Class: Creative Writing

Instructor: Chris Kebschull

Course syllabus

1. Essays (persuasive and expository)

2. Written and oral book report (autobiography or biography), with citation

3. Copy and keep up with all notes and handouts

4. Written and oral argument with a partner (your final exam)

5. Various “creative”/thinking writing assignments

6. Daily journal

7. Various grammar units

8. Vocabulary

9. Peer editing

10. Business letter (letter to college requesting information)

11. Quote of the Day (QOD)

12. Propaganda and rhetoric

13 Fables

14. Read A Lesson before Dying

15. Biography of another student, with citation (your final exam)

*Make-up policy: All students with absences will be allowed to make up all work. However, work turned in with unexcused absences will be considered “late”. All “late” grades are a maximum of 70. All make-up tests and quizzes will be taken either during homeroom, during my planning period, during my lunch period, or immediately after school. No tests or quizzes will be made up during class time. For every Excused absence, you have five days to make up any missed work. After five days, the grade(s) will be considered late. For an Unexcused absence, or if you just didn’t do the work, you have one day to make it up for a maximum grade of 70. After that, the work will not be accepted. Find a partner you can go to and find out what work you missed while you were absent. School Board Policy states students with Unexcused Absences are to receive a 0on missed assignments.

*You may make up TWO (2) quizzes per nine weeks for a higher grade. You are responsible for this. After two “make-up's”, you will start receiving the average of failed and "made-up" quiz grades.

For every vocabulary quiz, you receive two grades: a quiz and a homework. If you pass the quiz, your homework grade is automatically a 100. If you fail the quiz, you must rewrite the quiz, correct the mistakes, and then the homework grade becomes a 100. At that point, you may retake the failed quiz and take the higher grade.

*If you are in class and do not turn work in on time, I will count that work “late”, unless you have made prior arrangements for turning the work in late. This includes homework and class work. Work counted “late” will receive a maximum grade of 70.

*If you have a situation that will prevent you from completing all these requirements, you need to come and see me before it becomes a problem. There is NO problem I can't work with if you come and talk to me about it. If I don't know about it, there is nothing I can do.

Each assignment you do is not finished until you have completed a quality product.

*You will be required to keep a notebook for this class for a grade. You will be required to take notes, keep all graded assignments, and manage your own work. Also, I will issue you a progress report about every two weeks. If you think I have made a mistake in recording a grade, it is your responsibility to prove it by showing me the correctly graded assignment, at which point I will gladly correct my mistake.

Notebook sections: Vocabulary, Journal/QOD, Essays, Fables, WC Notes, and Graded Work

*Work turned in for a grade will only be accepted on loose-leaf paper and written in ink pen (blue or black).

*School and board of education rules will be enforced.

Your grade is averaged from seven school-mandated categories:

  1. Homework=5%
  2. Quiz=10%
  3. Test=25%
  4. Projects=15%
  5. Class Work=15%
  6. Participation=5%
  7. Nine Week Exam=25%

You don’t get 100% of what you do ask for, but you do get 100% of what you don’t ask for.

Home Phone Number: 569-1266


Website: arts...creative...writing E

I give this information to you to use. If you need to contact me outside of school, do so. Parents/guardians, please sign this syllabus, indicating you have read and understand it. I will try to contact all students’ parents, but you should rely on the progress reports, which will be sent home about every two weeks, to keep up with your child’s grades. Please contact me with any questions.

Return this signed syllabus with your child, who will be responsible for keeping up with it.

Student ______

Parent ______

Date ______