 2017expands beyond games to coverVR for entertainment, brand experience and innovative use cases of all kinds.
I will have the opportunity to learn from the best in class ofVR/AR and mixed realitydevelopers, joining designers, programmers, business professionals, producers, artists, and audio creators involved in shaping this growing industry.
With your approval to attend, I will be able to:
Expand my knowledge – This market defining conference features 60sessions across targeted tracks on a comprehensive selection of use cases and development of virtual, augmented, and mixed realitytechnology taught by industry leading experts.[Select something from
Learn new skills –VRDC Fall 2017featuresa variety of focused sessions to choose from taking place over two full daysproviding training and key takeaways on each topic.[Highlight a track you may also wish to reference why you seek that particular instructor]
Meet VRprofessionals – VRDC Fall 2017 attracts leading visionaries and thought leaders behind amazing, immersive experiences of all kinds. This is the premier event where the VR community exchanges ideas to shape the future of the industry.[Select something from
The approximate costs for my attendance:
Transportation (round trip from airport to hotel)$XXX
Hotel (at $XXX per night)$XXX
Meals (2 days at $XX per diem)$XXX
VRDC Fall 2017 Pass$enter current pass rate
Total cost to attend:$XXXX
I will submit a summary of my learning and opportunities when I return, and circulate an action plan of recommendations for consideration and discussion. I will also provide a review of the event to inform your decision on any future attendance by colleagues.
Thank you for your consideration. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you would like to discuss or need additional clarification. I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
[requester name],