Primary SEAL

Good to be Me

Speaking and Listening Links Booklet

Speaking and Listening Objectives

Covered by the

SEAL Curriculum Resource


Good to be Me

Year Group / Speaking and Listening Objective / SEAL Theme / Learning Opportunity
Year 1 / Speaking
Tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience, in an audible voice / Good To Be Me / Our Gifts and Talents (p5)
Year 1 / Speaking
Retell stories, ordering events using story language / Good To Be Me / Our Gifts and Talents (p5)
Proud (p6)
Anxiety and Worrying (p6 & 7)
RE exemplar lesson plan – Lesson 3 Part 1 (p29)
Year 1 / Listening & responding
Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification if necessary / Good To Be Me / Proud (p6)
Year 1 / Group discussion and interaction
Take turns to speak, listen to others’ suggestions and talk about what they are going to do / Good To Be Me / Circle time rounds (6)
Our Gifts and Talents - Challenge (p5 & 9)
Anxiety and Worrying – paired activity (p6)
Geography exemplar lesson (p27)
Year 1 / Group discussion and interaction
Ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turns / Good To Be Me / Proud (p6)
Questions for Reflection and Enquiry (p8)
Year 1 / Group discussion and interaction
Explain their views to others in a small group’ decide how to report the group’s views to the class / Good To Be Me / Our Gifts and Talents (p5)
Year 1 / Drama
Explore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role-play / New Beginnings / Calming Down – group role play activity (p11)
History Exemplar Lesson 2 part 3 & 4 (p41/42)
Good To Be Me / Anxiety and Worrying (p6)
Year 1 / Drama
Act out their own and well-known stories, using voices for characters / Good To Be Me / Our Gifts and Talents (p5) act out the story of Mouse indicating her feelings at the beginning and the end.
Proud (p6)
Year 2 / Speaking
Tell real and imagined stories using the conventions of familiar story language / Good To Be Me / Feeling Good About Myself (p14)
RE exemplar lesson plan – Lesson 3 Part 1 (p29)
Year 2 / Group discussion and interaction
Ensure that everyone contributes, allocate tasks, consider alternatives
and reach agreement / Good To Be Me / Relaxed – Sserts Challenge (p14, 15 & 24)
Sam’s Thinking Brain Challenge (p25)
Year 3 / Speaking
Choose and prepare poems or stories for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices and other sounds. / Good To Be Me / Being Assertive (p8 & 9)
Worried and Anxious (p10)
Year 3 / Speaking
Sustain conversation, explaining or giving reasons for their views or choices / Good To Be Me / Worried and Anxious (p10)
Year 3 / Speaking
Develop and use specific vocabulary in different contexts. / Good To Be Me / Surprised (p7)
Being Assertive (p8)
Year 3 / Listening and Responding
Follow up others’ points and show whether they agree or disagree in a whole-class discussion / New Beginnings / The Class Charter (p8)
Exploring Feelings (p10)
Good To Be Me / Being Assertive (group debate) (p9)
Year 3 / Group discussion and interaction
Use talk to organise roles and action / Good To Be Me / Surprise Challenge (p12)
Year 3 / Group discussion and interaction
Actively include and respond to all members of the group / Good To Be Me / Surprised (p7 & 8) – The Surprise Challenge (p 13)
Being Assertive (p9)
History exemplar lesson (p37)
Year 3 / Drama
Present events and characters through dialogue to engage the interest of an audience / Good To Be Me / Being Assertive (p8)
Year 3 / Drama
Use some drama strategies to explore stories or issues / Good To Be Me / Being Assertive (p8)
Year 4 / Speaking
Respond appropriately to the contributions of others in the light of alternative viewpoints / Good To Be Me / Hopeful and Disappointed (p22 & 23)
Year 4 / Speaking
Tell stories effectively and convey detailed information coherently for listeners / Good To Be Me / Feeling Good About Myself (p22)
Use and reflect on some ground rules for sustaining talk and interactions / Good To Be Me / Circle Time Rounds
Year 4 / Listening and Responding
Listen to a speaker, make notes on the talk and use the notes to develop a role-play / Good To Be Me / Feeling Good About Myself (p22) children could prepare to interview an adult from the school takes notes.
Year 4 / Group discussion and interaction
Take different roles in groups and use the language appropriate to them, including
roles of leader, reporter, scribe and mentor / Good To Be Me / Hopeful and Disappointed – Hopeful and Hopeless
Year 4 / Group discussion and interaction
Use time, resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking progress, making backup plans / Good To Be Me / Hopeful and Disappointed – Hopeful and Hopeless Challenge (p23 & 30)
Year 4 / Drama
Create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints / Good To Be Me / Hiding Feelings (p23)
Being Assertive (p24)
Fight or Flight (p25)
Year 4 / Drama
Develop scripts based on improvisation
e.g. filling out brief notes, expanding on key words as the basis for script writing. / Good To Be Me / Hiding Feelings (p23) Children could develop short scripts)
Year 5 / Listening and Responding
Identify different question types and evaluate impact on audience / Good To Be Me / Feeling Good About Myself (p5)
Year 5 / Group discussion and interaction
Understand different ways to take the lead and support others in groups / Good To Be Me / Proud and Boastful – Yes But Challenge (p6, 7 & 13)
Making Choices (p8)
Agreeing and Disagreeing (p9)
Year 5 / Group discussion and interaction
Understand the process of decision making / Good To Be Me / Proud and Boastful – Yes But Challenge (p6, 7 & 13)
Making Choices (p8)
Agreeing and Disagreeing (p9)
Understanding My feelings (p11)
Year 5 / Drama
Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues / Good To Be Me / Proud and Boastful (p6)
Literacy Exemplar Lesson (p34)
Year 6 / Speaking
Use a range of oral techniques to present persuasive argument / Good To Be Me / Standing up For What I Think – Peer Pressure/ Recognising Peer Pressure (p17)
Year 6 / Speaking
Participate in whole-class debate using the conventions and language of debate, including standard English / Good To Be Me / Anxious & Worried (p17)
Standing up For What I Think – Peer Pressure/ Recognising Peer Pressure (p17)
Year 6 / Listening and Responding
Make notes when listening for a sustained period and discuss how note taking varies depending on context and purpose / Good To Be Me / Feeling Good About Myself (p15) children take notes of how Mouse is feeling at different points in the story as the assembly story is re-read.
History exemplar lesson (p37)
Year 6 / Group discussion and interaction
Consider examples of conflict and resolution, exploring language used
e.g. identifying ways of coping with disagreement so that the discussion proceeds. / Good To Be Me / Anxious and Worried – Old Wormwart’s Challenge (p16 & 26)
Standing up For What I Think – Peer Pressure/ Recognising Peer Pressure (p17) Resisting Peer Pressure (p18/19)
Year 6 / Drama
Improvise using a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore
themes such as hopes, fears, desires
e.g. drawing on shared text to explore emotional tension at key moments in a story. / Good To Be Me / Understanding My Feelings (p21 & 22)
Literacy exemplar lesson (p34)